With Li Ang step by step kill.

Two snap of their fingers, directly slashing Zhao Yinkai, the first day of the Northern Wilderness, and another top god son Jin Hai.

The whole scene, the moment of dead silence.

The people of the four wastelands in the audience were stunned. It was so shocking that the wine glasses in the hands of many people were actually caught and exploded on the spot.

Especially the Holy Son Elders of the major holy places in the Northern Wilderness were even more terrified.


“Zhao Yinkai… He’s dead? ”

“Gimhae… He’s dead?? ”

To know.

Zhao Yinkai is known as the first day of the Northern Wilderness and is almost invincible!

And that Golden Sea God Son is also a strong man in the Taichu Realm!

It is no exaggeration to say, these two!

It is among the countless Heavenly Pride in the entire four wastelands, it is enough to rank among the forefront!


It turned out to be killed by Li Ang with two snaps of his fingers and bombarded in a second?

This scene is fantastic!!

The whole audience exploded!!

Li Xianren’s finger gathered an extremely powerful physical power. One finger can penetrate the void! ”

“There is not the slightest method, just the might of the flesh, to bombard the two primordial realms with a snap of the fingers?”

“It’s terrifying…” The two great desolate regions of the Southern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness are the God Son and the Holy Son. They all shook their heads and sighed!

Everyone in the Northern Wilderness looked at Li Ang in disbelief.

“Yinkai God Son has been practicing hard for ten years, and the True Monarch of the Taichu Realm!”

“How can it be killed by a finger bombardment?? How could Leon have such magical powers? ”

Countless people in the northern wilderness.

I have indeed heard of some people who are in the flesh and do not need any method.

Their punch, kick, palm.

All are capable of pulling the power of heaven and earth. More powerful than the strongest divine powers!


In the whole scene, only the two gods of the Northern Wilderness who shot before.

Qingzhan Mountain.

Lin Xian Dance.

At this moment, the two sons of God looked at each other.

Twisted expression!!

It turned out to be without the slightest hesitation!


“Otherwise, you and I will both die on this!!”

Qing Zhanshan roared and looked into Li Ang’s gaze. Like a devil, his body moved, turning into a stream of light. It is to fly directly to the audience.


Before he could take a few steps, he was extremely shocked to see it.

Leon was already a wave of his sleeves.

A snap of the fingers!

Two snap of your fingers!

Two snap fingers, volleys out!!

Turned into two golden rays and penetrated the void. Blasted towards the two of them!

That golden manga is dozens of feet and devastated. It was as if even heaven and earth could be cut apart.


Lin Xianwu fled a few seconds later than Qing Zhanshan, and she had not left the stone platform at this moment.

But when he saw it, Li Ang snapped his fingers.

A brilliant golden light, like a golden long knife, cut the heavens and the earth. A sharp whistle and a blinding golden light erupted. It’s like the sun is coming!

Coming at her!

“Little sister knows wrong!!”

“I don’t know if the immortals can lack Taoists and little sisters…”

Li Ang was indifferent: “Like an ant, noisy!” ”

Lin Xianwu’s face changed smoothly, and her coquettish body retreated step by step. In her beautiful eyes, Leon’s golden light was reflected.

“No !!!”

In the end, Lin Xianren’s entire body. They were all cut in two by Li Ang on the spot, and even the Yuan God was not left!

‘Third kill. ’

Li Ang said lightly.

“Another Son of God is dead!!”

“What does this Leon want to do?? Is he going to kill all the Northern Desolate Tianjiao? ”

“Isn’t he afraid of causing a war in the wasteland??”

Countless people were terrified and roared.

Now the scene, only Qingzhan Mountain remains!

Qingzhan Mountain is extremely fast, and in this space, it only leaves a residual image.


With a snap of the fingers, that golden light was faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it had come to him!

“Not good!!”

Qingzhan Mountain is full of cold sweat!

Now he regrets it!!

I regret it very much!

If he could see Leon’s magical powers clearly, how could he challenge on stage?

‘If I hit this finger, I will die!’ ’

‘Damn!! ’

‘This Li Immortal is only in the Dayuan God Realm, where did he get such a magical power?’ ’

Qing Zhanshan wailed, turned his head and begged for mercy: “Immortals spare their lives, I will wait to make a move before.” All because I don’t know Li Xianren’s magical powers, I Qing Zhan Shan is convinced!! ”

Leon was indifferent.

Shaking his head lightly: “Before you several went on stage together.” All with the idea of killing me, are you a fool to be a Buddha? ”

“Today I will kill you the five Heavenly Pride of the Northern Wilderness. Prove to the world the power of Li! ”


Finish talking.

That golden light flashed, and it slammed straight on Qing Zhanshan’s forehead. I saw that Qing Zhanshan’s pupils shrank, the corners of his mouth moved, and the screams did not come out.

His head exploded directly.

Blood flying!

And his Yuan God, who had not even escaped, was in the golden light of Leonna’s fingers. Straight into nothingness!

‘Fourth kill. ’

With that Qingzhan Mountain was completely angry.

Li Ang flicked his sleeves.

The wind is light and cloudy.

Stand on a stone platform.

And at this moment, heaven and earth are silent!!


Those expressions of countless heavenly arrogance and distortion to the extreme in those four wastelands. It also shows how shocking they are at this moment.

Countless people.

Full of cold sweat!!

Eerie dead silence!!

I don’t know how long it took, those shocked bodies were trembling countless Divine Son Elders.

Only then slowly made a hoarse and trembling sound.

“Four snap fingers…”

“Killed four Primeval Realm True Monarchs?”

Everyone in the four wastelands was dumbfounded.

Different from before, if it is before. For Li Ang bombarded the day of the Demon God Son Demon Heavenly Thunder and the elders of the God Son of the major wastelands. Many people are people who are too underestimating the enemy because of the Demon Sky Thunder!


With the first day of that northern wilderness, Zhao Yinkai was bombarded and killed by Li Ang’s finger.

Four snap of the fingers!

Bombard and kill the four miko of the Northern Wilderness!!

So that the entire Northern Wilderness, there is no top Tianjiao!!

The countless heavenly arrogance of the four wastelands in the audience is finally clear!

Leon alone!

It is enough to sweep the four wasteland Tianjiao, and is the first of the four wasteland Tianjiao!!

“I was wrong…”

At this moment, Ruofei, the first daughter of the Southern Wilderness, who previously thought that the two were too arrogant, could not help but shake her head.

“After this battle. Li Ang of the Eastern Wilderness alone caused the five heavenly arrogances of the Northern Wilderness to be wiped out. ”

“These four wastelands… Then no one is his opponent anymore…”

“Too strong…”

Right at this moment.

In the attic in the distance, there was a light laugh. It also came out slowly.

“Donghuang Leon, huh?”

“In a week, the assembly of the gods will begin.”

“When the time comes… I wouldn’t mind getting to know you. ”

It was a female voice.

Floating like a fairy, the voice seemed to come from the sky. The voice is faint, but it is not angry and arrogant.

Eventually, the voice faded away.

The person who spoke, apparently one step at a time, had long left the city lord’s mansion.

Only the shocked expressions of countless people remained.

“It’s the Queen Daughter of the Night Dawn!!”

Countless people in the audience changed their faces suddenly.

His eyes converged towards Li Ang, full of envy and shock! !

“This… The royal daughter of the Holy Family, take the initiative to befriend?? ”



432 years of the Tianxuan calendar.

Li Ang palmed and snapped his fingers.

Kill the five top Tianjiao of the Northern Wilderness. Attracted the saint family’s royal daughter to take the initiative to befriend.

So that there is no top god son in the Northern Wilderness!

Become the first day of the four wastelands!

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