Night Queen Daughter!

Take the initiative to befriend!

At this moment, with the Night Saintess leaving.

The whole scene broke out again and was shocking!!

Night Queen Daughter, what kind of existence?

That is today’s Xuan Continent, the first day of pride!

The first strongest of the young generation!

The entire Night Clan Saint Clan and the strength of the entire clan were cultivated. A descendant with the bloodline of the Great Emperor!

His cultivation has entered the Heavenly Saint!

One step away from the Imperial Realm!

As long as the Queen of the Night Light stepped into the emperor realm, the gate of the immortal world opened, becoming the first new emperor in a hundred years.

You can directly soar to the immortal world!

Pursue the endless avenue!

Unexpectedly, the Queen Daughter of the Night Light actually took the initiative to get to know Li Ang!


Many envious eyes also converged.

Being able to get acquainted with this kind of person who will soar to the immortal world in the future is a great creation in itself!

“This… If you can befriend the Ancient Saint Clan. I’m afraid that the opportunity will be limitless in the future…”

“Li Ang swept through the four wasteland Tianjiao, and even the royal daughter of the ancient holy clan took the initiative to get acquainted… The young generation of these four wastelands, I am afraid that no one can hide their scenery…”

With the scene of discussion and exclamations came.


A white-clothed figure also fell from the attic in the distance.

It’s an old man.

The old man had an old face, but a strong step. Don’t be angry.

It turned out to be a Taichu Realm powerhouse!


The elder walked up to Li Ang, also with a respectful attitude, and gave up his hand slightly.

“Congratulations to Li Xiaoyou for winning the championship.”

“The old man is the elder of the main city, Zhao Hai.”

At this moment, that Elder Zhao Hai was also the piece of jade pei before. It was handed over to Li Ang.

“Li Ang Xiaoyou, this is the jade pei left by the daughter of the Queen of Yexi before.”

“It’s been time since the assembly of the gods is open. There is still a week and this period of time, and I also invite friends from the Xuantian Holy Land to stay in the distinguished guest area of my city lord’s mansion! ”

Elder Zhao Hai spoke respectfully. The voice fell.

People from several other wastelands. It is also a slight change in expression.

To know.

When the people of the four wastelands came to the City Lord’s Mansion, they just stayed in the ordinary guest room area.

Guest area!

It is only aimed at people from the major forces in Zhongzhou!

Unexpectedly, the City Lord’s Mansion directly invited Li Ang’s Xuantian Holy Land and his party to stay in the VIP area.

Obviously, it was also because of the initiative of the night light before that the city lord’s mansion looked at Li Ang differently!


Everyone in the East Wilderness, one by one. The expression was ecstatic.

Couldn’t be excited!


“Li Immortal is invincible!!”

“Thank you Li Xianren, in my name of the East Wilderness!!”

Countless gods, elders,

New red eyes!

There was even a touch of hoarseness in the tone.

“Let’s go.”

At this moment, Li Ang is light and cloudy, flicking his sleeves.

Lead the people of Xuantian Holy Land. Go to the VIP area.


Time is like the wind.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

It’s early morning.

An extremely quiet and luxurious hall.

The aura was pervasive, and wisps of golden energy hovered around the hall, as if the hall had been shaped into a golden hall!

It’s like a miracle.

The whole hall is extremely empty.

Only in the core of that hall, a figure.

Hovering in the void!

Exactly Leon!

At this moment, Li Ang’s eyes were closed.

Countless immortal qi circulated and rose from its body, as if it was about to fly into the sky and turn into the sun.

So that countless people outside sighed and shocked.

But no one dared to approach.

“Li Ang Shenzi is about to break through again?”

Many disciples of the Xuantian Holy Land in the distance looked towards this side. Face full of shock!

“Li Ang Shenzi has just broken through to the Dayuan God Realm, but it’s only a few days, and he is about to break through now.”

“It seems that this trip to the assembly of the gods. Li Ang Shenzi, has the opportunity to step into the beginning. ”

“Hmph, Li Ang Shenzi is now a great physical body and all kinds of divine blessings. It’s not too early, but it can kill the beginning in seconds! ”

And Li Chanxuan is also standing under an ancient tree.

The pavilion stood and looked at Li Ang in the main hall.

“Holy Daughter Chanxuan, you are quite close to Li Ang Shenzi. Hehe, now Li Ang Shenzi is already the first day of pride in the four wastelands, if only the two of you could come together. “At this time, there was a female disciple accompanying him in the distance. He also looked at Li Chanxuan with a grin.

“Mo… Don’t talk nonsense…” Li Chanxuan’s face turned red and she rebuked in a low voice.

“Your Highness, your liking for the Holy Son of Liang is something that is known to almost everyone in the Holy Land…”

Hear the female disciple’s words.

Li Chanxuan also smiled and shook his head: “What’s the use of liking him?” He’s so good… Bright as the stars. ”

“We are destined to be one heaven and one underground. I can help him a little by his side, that’s enough…”

It was in the midst of countless disciples in the Xuantian Holy Land.

Leon in the main hall.

Surrounded by golden energy, it is in the midst of countless golden gases.

Li Ang’s eyes also slowly opened.


As Li Ang opened his eyes, from his body, a wave of spiritual energy fluctuated.

It turned out to be directly spread, making the entire hall dozens of miles around.

It’s all violent tremors.

An invisible coercion came out like a sea wave.

What makes Li Ang relatively close is Li Chanxuan, a strong person in the Void God Realm. I all felt a dullness in my chest!

‘What a powerful coercion! ’

Li Chanxuan exclaimed.

That coercion lasted for half an hour.


Only then slowly returned to the plain, and Leon.

It’s a light breath.

Get up slowly.


At this moment, Li Ang fell from the void.

His steps were on the void, like stepping on a staircase. Every step falls, under its feet.

Thousands of gold gases. It turned out to be a step of convergence.

‘Late stage of the Great Yuan God Realm. ’

Li Ang lightly clenched his fist and said lightly.

This time the retreat.

He broke through two realms in a row and distanced himself from the Primeval Realm. Apparently not too far away.

“Your Highness the Son of God. The Assembly of the Gods has begun. ”

“People from several other wastelands. Already set off. ”

Li Chanxuan also came over at this moment, bent over and said respectfully.

“Let’s go.”

After Li Ang finished speaking, he directly led countless disciples of Xuantian Holy Land.

Leave the City Lord’s Mansion.


The main city of Zhongzhou.

Hall of the Gods.

The entire hall covers an area of 100 miles. Countless buildings converge.

The Hall of the Gods is the most central building in Zhongzhou.

It was jointly built by the eight ancient holy clans, and only major events occurred on weekdays. The eight holy families will come to the hall of the gods when they discuss the matter.

As the Assembly of the Gods opens.

The hall of the gods, which was originally silent and magnificent, has been opened again.

Countless figures gathered.

The center of the basilica. It is a hall comparable to a square.

It is divided into one area after another.

Among them, the people of the eight holy families are the forefront.

In the back. It is the people of several other wastelands.


In the seat of the Holy Family, there was a beautiful girl in a short skirt.

It is also the gaze scanning the surroundings.

Ultimately. It fell on Li Ang, who had just arrived, and immediately smiled: “Is this the Li Immortal of the Eastern Wilderness?” ”

“Sister Yexi, I heard you mention him before. It looks ordinary…”

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