Mid-state, border.

Somewhere in the sea.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth boiled, and above the sea, the mist rose.

Look far away. It’s like a wonderland.

And at the moment.

Above the originally calm sea, there were waves one after another, and thousands of water columns rose into the sky.

It’s like thousands of dragons flying above the universe!



There is only a deserted island in the center of the sea.

Gold is surging.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find. That entire desert island was actually split in two!!

There is a figure in a green shirt.

The void sits cross-legged, and countless auras on the entire desert island. All converge towards his body!

It was Leon.

As Li Ang continued to absorb the earth aura on this desert island. The breath in his body also began to climb!!

Even his physical body, at this moment, is tempered with those earth aura.

They all become like glazed jade, blessed by thousands of brilliance, like the body of a god.

Around Li Ang’s body, a purple-gold pattern. Lingering around it, faintly, you can even hear a sound of thunder!


As Li Ang’s physical aura continued to become stronger.

The original purple-gold pattern changed abruptly. Then, it turned out to be two!!

Immortal body two turns!

‘Not enough! ’

Li Ang and the void, frowning slightly!

It’s been another two days!

Two days later, early in the morning.

Li Ang, who had originally closed his eyes, finally opened his eyes suddenly!


Ultimately, above its body.

The third line is finally revealed!


And the skyrocketing power in Li Ang’s body!

This is the moment.

Li Ang stood quietly above the void and lightly clenched his fist!

‘Dayuan God Realm. ’

‘Three turns of the fairy body. ’

‘Finally done. ’

In the tone.

There is also a touch of satisfaction!

This time, he not only successfully broke through to the Great Yuan God Realm.

And also will be immortals. Comprehended the third turn!

‘This essence of the earth is indeed a wonder of heaven and earth. ’

‘If there is no such opportunity, it will take at least half a year for me to break through the Great Yuan God Realm…’

Just as Leon was thinking.

The whole island.

It seemed that he couldn’t set off the might of his physical body, and after a few violent trembling. It turned out to be a rapid descent into the bottom of the sea!

In an instant, sand and stones flew!



Now it has successfully broken through and achieved its purpose. Li Ang did not hesitate.

In the distance, Big Yellow also flapped its golden wings and came to Li Ang.

Li Ang jumped directly and stepped on the undead bird.

Heading towards the main city of Zhongzhou!

‘The other Tianjiao of the Great Desolate Regions. ’

‘Lee is here! ’



Main city.

The attic is lined with flowers.

Zhongzhou is the core of the entire Tianxuan Continent and is different from other wastelands. There are no dynasties in Zhongzhou, there are only thousands of races, and one city after another.

The main city is the core of Zhongzhou.

The head of the ten holy clans, the Night Clan, occupies this place.

And this time the Heavenly God Assembly is also the patriarch of the Night Clan today. The first strong man of the Xuantian Continent “Night to Sky” initiated.

Ye Liantian and Tianxuan Continent are invincible, known as “Ye Tianjun”.

Also known as “Tianxuan Master”. ”

He is the Lord of the Xuan Continent today and the only True Emperor strong man in the Tianxuan Continent.

And the Night Clan’s Holy Clan, a thousand years of time, and three great powers have successively soared to the Tai Void Immortal Realm.

Become an immortal legend.

In the evening.

The city lord’s mansion, which covers an area of more than ten miles, is brightly lit.

Countless young women gathered here. Long robe green shirt, golden feather crown.

One figure after another, the temperament is different, but the posture is like a heavenly person.

It is the Holy Son and the Holy Son of the four wastelands of the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

To be able to come here.

The worst, even if it is an elder of the Holy Land!

There is still about a week before the Tenjin Assembly is fully opened.

And the Tianjiao of the four wastelands temporarily rested in the city lord’s mansion and prepared for the opening of the Heavenly God Conference.


In the center of the city’s main mansion, a huge stone platform as spacious as a square rises. At the moment, the Tianjiao of the major holy places are gathered around the stone platform.

Extraordinary temperament.

The atmosphere is fiery.

After all, the holy son of God in several wastelands. Gather together.

Such a scene is extremely rare.


According to the custom of previous years, before the opening of the Celestial God Assembly, in the city lord’s mansion. One after another, there will also be some competitions, and exchanges between the major holy places.

If it is in the feast of this arrogant night, it is powerful to suppress the heroes. All of them are famous for the four wastelands.

Even occasionally people from the Ancient Saint Clan would come over to watch the battle.

Counts as a warm-up before the start of the Tenjin Assembly.


Heavenly night banquet

Between the other major wastelands, the lights are bright. The atmosphere was hot, and even some of the Tianjiao holy sons who couldn’t help it had already begun to discuss. Communicate with each other.

Only on this side of the Eastern Wilderness seems to be abandoned.

The god son Tianjiao of the other great wastelands completely ignored this side.

To this.

Many people in the East Wilderness have long been accustomed to it.

At present, there are only eight holy places in the Eastern Wilderness, and before because Li Ang killed the holy abyss and all the holy sons of the Holy Dragon Holy Land, this time the Eastern Wilderness actually arrived, but there were only seven holy places.

On the other hand, the most powerful southern wilderness in several great wastelands directly owns the twenty holy lands.

Proud of the world!

“Why hasn’t Li Ang Miko come yet?”

The area where the people of the Eastern Wilderness and Xuantian Holy Land are located. Several holy sons were also extremely puzzled.

“It’s been a week since we came to the main city, and Li Ang Shenzi still hasn’t heard from him at all.”

“Assembly of the Gods… But it’s about to open…”

Even Li Chanxuan’s expression was slightly embarrassed.


Just as everyone in the Xuantian Holy Land was talking.

From that distance, a voice.

At this moment, it also came indifferently.

“Who is… Li Xianren? ”

“Who is Li Xianren who stepped on my Northern Wilderness and killed my royal family before?”

“When you see Benzhen-kun, don’t you immediately come over and kneel down and beg for mercy?”

The voice fell.

This made the audience and instantly quiet.


In that northern wilderness area.

A man dressed in purple robes. Impressive.

Void step, standing directly on the stone platform.

Around its body, there is a faint rise of golden energy. It was like nine dragons, haunting around it.

It is like heaven and man stand in the world.

“It’s the Northern Desolate Heavenly Demon Holy Land God Son Demon Heavenly Thunder!”

“It’s also one of the top Tianjiao in the Northern Wilderness… It is said that three years ago, he stepped into the Taichu realm. ”

“There are people in the East Wilderness… Kill someone under the Heavenly Demon Holy Land? Hehe, it looks like the East Wilderness is going to be unlucky…”

“This Demon Heavenly Thunder is extremely killing, and it is in several other wastelands. I’ve heard of it…”

In the middle of the night banquet.

The people of the major wastelands are also talking out loud!

And everyone in the east is present.

It is also a change in each expression!

“This Demon Heavenly Thunder is also too arrogant!! Obviously don’t put me in the eyes!! ”

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