Magic Thunder.

was directly slapped by Li Ang and slapped into a bloody meatloaf!

Angry on the spot!

And Leon. The wind is light and cloudy.

Flick your sleeves from beginning to end.

Li Ang’s expression has not changed much.

It’s as if you are shooting an ant to death.

This is the moment!

The people of the major holy places in the audience were like stakes. One by one, their eyes widened.


It was so shocking that many people stupidly looked at the magic sky thunder that was directly slapped into meat cake by Li Ang, and did not react for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took.

Several holy sons of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land were able to be screened.

One by one. Terrified!

The body is a little trembling!

“Heavenly Thunder God Son…. He’s dead?? ”

“By Leon… Slapped to death?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”

Countless holy sons and elders of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!


This scene completely exceeded everyone’s imagination, making some people from the Holy Land of several other wastelands. The mocking expression instantly froze and looked a little funny.

What kind of existence does the true monarch and the strong?

It’s in a great wasteland. It’s all the most core force!!

A big sect. If there is a strong person in the Taichu realm.

That is a great sect that is comparable to the Holy Land!

“This Leon… It’s just a palm… He actually directly bombarded a Taichu Realm True Monarch? ”

“My good girl, I’m not dreaming, am I?”

“That’s a true monarch and strong!”

Several other wastelands, a group of strong people. I couldn’t help but speak.

One palm!

Kill Zhenjun!!

Only at this moment, the people of the major wasteland holy places in the audience can be regarded as completely reacting!

The major holy places were in an uproar.

Look at each other!

Especially the holy places in the Northern Wilderness where Demon Heavenly Thunder is located, their expressions are as embarrassed as a stewed eggplant.

Originally, they were proud of the Northern Desolate Holy Land. Loftily!

I thought that the powerful means of Demon Heavenly Thunder could let several other wastelands see him in the Northern Wilderness.


Even in the Northern Wilderness, it can be called an invincible Demon Heavenly Thunder.

Was he slapped to death directly by Li Ang in the East Wilderness?


This is so funny!!

“Heavenly Thunder True Monarch is in the Northern Wilderness. I’m afraid that only the top generation of Tianjiao such as the Immortal Dance Goddess and Yinkai Goddess can compare, right? ”

“This kid… What method was used? ”


Countless people in the northern wilderness had embarrassed expressions.

Especially the Heavenly Demon Holy Land where Li Ang killed the Son of God, at this moment, several elders were also instantly furious!

“Li Immortal, Tianjiao night banquet. Until the point is reached, you kill my Heavenly Demon Holy Land God Son. Is it when I am deserted in the North? ”

Li Ang’s expression frowned. There seems to be displeasure.

“Li wants to kill if he wants, it’s your turn to make noise here? Do I have to ask you first? ”

Leon finished speaking.

With a pat on the waist, a golden sword qi. Flew out directly, chasing and flying towards the crowd of holy sons and elders in the Demon Holy Land that day.

Kill if you say kill!

Too fast.

The people of the major wastelands obviously did not know Li Ang’s heart. Originally, everyone thought that after Li Ang killed that Demon Heavenly Thunder, he would stop.

Didn’t think of it.

The golden sword light shot out and turned into a golden arc of light. Rush into the pack.


Moment. Draw a straight line of blood!

I saw that the blood line continued to lengthen,



In the end, countless holy sons and elders in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

The pupils shrink!

The body stiffened.

Immediately. One by one, human heads instantly fall off their bodies.






In the blink of an eye, Li Ang shot and killed the God Son and the Holy Son of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, totaling more than 300 people.

This time, everyone in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land who came to participate in the Tianjiao Night Banquet did not leave a living mouth!

Only blood, staining the whole area red!!


“Kill them all??”

“So ruthless!!”

The scene is too fast!!

Didn’t think of it. In the blink of an eye, Li Ang struck again, directly killing countless people in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

The whole scene. Stunned.

Only the people in the northern wilderness are like dead ashes!

“This Li Immortal… Today it seems that there will be a big killing. ”

“In the name of killing the Eastern Wilderness…”

At this time.

The major holy places in the Northern Wilderness have also completely exploded.


There is a figure in a white shirt. Stepping into the air, he flew out of the crowd and flew under the stone platform where Leon was.

“Northern Wilderness. Ten Thousand Lives Holy Land God Son, Zhao Yinkai! I came to learn Li Xianren’s high moves! ”

Li Ang’s expression was calm and faint: “Oh? Do you want to come and receive death too? ”

Just as Li Ang’s voice fell.

From that distance, among the crowd of holy places in the northern wilderness.

There was another red-clothed shadow, turning into a stream of light. Fly directly!

The woman was enchanting and red-dressed. Around the delicate body, there are hidden spiritual energy fluctuations.

“Little sister come too! Heavenly Fire Holy Land Goddess, Lin Xian Dance! ”

Another one.

“Devil Holy Land God Son, Qingzhan Mountain!”

“Jinmu Holy Land God Son, Jinhai!”

Almost in the blink of an eye.

There are four figures. Straight out of the crowd, shooting.

One figure after another, like a celestial man.

Among them, the demon holy land god son Qing Zhan Mountain, his eyes were faintly blue and flickering, and his temperament was majestic. Beside him, Jin Hai turned out to be a golden robe with a bald head. It seems to specialize in Buddhism, and there are Buddha beads on his chest flashing with a faint golden light.

The top Tianjiao of the four northern wilderness has appeared!

All of them are Taichu Realm True Monarchs!

“That Demon Heavenly Thunder used to be the top Tianjiao of the Northern Wilderness, but. Can only be ranked fifth. ”

“After these four…”

“These four top Tianjiao are finally about to make a move… Otherwise, the northern wilderness this time. Face can be lost! ”


Just opposite the lord’s mansion, in a lofty attic.

There is a row of seats.

Now. A silhouette sits quietly on the seat. Beside him, there were several accompanying elders.

The woman has a purple long skirt, stunning face, and dusty temperament. Around the coquettish body, there is a hidden fire rising. It was as if a phoenix was flying beside it.

Especially in those beautiful eyes, looking at the four great wastelands below, a group of gods and sons Tianjiao. The expression is full of contempt, like looking at the ants, such a stunning temperament, is the other desolate region god son, holy son.

In front of it, it is not worth mentioning.

Beside the woman, there was the lord of the main city of Zhongzhou, all with humble expressions and slightly bowed their heads.

Don’t dare to look directly.

It was as if the gods could not face it.

It can be seen that the woman’s status is high.


Woman in purple dress.

Beautiful eyes, through the attic window. Looking at Li Ang below, he said with a faint smile: “This year’s Tianjiao night banquet is a little interesting.” ”

“I don’t know how many years this is in the wilderness. Haven’t you ever walked out of such a heavenly arrogance? ”

Heard the words of the woman in the purple dress.

Wang Yan, the city lord on the side, also nodded hurriedly. He smiled and said, “It is his honor to wait for the praise of the royal daughter.” ”

The purple woman smiled.

A wave of the jade hand, a piece of jade. It was directly in the hands of the city lord Wang Yan.

“This year’s Tianjiao Night Banquet. Whoever wins the title will be given to him. ”

“This jade pei is my personal object. In the future, into the interracial rift. With this jade pei, I can shelter him once. ”

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