A year ago.

Li Ang first entered the Xuantian Holy Land and left the Holy Land for the first time.

It was to suppress the Northern Wilderness family that invaded the Eastern Wilderness, Li Ang and Su Xueran at that time, overnight.

Slaughter the three major royal families of the Eastern Wilderness.

Kill all enemies and collect the knife!

And those three royal families are the royal families under the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!!


Heavenly Demon Holy Land God Son Demon Heavenly Thunder.

Go straight to the stage.

Look at the ants like a truthful one, and scan the people in the wilderness!

“Since Li Xianren is not coming. You holy places will bear the consequences for him. ”

“True Monarch is angry, and blood flows like rivers!”

The sound of Demon Thunder fell.

On that day, the Holy Son, the elders, and the Demon Holy Land were also proud.

You know, this day of arrogant night banquet, but gathered all the holy places of the four wastelands.

Now his Heavenly Demon Holy Land is showing his power here.

It will surely shake the four wastelands!!

At this moment, the Divine Son of One of the Great Holy Places in the Eastern Wilderness ‘Ten Thousand Ancestors Holy Land’. Seeing that Demon Heavenly Thunder so arrogant, he couldn’t help but get up right now.


That Demon Heavenly Thunder is after all a generation of Primeval Realm True Monarchs.

At the moment, the god son also looked bad, and said in a deep voice: “Demon True Monarch, you and that Xuantian Holy Land.” It’s just a personal vendetta and a debt to the owner. If you want to kill, kill the people of Xuantian Holy Land. There is no need to involve our other holy places, right? ”


Demon Heavenly Thunder heard this. It is also a cold expression, like a sight ant.

“Benzhenjun acts, kill if he wants. Hahaha, you ant, get your turn to speak? ”

Finish talking.

It’s a kick out. There is no need for any method.

It is simply the coercion of the strong of the Taichu Realm itself. It turned out to be a direct step on the God Son of the Ten Thousand Ancestors Holy Land into a bloody meat sauce.

“His Highness the Son of God!!!”

Right now, countless people in the Ten Thousand Ancestors Holy Land are wailing one after another!!

It’s terrible!!

All the people in the East Wilderness were dumbfounded in an instant!

You know, the Son of God in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Ancestors. It is also the peak cultivation of the Xiaoyuan God Realm!

Didn’t think of it.

Just because of one more mouth!

It turned out to be like a chicken being caught. One foot to death!!

Not reasonable at all!!

Until this moment.

Only in the Eastern Wilderness can be regarded as understanding.

This Demon Heavenly Thunder really intends to take bloody revenge!!

“Too weak.”

Demon Sky Thunder was expressionless. He just shook his head lightly.

“The East is no more than a projectile land. How do you know that there is a great sect in my northern wilderness that runs through the world? Since Li Xianren does not come out, I will behead you to sacrifice my dead royal family. ”

With the Mo Tianlei’s tone indifferent.


The people of several holy places present in the East Wilderness had furious expressions!


Magic Thunder. It’s just hitting them in the face of all the holy places in the East Wilderness in front of everyone!!

How can one person kill everyone in the East Wilderness?

“Magic Thunder, you are so daring!! One person dares to challenge me in the Eastern Desolation Holy Land? Let me see your magic! ”


It is the son of God in the Great Holy Land of the Eastern Wilderness, “Qiankun Holy Land”.

The name is Qianyuan.

At this moment, Qian Yuan’s figure moved. A few steps to the stone platform!

I saw that Qianyuan stepped out one step and his finger volleyed a little.

A golden light shot out directly.

Swept towards the Demon Thunder.

“I said… You are too weak. ”

Demon Heavenly Thunder still shook his head. With a wave of sleeves.

“Qianyuan Miko, retreat quickly!!”

At this time, the snow fairy goddess on the side was dressed in white light. It was also hurriedly drunk.

Although Qiankun Holy Land was a lackey of the Holy Dragon Holy Land before.

Relations with the major holy places are not good.

It’s just that, after all, it is the same Eastern Desolate Sect. How can they be willing to see the fall?


Still a step late.

That Demon Heavenly Thunder waved his sleeve and turned into a black blade and shot out. Directly smash that Qianyuan’s golden mang, and make his whole person. Cut it up!


“This… What kind of magical power is this? ”


Qian Yuan’s body stiffened.

The tone trembles!!

Demon Tianlei’s tone was indifferent: “This move is my pure yuan mana, condensed into black sword qi.” ”

“That’s it, the gap between you and me is too big. You won’t understand it if you say it. ”

As the words of Demon Sky Thunder fell.

That Qianyuan God Son was directly cut in two. The man turned into two bloody strips of flesh and fell on the stone platform.

“You shouldn’t have challenged me.”

Demon Heavenly Thunder’s eyes were like ants, and he spoke indifferently!!

The whole audience exploded!!

Kill another Donghuang Miko!!

“This Demon Thunder… Actually killed on the spot?? ”

“Worthy of being a strong man in the Taichu Realm. That’s all. It is enough to let it cross the four wastelands!! ”

“This time… It’s completely planted.”

The scene, sighing!!

And the people of the East Wilderness. All sides are like ashes!!

Several Eastern Desolation Holy Lands Tianjiao and elders.


“I’m no one in the wilderness…”

“If the Holy Abyss God Son is here, he may be able to fight that Demon Heavenly Thunder! How could I suffer such a great humiliation? ”

“The Holy Abyss is only the Great Yuan God Realm. That Demon Heavenly Thunder is the Primeval True Monarch!! ”

Right at this moment.

Among the crowd in the Eastern Wilderness, a voice also came out slowly.

“Come in light clothes!”


The goddess of the Snow Immortal Holy Land is white and light, and she also stepped on the stone platform in a few steps, with a pretty face and ice!

“And us!”


Li Chanxuan and other people from the Xuantian Holy Land, as well as other Holy Lands in the Eastern Wilderness!

It’s all on stage!


Mo Tian Lei laughed.

“Haha, you ants, you dare to challenge Benzhenjun on the stage?”

Mo Tianlei finished speaking.

The figure moves, directly floating in the air.

Step by step, towards the people of the Eastern Wilderness.

With each step, there was a thunderous explosion, and at its feet, one golden lotus flower bloomed one after another.

“Back then, the Eastern Wilderness also had a strong person in the Emperor Realm sitting in the town. It’s really not as good as a year, and it has come to this day. Among the younger generation, there is not even a Dayuan God Realm! ”


Now. A beautiful woman elder in the Snow Immortal Holy Land also said coldly: “I have Li Immortals in the Eastern Wilderness, and the cultivation of the Little Yuan God Realm can behead the Great Yuan God.” If he is here today, how can I be like this? ”


Demon Tianlei’s expression changed slightly, and he immediately snorted coldly: “Little Yuan God Realm kills Big Yuan God Realm?” You old thing is full of nonsense! ”

Finish talking.

Demon Sky Thunder is a punch. Turn into a golden light and run through!

“Elder be careful.”

Bai lightly sighed, and her figure was like a fairy.

Around the delicate body, a cyan aura rose faintly.

A few steps out. Jade waved his hand in front of him. Reiki turned out to be like a wave. Turned into a ripple of space.

Directly resisted the punch of that Demon Heavenly Thunder!


Demon Heavenly Thunder was shocked when he saw this. Both eyes are a little red.

He roared: “Creation exercises?? ”

“Hahaha. Good stuff! ”

The next moment.

Magic Thunder jumped up directly, just about to make a move!

And the white light clothes are also light bites the thin lips.

‘My cultivation is too different from him. ’

Even if he has the blessing of the Creation Exercise, he is not his opponent. ’

‘Could it be…’ Am I going to die here today? ’


In the next moment!!

It was suddenly heard, the distant sky.

An indifferent voice came faintly.

“You… Looking for me? ”

As the sound falls.

The people in the East Wilderness are completely boiling!

“Lee… Li Xianren?? ”

“Li Xianren is back??”

Many sect elders.

In the melting mood!!

One by one, it turned out to be kneeling directly!!

“And ask the immortals to help!!”

“Strengthen me!!”

“Ask the immortals to help!!!”

One voice after another, hoarse!

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