

Only a simple and huge sword qi slashed the void.

Slowly falling!

That huge ancient sword was a million feet wide.

A sense of vicissitudes also came out.


Above that ancient sword, golden lines were faintly visible. Little by little, golden rays converged on the sword body. It’s like a little starlight.

Look away!

It was like that ancient sword contained the entire star.

It is as if the power of a sword can break the universe!!



The huge ancient sword erupted with amazing coercion.

The whole audience exploded!

Especially those eight demon generals, at this moment. Several people look at each other!

Face full of shock!


“Creation of chemical martial arts?”

“This… No way! ”

One of the demon generals has a trembling voice and a distorted expression!

“Creation of chemical martial arts… It is a divine power mastered by the strong of the Holy Realm!! ”

“It is that you have the art of creating chemical weapons and the body of the Yuan God Realm. How can you cultivate successfully? ”

That demon will once be in the alien continent.

I have seen with my own eyes that there is a powerful way to perform earth-shattering magic. It is the art of chemical weapons.

True supernatural powers!


The art of creating chemical martial arts is a wonder of heaven and earth, and only the strong of the Holy Realm can master it!!

Leon at the moment.

A green shirt.

Stand proudly, like a fresh breeze.

“Do you have an objection?”

“Come and get to death!”

The voice fell!

It is to see the ancient big sword in the middle of the air, suppressing the momentum of all things, suddenly falling!

It is like a powerful statue from the universe, holding a heavenly sword. Kill all dust ants!

That sword.

It was too large, and the sword had not yet fallen. A monstrous sword qi has already been fiercely bombarded. Shall the void to pieces.

“Not good!!”

One of the great demon generals seemed to have sensed the might of that sword qi. His expression twisted, intending to step back.

It’s just that it hasn’t fully reacted yet.

He was hit by Li Ang’s monstrous sword qi. Directly bombarded into powder.

Genshin has no existence!!


Until this moment!

The remaining seven demon generals were completely dumbfounded.

If they hadn’t seen a companion die tragically under Leon’s sword. Kill them and they don’t believe it, a Yuan God Realm. He actually controlled such a heaven-defying existence as the creation of chemical martial arts!

Full of cold sweat!!

The shock that this scene brought them was too great!!

“Damn!! Miscalculated!! ”

“I didn’t expect that this Heavenly Xuan Middle Earth, except for the demons of those ancient saint families. And top Tianjiao!! ”

Several demons looked at each other.

Wailing and wailing.

Li Ang was expressionless.

Watching the huge quaint sword finally fall.


A sword fell.

The void erupted with a sharp whistle.

The monstrous sword rays illuminated the surroundings like the scorching sun.

The seven demon generals were finally under that monstrous sword.

“No !!!”


Accompanied by countless screams and wails.

It is crushed directly into bloody meatloaf.

Then, it exploded into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated invisibly!

Like an ant!

Heaven and earth are silent!!

The Great Desolate Lands God Son and Holy Son.

They all looked at the scene in mid-air in shock. Boom in the head.

“This… The Eight Demon Generals…”

“A sword… All killed,? ”

That’s eight Taichu Realm peak powerhouses!!

Placed in the major holy places, they are all like the existence of the Taishang Elders.


In front of Leon. It’s like chopping melons and cutting vegetables!

Directly beheaded?

Too strong.

It’s so strong!


Quite a few people.

Shaking your head one after another and sighing!

“It seems that I wait to understand Li Xianren…”

“It’s still too little…”

“With this sword alone, Li Xianren is enough to stabilize the top of the Tianxuan Continent. Compete with those Ancient Saint Clan kings and princes! ”

Countless people. Looking at Li Ang’s gaze at the moment.

Like a god!!

I don’t know how long it took, in the crowd.

It was only then that he erupted into exclamations!

“Thank you Li Xianren, for saving your life!”

“Thank you immortals!!”

And Li Ang gasped.

Fall from mid-air!

On your forehead, sweat is pouring out!


Li Ang also sensed his own body.

‘My Dantian… It turned out to be empty. ’

‘That sword just now drained all my aura! ’

Li Ang thought to himself in his heart.

The sword creation martial art just now is called ‘Star Heavenly Sword’. It was the inheritance of the Great Emperor of the Ancient Continent, and Li Ang relied on his own system and supreme bloodline to forcibly master it.

‘Nope. I have to break through to the Primeval Realm quickly. ’

‘This chemical martial art consumes me too much, and if the sword just now doesn’t kill these demon generals, it will be dangerous. It’s going to be me…’


Li Ang also scanned the surroundings with his eyes and faintly transmitted.

“Many of you laughed at me before, but the Buddha-figure still came to the rescue of you. Without delving into it, this treasure in the city that never sleeps. It’s gone to me. ”

A word fell.

No one dares to object!!

The people of the major holy places bent over Li Ang to thank them.

It is directly transformed into a stream of light. Disappear into the city that never sleeps.

“Later I will go into the Golden Hall for retreat. After I get out of customs, I leave. ”

“Others can scavenge for harvests in other areas of the city that never sleeps. After I leave, I will not scatter the major holy places. All left behind in the city that never sleeps. ”

“Now that the alien races here have been cleaned up by me, it is a cultivation treasure land. Enough to support each of you to break through a big realm! ”

Li Ang’s faint words came out.

After speaking, such an immortal-like posture. It’s straight into the main hall!

The Son of God and the Son of God in several holy places in the entire Eastern Wilderness.

It’s also an expression of adoration!!

A feeding frenzy!!

You know, they are a holy place in the wilderness.

It can be as created as it is today!

It can be said that it is all because of Li Ang alone!


Everybody in the East Wilderness. It is also bent over and said respectfully.

“Thank you immortals for your creation!”

At this time.

The white light clothes on the side also looked at Li Ang’s back and hesitated.

Ignoring the reserve, he hurriedly spoke.

“Li Ang Shenzi, he practiced a technique in light clothes.”

“You can cultivate with His Royal Highness Li Ang, presumably to Li Ang God Son. There will be a huge improvement. ”

The voice of the white light clothes is like a fairy.


As soon as it came out, the expressions of the entire major holy places in the Eastern Wilderness were shocked.

You know, white light clothes are the first beauty in the contemporary East Wilderness.

Out of the dust like a fairy.

Indifferent personality.

I don’t know how many days are arrogant. In order to make him laugh, he fought for a red neck.

“This… Light-clothed goddess. Actually offered … Cultivate together? ”

“Li Xianren is so talented, what woman in the world can ignore it? It’s a fairy… It’s time to move everyone’s heart…”

Hear the chatter around you.

The beautiful face of Bai Qingyi also showed a slight redness. The style of a moment, like a fairy, is beautiful.


The next moment.

Li Ang’s voice came faintly.

“Thank you for your kindness. You don’t have to. ”

The voice fell.

Li Ang had entered the Golden Hall and sat cross-legged in the void.

With a flick of his sleeves, the gate of the golden hall. It’s just closed.

Only the white light clothes.

Absolutely beautiful eyes, looking at the direction in which Leon disappeared.

Bite your thin lip lightly.

‘My gap with him… It’s getting bigger and bigger…’

I used to naively think, with my talent. Appearance, after all, can be one step closer to him. ’

‘Now it seems… It’s me who is so naïve…’

Bai Qingyi smiled bitterly.

Jade clasped her hands, and this was the first time she expressed her affection for a man. So nervous that the nails pierced into the palm of the hand, and there was a tingling pain.

(I also rated too few votes.) I wish I woke up with 4,000 votes, if any. Tomorrow I’ll be… More more, la-la-la. )

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