“Li Xianren is here??”

This is the moment.

Hear that indifferent voice in the distance.

The entire Tianjiao night banquet, countless god sons, holy sons, and elders in the four wastelands.

They all hurriedly looked towards the sky.


On the edge of the sky, a big golden bird, all over the golden light. Soar in the sky, across the sky.

It’s fast. It’s like the speed of light.

Behind that big golden bird.

A young man dressed in a green shirt stands with his hands in his hands.

In the eyes, there is a hidden golden energy. Like a gilt shape, wisps of golden fairy energy hovered around the body. Like an immortal.

Exactly Leon!!

“It’s Li Xianren!!!”

“Li Xianren!! Save me in the East Wilderness!! ”

“Li Xianren!!”

Right now, in the Great Holy Land of the Eastern Wilderness, ‘Qiankun Holy Land’, countless elders saw Li Ang, who stepped on a bird in the distance and looked like an immortal.

It was like seeing a savior, and even his body was a little trembling!

Red circles under the eyes!!

Hoarse voice!

“Leon Miko is back!”

Li Chanxuan, Bai Qingyi and others. It’s also an extremely excited expression!!

See Leon return.


Countless people from the major holy places in the Eastern Wilderness knelt down one after another!

The voice trembled!

Weep blood wail!

“Li Xianren!! Avenge my Eastern Desolate Holy Land!!! ”

“That day the Demon Holy Land God Son Demon Heavenly Thunder, snap his fingers to kill my two holy land God Son in the Eastern Wilderness!!”

And the countless elders of that Qiankun Holy Land couldn’t help but look up to the sky and roar.

The tone is full of sorrow and indignation!

One sound after another, piercing the clouds!

It’s miserable.

It’s miserable.

That Demon Heavenly Thunder shot was simply a demon!


Just a kick. It is to directly step on the son of God in a holy place in the Eastern Wilderness into a meatloaf.

Another sword, slashing Qian Yuan, the son of God in the Holy Land of Qiankun!

Single-handedly, suppress the Eastern Wilderness!

They are in the wilderness!

First time I was humiliated by this!

Be treated like an ant!


Elders and sons of the major holy places.

Red circles!

Crying blood request!!

“And ask the immortals to help!”

“Make a name for me!!”

One voice after another, hoarse.

But it seems to be able to soar into the sky!

So that the voice, in the audience. It’s all constantly reverberating!


Seeing such a scene.

Li Ang’s gaze only turned to Demon Heavenly Thunder.

The wind is light and cloudy.

Indifferently spoke: “You are Demon Heavenly Thunder?” ”

“Since you’ve been looking for me before. Now here I am. ”

“Come and get on your knees. Lead to death! ”

On your knees!

Lead to death!

Li Ang’s words were indifferent, word by word, but like thunder.

Spread the word!

This makes everyone in the four wastelands, especially the great heavens in the Northern Wilderness.

They all laughed shamefully!

“Haha. He is a Yuan God Realm, and he dares to call the True Monarch of the Taichu Realm to receive death? ”

“Don’t be ashamed, is this the legendary Li Immortal?”

“The Eastern Wilderness does not lose the land of projectiles, such arrogant people. Dare to call it an immortal too? ”

Right in the middle of that crowd talking.

The Demon Thunder on the stage is also slowly standing in the void!

Grinning maniacally!

“Hahaha. What kind of bullshit are you Li Immortal? ”

“Dare to threaten me to die? Look at Benzhenjun’s interpretation of the law and destroy you with one sword! ”

Mo Tianlei finished speaking. As soon as he grabbed it in the air, a long black knife suddenly appeared.

I saw Demon Heavenly Thunder’s big hand slamming on the body of the sword. Turned into a jet black knife qi and shot straight out!

“Magic Thunder Knife!”

Just a shot, in front of it. The space suddenly changed, swirled and saw, and a black blade with thousands of feet instantly formed, spanning the void. Everywhere we pass, even the space is constantly distorted. Crack through a pitch-black gap!

“This is the power of the True Monarch…”

The strong of the Taichu realm. How glorious?

It is in the Tianxuan Continent, they are all people who step into the avenue.

Known as Zhenjun.

Looking at the entire Tianxuan Continent, how many people are there?

Every Taichu Realm powerhouse. It’s enough to shock the world.

At the moment, the Demon Heavenly Thunder slashed out, and it instantly shocked the whole audience, making the city lord’s mansion that was dozens of miles long. Countless Tianjiao quickly retreated, their faces full of jealousy.

I’m afraid I’ll be affected!

At the same time, countless strong people are also whispering. His face trembled.

“It seems that before the Demon Sky Thunder. Leave a hand..”

“This knife goes down… It is worthy of the prestige of a true monarch, enough to rank among the top of the four wastelands. Compete with the top Tianjiao of the Tianxuan Ten Thousand Clan…”

“Too strong… It’s so strong…”

The elders of the holy lands of the other great wastelands also sighed.

Demon Heavenly Thunder that sword.

It’s too powerful.

A knife is cut out, and everywhere it passes, it seems that there is life born in annihilation. Heaven and earth are pregnant with laws.

Even the void erupted into a low sonic boom.

It seems that it can’t set off the earth-shattering sword of Demon Heavenly Thunder.

‘Not good! ’

Seeing the magic sky thunder shot, the white light clothes in the distance changed their faces. Hurriedly shouted: “Li Ang God Son, retreat quickly!” ”

Leon stands in the void.

No sorrow or joy.

The expression is calm.


Right in everyone’s eyes, a big hand waved.


One palm, horizontal shot.

There are no martial arts.

There is no way.

It’s just a palm blast out with the might of the flesh!

“What is he doing?”

The people of countless holy places in the four wastelands all looked at this scene with some dumbfoundedness.

“He wouldn’t want to directly offset the sword of the True Monarch strong with one palm, right?”

“How is that possible? True Monarch strikes, and blood flows into rivers! ”

Just in the next second!

Next moment!

Something that makes everyone dumbfounded. It happened.

I saw that Li Ang’s palm shot out like a cannonball. Ten thousand rays of thunder burst out of the air.

So that within a hundred miles, all thunder and lightning roared.

The power of one hand.

Directly stab that Demon Heavenly Thunder. They were all shattered in an instant, as if a god from the universe stretched out the hand of the universe and was annihilating an ant in mortal dust!


One palm shot, the space exploded!

The magic sky thunder stabbed the sky and directly turned into powder.

Dissipated on the spot and reduced to nothingness!!

“I’m fucking !!!”

It is the Magic Thunder, this moment.

It’s all unbearable scalp numbness!

Jump in place!!

Beads of sweat on your forehead. Suddenly falling!



“My Magic Thunder Knife… Shocked?? ”

“This… How can it be? ”

“He is only a mortal body, how can he have such divine power?”


Demon Heaven Thunder’s pupils shrank sharply, and an inexplicable fear spread throughout his body.

‘Not good! ’

‘Fooled!! This person has unpredictable skills! ’

‘Escape!! ’

The Demon Heavenly Thunder roared wildly, bouncing up like a cannonball, and wanted to flee directly into the distance.

Twisted expressions!


Before he could escape.

Li Ang’s palm power was already shot through the air.


A monstrous palm, carrying the invincibility of ten thousand armies, directly bombarded the body of Demon Heavenly Thunder.

“No !!!”

Demon Heavenly Thunder hadn’t even reacted to what had happened.

His flesh was directly flattened!

That palm was so strong that his Yuan God was actually smashed by a palm.


The Demon Heavenly Thunder directly turned into a bloody meatloaf and fell to the ground.

A generation of true monarchs and strong. Angry on the spot!

“Ant-like. Dare to stand in front of Li too? It seems that these four wastelands still don’t know much about Li’s methods…”

Li Ang’s leisurely voice finally came faintly.

There was a dead silence!

Only the sound of shortness of breath continued to spread.

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