
In the middle of the valley, after Li Ang bombarded dozens of aliens in the Taichu Realm.

The expression is indifferent and light.

Stand on a mountain peak with your hands down.

Like an immortal.

This made the people and expressions of the major holy places in the Western Wilderness below shock!!

“One punch to kill more than a dozen Taichu Realm aliens?”

“Too strong…”

“It’s really too strong…”

Although there are some people from the Western Desolation Holy Land present. I have seen Li Ang kill several holy sons in the Northern Wilderness with one punch before.

But now such an explosive scene is simply eye-popping!

The goddess of the Naxi Wilderness Holy Land is full of yearning and worship.

Meantime. Many people in the Western Desolate Holy Land are also full of shame!

Because from beginning to end, they did not find the crisis hidden in the valley.

If Li Ang hadn’t passed by here, I’m afraid that all the people of these holy places would be buried here!

“Where is your alien main city?”

Leon stood on top of that mountain. asked lightly.

Below that mountain peak is the only remaining alien of the Taichu Realm.

At present, the people of several ancient saint races should all gather in the main city of the foreign race, where a great war must break out.

If Li Ang wants to win the great opportunity in this alien crack, he must first go to the main city of the alien race!

“Not going to say?”

Seeing the alien was silent.

When Li Ang heard this, he snapped his fingers!


Directly on the arm of the alien race.

Break your arm with one blow!

Blood flying!!


The alien Taichu Realm wailed.

Li Ang continued to ask: “Ask you again, where is the main city of your foreign race?” ”

“I’m running out of patience.”

Leon finished speaking.

It’s another wave of your hand.

The alien saw this. Finally, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly said: “I’ll draw you a map!” ”

Then he ripped off the corner of his clothes. Draw a route with blood on your fingers.

This alien rift is too big if there is no map.

It was Leon who knew the direction. I’m afraid that by the time he finds it, the great opportunity in the crack of the alien race has long been looted by others.

Leon took the map.

Then he said lightly to the alien: “Okay, then you can die now.” ”


The alien’s face was full of horror and rage to the extreme!!

“Despicable Terrans!!”

“Ant-like, my alien main city has a Saint Realm powerhouse sitting in the town!! You Terran ants, even if you go, you will all be wiped out!! ”

“Sooner or later, one day. My alien race will open the spatial crack, and the power of my alien race will come to your continent and wipe out all of your human races!! ”

The alien, the voice roared.


Li Ang’s expression was faint, just a wave, a monstrous golden qi. It’s sweeping away.

In the midst of the screams of the aliens. It was blasted directly into powder, leaving only a pinch of blue smoke, slowly rising.

At this time.

Only those people in the Western Desolate Holy Land reacted.

Each is like the rest of his life.

The expression is full of adoration!

“Thank you Li Immortal for saving your life!!”

“Thank you Li Xianren!!”

Li Ang nodded lightly and turned into a stream of light.

Follow the route provided by the alien people and fly towards the alien main city of the alien rift!

Three days later.

Early morning!!

Li Ang, who flew all the way, can also feel it.

The smell of blood around is getting stronger and stronger.

Look down.

Below him is a huge plain.

Above the plain, white bones. Corpses are everywhere!


There are also many human beings at the peak level of the Taichu Realm, who have fallen here.

Here, apparently, there was a big battle before!

“Many people in Zhongzhou have fallen?”

“This alien stronghold. It should be not far away. ”


Hundreds of miles ahead.

The blood mist is pervasive, the end of the blood mist.

It is a huge main city, countless tall buildings gather, and the whole body is golden, like gold casting.

Look far away. It’s like a huge golden fortress.

Soaring into the clouds.

Above the fortress, there is a line of alien people, guarding it.

Look far away. It can be seen that there are hundreds of thousands of people of foreign races in that city. The black pressure is like a black wave.

The spectacle is spectacular!!

It is the main city of the alien race!!

At this moment, outside the main city.

The eight ancient saint clans in Zhongzhou, as well as countless top sects. It’s all here!

The fight goes on and on.

Countless human powerhouses and aliens.

One small battlefield after another was formed.

“Who is that?”


On the battlefield.

Several disciples of the top sect “Tianyun Sect” in a large Zhongzhou saw Li Ang in the distance. It was also a frown.

“People from the Four Great Wastelands?”

“I’ve seen this man. It should be Li Ang of the Eastern Wilderness, known as the first day pride of the four wastelands today. ”



The young sect master of Tianyun Sect also snorted coldly, his face full of disdain: “What about the pride of the first day of the four wastelands?” ”

“My Zhongzhou forces are here to sweep away the foreign races, the foreign races here are all in the Taichu realm, and even there are Saint Realm level foreign races powerfully guarded.”

“When he comes, isn’t he looking for death?”

Not only the Tianyun Sect.

Other Zhongzhou sects present saw Li Ang. It’s all a little change in expression!

Right at this moment. Lu Xinyan, the royal daughter of the ancient Lu tribe not far away, had just shot and killed more than a dozen foreign demon generals.

See Leon coming from afar.

Pretty frowned slightly.

“Leon, you are a man from the outside world. What are you doing here? ”

“This is not the place where you can come. On the battlefield, if something happens. But no one saved you! ”

Lu Xinyan is the royal daughter of the Lu family and has a very good relationship with Yexi. If it weren’t for the face that Ye Xi gave Li Ang a piece of jade pei, she wouldn’t bother to deal with it.


What made her feel incredible. In the distance, Leon didn’t seem to hear her.

Directly to this battlefield.

Below Li Ang, it is an alien army, full of a hundred alien Taichu realm!


At present, Lu Xinyan’s impression of Li Ang has also dropped to the extreme.

Ignore it anymore.

‘If you want to seek death, seek death! ’


Just in the next second.

Leon arrived.

With a slap on his waist, a majestic golden sword aura emerged.

It seems to be even the void. It’s all good enough to be chopped.

“Sword go!”

The voice fell.

A mighty sword qi that was full of thousands of feet fell fiercely from the void.

One sword sweep!!

In front of Li Ang, there were hundreds of Taichu Realm alien demon generals.

Under the might of Leon’s sword.

It turned out to be a direct sword decapitation.



Huge heads flew out of the bodies of those aliens.




One sword, kill hundreds of alien demon generals!!

At this moment, Li Ang is like an Asura returning from hell.



One sword down.

The audience was shocked!

“I’m fucked!!”

“This… Really fake?? ”

“That’s too strong, isn’t it??”

The major states present were arrogant and completely stupid.

All eyes are stunned.

And the young master of Tianyun Sect, who had spoken sarcastically before, had an even more distorted expression. Embarrassing.

Because he just used all his strength. But it was just to kill two alien demon generals of the Taichu Realm…

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