But said the city lord’s mansion.

It is on a stone platform as wide as a square. Leon stood indifferently.

The wind is light and cloudy.

Since breaking through to the Great Yuan God Realm, he has relied on his own immortal body three revolutions. Li Ang has long stopped taking the four wasteland Tianjiao present in his eyes, if anyone dares to challenge him, he will shoot and kill!

This time.

Li Ang is going to stand up to the world!

Sweep the four wasteland Tianjiao!

Let the world know the power of Li Xianren!


The atmosphere is tense and the atmosphere is hot.

Around the stone platform, more and more people also gathered.

Bring the atmosphere of this Tianjiao night banquet to the highest point!

After all, for so many years. The night banquet of the sky is all about the major wastelands to discuss with each other. Although the winner overwhelmed the crowd, he became the first of the four wasteland heavenly arrogance, and his reputation shocked the world.


Gather crowds to kill people like Leon. Or for the first time!


“I am the Lord of the Main City, Wang Yan.”

Right at this moment.

From the attic, a middle-aged man’s voice. At this moment, it also came out suddenly.

The voice was indifferent, flickering away and approaching.

It seems to have endless majesty. As soon as it came out, it actually made the audience dead silent!!

‘Saint Realm powerhouse!! ’

When Li Ang heard that voice, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

Such a powerful aura.

He had only felt it in that Xuantian Holy Lord!

‘No loss is Zhongzhou. ’

‘It is a city lord who has entered the holy realm. ’

Leon thought to himself.

At this time.

“Her Royal Highness the royal daughter of the Night Clan’s Holy Clan. It is also the existence of the first day of the Xuan Continent today, ready to step into the Immortal Gate, the Queen Daughter of Yexi. For this Tianjiao night banquet, a colorful head was made. ”

“If anyone can win the top prize at this Heavenly Night Banquet.” Reward Yupei with one, with this jade pei. In the future, if you encounter any difficulties in the conference of the gods, the Night Clan Saint Clan will give you a shelter! ”

The voice fell.

This made the whole audience a little uproar!

Night Queen Daughter?

“It was rumored that the Queen of the Night Dawn, a few years ago. It’s a retreat that impacts the Heavenly Saint!! ”

“If she succeeds, she will be away from the Emperor Realm. But it’s only one step away… At present, the great emperors of the Tianxuan Continent are all abandoned emperors a hundred years ago, and there has been no new emperor for a hundred years…”

“Immortal Gate every hundred years. Open it once, it seems that this time the person who has ascended to the immortal world. That’s her…”


If you can win the top prize in this night’s feast. Get Yupei.

It also represents. Will be appreciated by the Queen of the Night Dawn!

Will be with the current Xuan Continent overlord.

Hello to the Night Clan Holy Clan!

For anyone present, it is a great luck!!

The atmosphere is hot.

The four gods of the Northern Wilderness are already like heavenly gods.

Stand under the stone platform with your hands down.

Looking at Taishang Li Ang from a distance.

Among them, the first day of the Northern Wilderness was proud of Zhao Yinkai. It was also indifferent and faintly spoken:

“Li Xianren. You kill my Northern Desolate God Son, he died violently on the martial arts platform, and his skills are inferior. ”

“Today. I, the great gods of the Northern Wilderness, have come to challenge you. Li Ang Miko, choose any one. ”

Zhao Yinkai’s voice was indifferent.

It’s just that the major wasteland heavens in the audience are proud. All very clear.

Zhao Yinkai and the other four god sons are the top heavenly pride of the four great wastelands today. At the moment, it is obviously planning to strike together in the form of wheel war!

Challenge Leon one after another!

“It doesn’t have to be so troublesome. I’m alone, challenging you all! ”

“Come up and die together!”

Li Ang and Tsing Shirt on the stage bear the sword. said lightly.

That tone. It was as if all the Tianjiao and all the Tianjiao of the four wastelands were regarded as ants!

In a word!


Zhao Yinkai’s four god sons, their expressions were instantly distorted!!

Challenge four Primeval Realm True Monarchs together?


It simply can’t be described as arrogant!

It’s crazy!!

Distance. A holy place in the southern wilderness.

A goddess. It is also a beautiful eyebrow frowning slightly.

The goddess’s name was Joffi.

She is the first daughter of the Southern Wilderness.

Originally, I saw Li Ang’s methods before, and I was a little shocked, and I planned to get acquainted.


Na Ruofei also couldn’t help but shake his head.

‘It’s too arrogant. ’

‘He can kill Demon Heavenly Thunder. Among them, there are reasons why the Demon Sky Thunder underestimates the enemy. It doesn’t mean that he can push the four wasteland Tianjiao. ’

Not only Jofei.

The southern wilderness, the northern wilderness, and the western wilderness.

Countless Son of God and Son, Elder!

Obviously, it is also so arrogant to Li Ang. There is a lot of talk.

“What is this Leon of the East Wilderness doing?”

“Challenge four Taichu Realms alone?”

“Hmph, I simply don’t put the four wasteland Tianjiao in my eyes.”

And the four gods of the Northern Wilderness.

At this moment, it is also a glance!

Expression of anger!

“Li Xianren, do you really think that you can push my generation sideways?”


The head of the Northern Wilderness God Son. Zhao Yinkai roared.

The whole body is filled with silver light. One step out, causing the entire city lord’s mansion to surround the void for hundreds of miles, all of which were silver qi rising!

I saw that Zhao Yinkai was on top of his body.

Silver scales one by one. Constantly emerging, looming. It turned out that there was a dragon chant!

“I have practiced hard for decades and learned the silver armor body!!”

“If you can kill Demon Heavenly Thunder, you may not be able to kill me!!”

Zhao Yinkai’s right hand is like a dragon’s claw. Towards Li Ang suddenly grabbed, causing the huge stone platform to be shattered by a grab.

Ten years of penance, how proud!

It seems to be a claw, a shatterable star!

So that countless holy land powerhouses in the distance nodded and sighed one after another.

“Worthy of being the head of the Northern Wilderness…”

“Such a magical ability is enough to rank in the top five of the four Desolate Domain God Sons!!”

“So it seems that the previous Demon Heavenly Thunder. There is a gap with this Zhao Yinkai…”



The power of the immortal body in the body. Run to the limit.

Step out in everyone’s eyes.

“Ant-like. Die! ”

Words fall!

A snap of the fingers!

Burst out!


With Leon’s finger released, at his fingertips. A golden light converged, in the blink of an eye.

It is to turn into a monstrous golden rainbow. Across the void and golden mang, the immortal energy rises!


Between Li Angna’s fingers snapping a golden light, the power of directly convening that claw, were all forcefully bounced away.

Immediately, directly on his forehead!

“No !!!”

Zhao Yinkai was terrified and screamed.

His protective body silver qi was shattered on the spot by the position!!

His forehead, a bloody hole the size of a finger. Instantly emerged!

Damn it!!

Finally, that Zhao Yinkai. It turned out to be directly angry and fell from the stone platform in an instant.

Only a Yuan God remained, floating in mid-air.

Li Ang’s expression was indifferent. Just wave your hand.


Directly pinch that Zhao Yinkai’s Yuan God!

The first miko of the Northern Wilderness!


“Zhao Yinkai lost??”

Whole audience!

There was silence.

The people of the great holy sons stared at each other with wide eyes.

Can’t say a word for half a day!

“This… That’s impossible!!! ”


The other god sons who came with Zhao Yinkai were also instantly stupid!!

Face full of disbelief!

Even twisted!!

Zhao Yunkai is the first god son of the Northern Wilderness, undefeated in ten thousand battles!!


It’s like being killed by a pinched chicken?

“Amida Buddha, this is all a trick!!”

Kanami, the god son of the Kaneki Dynasty. Hold the Buddha bead in your hand and come step by step. Above the Buddha beads. The surging golden energy rose and flung out violently, turning into a ball of light, like a meteorite falling into mortal dust.

Smash towards Leon!

“You die too!”

Li Ang was expressionless and stepped forward again.

A snap of the fingers, a burst of fire!


One finger released and directly shattered the Buddha bead of the golden sea. Turn into gold dust.


“Not good!!!”

“Fairy Dance God Son, War Mountain God Son Save Me !!!”

Jin Hai turned around and wanted to flee and wailed!

However, there are still a few steps to be taken.

A golden light slammed into the head of that golden sea.

Like a broken watermelon, the blood mist burst out!

The second snaps his fingers.

Kanami Miko!

Angry on the spot!

Take a step and kill someone!

“You said… Who is the blind eye? ”

Leon’s deep tone. At this moment, it is also slowly coming out!!

“I’m fucking !!!”

“Run!!! Come on!! ”

At this time, only Lin Xianwu and Qingzhan Mountain were left, the two gods of the Northern Desolation. Completely dumbfounded!

It’s horrifying!!

It’s shocking!!

The two discovered. They came on stage to challenge Li Ang, it was a big mistake!!

“You can’t go…”

Li Ang said lightly.

Immediately, raise your hand.

Two more snaps of the fingers!!

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