“You guys… Can you still walk? ”


In the hall, an extremely gloomy voice came out.

So that those who previously ridiculed and questioned Leon.

Expression transient!!

Regret it a lot!

They should have believed what Li Ang said before!

“Not good!!”

“Hit the plan!!”


The few people who entered the Golden Hall did not hesitate at all.

Turn around and go.


Haven’t waited for them to walk out yet!



In the depths of that golden hall, there was a blood-colored breath one after another. Turn into a red dragon and constantly move in the hall!

It is like thousands of dragons, churning above the sea!!

With that blood-colored dragon one after another, it swept through all the people in the main hall.

One miserable scream after another, it broke out instantly!!




Outside the main hall, countless holy sons in the major wastelands were extremely shocked to see.

Those who stepped into the Golden Hall before were more than a dozen holy places of God and Son!!

Under the sweep of countless blood-colored dragons, it was as if it was caught in a bloody tornado.

His head melted into blood!

Their flesh began to melt and evaporate rapidly!!

Turned into Bai Sensen’s skull and scattered all over the place!

Not even the Yuan God was left!

Blink time!!

There are hundreds of four wasteland elite holy sons and god sons.

Turn into a skeleton!



To know.

Even if he was as strong as Li Ang before, he was just the son of God who killed several holy places in the Northern Wilderness.

And now!!

There are hundreds of top Tianjiao in the major wastelands, placed in any area, who are enough to start a sect.

All melted into blood, such a scene.

It’s eye-popping!

“Both… All dead?? ”

“My… Oh, my God!! ”

Some people who originally planned to enter the Golden Hall but had not yet had time to come to the major holy places. Covered in cold sweat, he took a sharp breath and quickly retreated!

“Thank you Liang Miko.”

On the side, everyone in the Snow Immortal Holy Land hurriedly retreated, and the goddess was white and lightly clothed.

He also nodded and thanked Li Ang.

If there is no reminder from Li Ang this time, I am afraid that there are many people in the Holy Land in the Eastern Wilderness. I will also die tragically in that hall!

Just the next moment.

The blood-colored dragons flew directly out of the golden hall.

Hovering the void.

At this moment, the entire city that never sleeps is filled with blood mist.

It’s like a scarlet hell.


Those blood-colored dragons turned into a stream of blood light. Floated over Li Ang and the others.


Become a human being.

There are eight figures in total.

Those eight figures, all of them are people of foreign races. Although he turned into a human being, there was a blood aura in those eyes, like a bloody corpse.

At this moment, eight foreign powerhouses.

Eight figures, dressed in red robes, swayed in the wind.

Standing in the sky, like the gods into mortal dust. Despise the world.

“It’s an alien strongman!”

“Primeval Realm… Peak? ”

“As far as I know… A strong man of an alien race who has reached the Primeval Realm. Known as the Demon General by the outside world!! ”

“A demon general, comparable to an army of alien races!!”

At this time.

Gathered in the major holy places around the Golden Hall, the Son of God and the Son of God. It’s all covered in cold sweat!!

The voice trembles!

The pinnacle of the Taichu realm!

Distance from the Holy Realm. Just one step away!!

And… Or did eight appear at once?

“Damn!! Hit the mark!! ”

Many children of the Holy Land also had extremely gloomy expressions. Rage!

Only Leon.

Looking at the several alien demon generals in mid-air, he said lightly: “It seems that you have already designed and sent people over to lure us here.” ”

“And then you will strike and wipe us all out?”

Hear Leon’s words.

One of the aliens also sneered: “Hahaha, stupid and greedy humans.” Yes and what? ”

“If it weren’t for my alien race’s desire to tear the space and come to the Tianxuan Continent with a strong heart. Discovered by the emperor realm powerhouses of your Tianxuan Continent, we were forcibly trapped here, and other powerhouses of our foreign race. I am afraid that it has already descended on the Tianxuan Continent. ”

“Just because you humans want to clean us up?”

“Today, our eight demon generals will strike together. Wipe you all out and avenge my aliens!! ”


Several of the demon generals also looked at many people of foreign races who were killed by Li Ang before. The expression is even more gloomy!

“This… Leon Son… What to do? ”


There were many people in the East Wilderness who also looked embarrassed. They have cast their eyes towards Li Ang!

After all, eight Taichu Realm peak powerhouses!

It’s terrifying!!

If you are careless, I am afraid that all the Holy Land disciples present. will all die here!

‘Don’t move. ’

I’ll have my own means later. ’

Li Ang transmitted the message to all the disciples of the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land.

At the same time, Leon’s body. There is also a continuous flow of aura!

And the people of the holy lands of several other wastelands saw the eight demon generals in mid-air. I was already terrified.


“Escape from here and go out and ask the people of the other ancient saint clans to come over!”

“Stay here, a dead end!!”

With a sound came.

There were also people with great holy places around, and their bodies trembled with fear. The expression is distorted.

Turn around and run away!

“Hmph, like ants.”

Seeing this, one of the demon generals waved his hand.

Grab it in the air!


Even the void was shattered by direct capture. The man who kept fleeing in the distance.

In the terrified gaze.

It turned out to be directly caught into blood mist by that demon general.

Burst in an instant!!



Among them, there are even several Primeval Realm God Sons of the Holy Land. They all failed to resist in the slightest!

Exploded into blood mist and turned into powder on the spot!

“No !!!”


Countless Holy Land disciples were completely frightened!

There are even many disciples who were so scared that they peed their pants directly!!


At this time.

One of the demon generals also looked at Li Ang and the others below.

Like an ant, he said proudly.

“Humble human beings, who do not even flee, have they already given up?”

“I’m an alien demon and proud. Since you take the initiative to receive death, the Buddha-figure can reward you with a pain. ”

At this time.

Li Ang smiled and shook his head.

Around the body, there is a hidden green glow.

Then, I saw Li Ang step by step. Step towards the void.

“You’re mistaken.”

“My human race also has proud bones, if you can block my sword, I will not kill you!”

Li Ang’s tone was indifferent.

It makes the whole audience cheer up!!

Especially when the eight alien demon generals heard this, their expressions changed.

Instant rage!


“How dare to make such a statement? Don’t say a sword, Terran ants. It is to cut me with a thousand swords and ten thousand swords. How can my alien demon general have the slightest frown? ”

“You ant is too noisy, watch me cast a spell to kill you all!!!

One of the red-robed demon generals was furious.

Word by word, like thunder. It made everyone in the audience tremble!!

“Damn it!!”

“This East Wilderness Li Ang is looking for his own death, why did he take us with him?”

“This is over, completely annoying those eight demon generals, we are going to bury them all here!!”

On the field.

Wailing everywhere!


Just in the next second!

The void shattered.

An incomparably majestic breath, suppressing the world. So that thousands of miles of clouds and fog are instantly dispersed.

Immediately, look at the void from a distance.

A huge sword qi that was full of a million zhang descended.

As if, suppressing the current world!!

Li Ang looked indifferent.

He said lightly: “Now what?” ”


Eerie dead silence.

Those demon generals looked at the void from a distance, with originally proud and proud expressions. Instantly froze.

In turn, the expression is instantly distorted!

“That’s… Creation of chemical martial arts?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”

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