“Slash more than a hundred alien demon generals with one sword?”

On the entire battlefield.

With the arrival of Li Ang, countless Zhongzhou Tianjiao.

Completely dumbfounded!

This… It’s a demon!


“This… Impossible!! ”

The young sect master of the Tianyun Sect is named Tianbei Yuan. At this moment, my face is also twisted!!


Many other Zhongzhou powerhouses couldn’t help but whisper.

“It is the prince of the ancient saint clan present. It’s just this speed, right? ”

“This… It’s exaggerated…”

The crowd was talking. Even Lu Xinyan, the royal daughter of the Lu clan, flashed a slight surprise in her beautiful eyes.

At the moment, she is also somewhat clear.

Why is Ye Xi such a heavenly girl, a generation of Heavenly Saint level supreme powerhouse. will look at Leon differently…

“Princess Wang. This person’s talent… It’s extremely rare in the whole of Zhongzhou…”

“What’s more… He is still a man from the Outlands. Beside Lu Xinyan, an elder of the Lu clan said slowly, “If this son is a member of the Ancient Saint Clan, I am afraid that he will achieve such an achievement.” It will be more brilliant. ”

Lu Xinyan nodded and didn’t say much: “Several other battlefields have already broken through the city gates. ”

“Don’t let the opportunity be taken away.”

Finish talking. Lu Xinyan just moved her body and turned into a stream of light. disappeared in place.

Leon. Tsing Yi negative sword.

On the battlefield, like a green light. Quick swipe.

Where it passes.



Blood flying!

At this moment, the eight battlefields led by the eight ancient saint clans have successively cleaned up the foreign races outside the city and entered the main city of the foreign races.

‘The main city is about to break. ’

‘This alien main city has attracted so many alien towns. There must be a big opportunity inside!! ’


There was another alien team, rushing towards Li Ang.

Those alien races were different from what Leon had seen before, and they were not disguised as humans.

The whole body is pitch black and covered with scales. Like armor.

“Find death!”

Li Ang’s eyes sank, and the monstrous aura in his hand gathered. One punch directly blasted away.

There will be more than a dozen Taichu Realm aliens. It was blasted into powder on the spot.


Seeing that there was no obstacle in front of him, Li Ang snorted coldly. Quicken your pace, and you’re stepping straight into the city gate!

“Damn it!!”

At the moment, behind Leon.

On that day, everyone in the Yunzong saw Li Ang entering the city first. The young lord Tianbeiyuan was also when his expression was gloomy and embarrassed.

To know. Not long ago, he was still laughing at Li Ang for being just a man from an outside world.

Coming here is just looking for death!

“It’s a pity that the two elders of my Tianyun Sect are in retreat in the distance!”

“If the two elders are here, how can they let a person from an outside world enter the city first?”

Tianbei Yuan said in a low voice.

Leon entered the city gates.

It’s a blood-colored corridor. The promenade is full of blood!

Leon stepped on the blood.

Around the promenade, there are one room after another. The room is full of organs!


A scream came.

In a room in front of Li Ang, there were several people from the Zhongzhou Sect. The treasure that was originally greedily sweeping through the room accidentally stepped into a formation.

It turned out to be melted on the spot by that formation, and finally turned into a shriveled human skin.

It’s terrible.

Leon’s gaze. It’s also scanning those rooms.

【Ancient Room】

[Hidden information: There are ten rank elixirs and ten rank martial arts hidden in the room. ] 】


[Hidden information: Behind the desk in the room, hide a dark room. In the dark room, there is a ten-rank spiritual treasure stored. 】


[Hidden information: Behind the murals in the room, a book of Ten Pins Exercises is stored. 】

One message at a time. Appeared in Leon’s eyes.

It’s just that they are all very ordinary treasures that are not worth wasting time here.

After leaving the channel.

Leon came to an ancient hall.

In the hall, there are obviously more figures. All of them are people from the major sects in Zhongzhou.

The whole hall is too big.

It is like a small plain, around the hall. There are countless rooms divided into sections. Region.

It’s like a labyrinth.

At this moment, a figure also shuttled through the hall. Start searching for useful treasures!

“Hahaha, Saint Martial Arts!!”

“My Blood Knife Gate, what a good luck!!”

Soon, someone in the field had already made a good harvest.

And this time. The people of the Tianyun Sect were finally long overdue.

Tianyun Sect Young Master Tianbei Yuan. Seeing Li Ang in the hall, when he thought of the previous deflatedness, Tianbeiyuan also had a somewhat embarrassed expression at the moment, and asked directly in a deep voice:

“You are Leon of the Outlands?”

The Tianyun Sect is the Grand Sect of Zhongzhou, and this time the person accompanying him. There are two pseudo-saint-level elders.

Right now, seeing the arrival of Tianbei Yuan, there are many people around. It’s all about going back fast.

Leon at the moment.

He didn’t notice that day at all, but just scanned the entire hall with his eyes.

Tianbei Yuan was furious when he saw this.

“A person from an outside world, I am a person from the Zhongzhou Great Sect, ask you, do you dare to answer??”


At the moment when Tianbei Yuan’s voice fell, Li Ang’s gaze.

Finally, it was a stone statue locked above the main hall, on a stone platform.

【Ancient Stone Statue】

[Hidden information: After smashing, you can get a copy of the Creation Exercises! ] 】

‘Good stuff! ’

Seeing this, Li Ang’s figure moved. It flew directly towards the stone statue above.

I saw Li Ang come to the top of the stone statue in a few steps. With a snap of your fingers.

A sword aura directly shattered the stone statue.

Above the ground!

An ancient book, at this moment, also emits a dazzling golden light!

It is a book of creation exercises!

“This… What the??? ”

As soon as the Creation Exercise came out, all the people in the entire hall were instantly dumbfounded.

Immediately, a fiery gaze was also directly projected

“Creation exercises??”

To know!

How precious is a book of creation exercises?

Only those Ancient Saint Clan Tianjiao. is qualified to cultivate!

It is rumored that when the first day of the Xuan Continent was at night today, he practiced a kind of creation exercise, one breath and one breath. There is a cyan fairy air flow. Like a real dragon hovering!

It’s for the wonders of heaven and earth!!

“This kid is too lucky, right?”

Li Ang took the exercise and was just about to leave.

When he heard Tianbei Yuan behind him, he roared: “Boy, my Tianyun Sect has long discovered that creation technique.” It’s something from my Tianyun Sect! ”

“Don’t hand it over right away?”

Tianbeiyuan walked towards Li Ang in a few steps, his expression greedy. Reach out.

‘Creation Exercises!! ’

If I can cultivate successfully, within ten years. There is a chance to step into the holy realm!! ’

‘Hahaha… This is a heaven-given opportunity for me!! ’

At this moment, Tianbei Yuan’s expression became a little red because of greed!!


At this time.

Li Ang only noticed Tianbei Yuan.

At the moment, he also frowned: “Ants, are you talking to me?” ”

Along with Li Ang’s voice fell, there was also a slap from Li Ang.

A palm blast out. If there is a thunder and lightning.

Too fast!!

So much so that that before Bei Yuan could react that day, he was hit by Li Ang’s chapter.


A bang came. Tianbei Yuan’s whole person instantly turned into a meatloaf with blurred flesh and blood, and he didn’t know where to fly.

Even Yuan Shen was shattered by Li Ang’s palm.

And around.

It also became eerily silent.

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