
One palm out!

At this moment, that day the Young Sect Master of the Cloud Sect, Tian Bei Yuan. was directly slapped into a bloody meatloaf by Li Ang’s palm!

Genshin has no existence!!


It is full of indifference and light clouds.

It’s like pinching an ant to death.

If it weren’t for the fact that Bei Yuan ran to him that day and made noise, Li Ang would not have looked at Bei Yuan that day at all.


This is the moment!

The people in the audience were extremely shocked!

The scene exploded!


“Tianbeiyuan… Actually dead?? ”

People from all major states present. It’s all wide-eyed!

Above the expression. Full of shock.

Leon shot too fast!

One second ago, Li Ang still had an indifferent expression. As if you don’t care about anything.

Next second.

Leon’s slap was already shot.

Directly photographed that day Beiyuan into a bloody meatloaf!

What kind of person is Tianbeiyuan?

Young Master of Tianyun Sect!

A strong man in the late stage of the Taichu Realm!


Died at the hands of Leon. It’s like a chicken easily pinched to death by one hand.

“It’s over…”

“This Li Ang is not a person from the outside world, and he dares to kill my Zhongzhou Great Sect Young Master?”

There are many strong people in the Zhongzhou sects in the hall. Shake their heads!

Tianyun Sect!

One of the supreme great sects in Zhongzhou, the strong in the clan is like a cloud. Standing on the top of the entire Tianxuan Continent.

So to speak, such a force. Second only to the eight ancient holy families.

It is rumored that the sect master of the Cloud Sect that day has entered the peak of the Heavenly Saint to cultivate. One step away from the pseudo-emperor!

It is one of the giants that can sweep the entire Zhongzhou today!

Everyone looked at Li Ang.

Many strong people, whispering.

“And… This time, the Tianyun Sect came to this alien crack’s team, but there were two pseudo-saint-level elders following. ”

“It’s just that those two elders seem to have obtained a inheritance and are in retreat to cultivate divine powers.”

“It’s over… If those two elders knew that someone from the outside world had killed him as the young master of the Great Sect. Not to mention Li Ang, it is the major holy places in the Northern Wilderness where he is located, all of them will be swept away!! ”

And at the moment.

The people in the Tianyun Sect present were also evil gods.

Look at Leon!

Evil gods!

Apparently furious to the extreme.

“Donghuang Leon, huh?”

“You don’t know how thick the sky is… I don’t know the power of my Zhongzhou Great Sect at all!! ”

“You kill me to teach the young master. Not only you! ”

“Together with the holy place and sect where you are. All will be wiped out, not a single one will be left!! ”

At this time.

An elder of the Taichu Realm of the Tianyun Sect also stepped out. With a cold expression, he said, “It’s just that if you hand over the Creation Technique you obtained earlier and return to the Tianyun Sect with me, I will keep the tomb for a hundred years, and I can spare you from death!” ”

When the elder said the four words ‘Creation Exercises’, his tone was in the middle. There is still no escaping a trace of heat.

Li Ang’s expression did not change.

He just waved his fingers and said lightly: “Your young master has repeatedly made provocative remarks. I will behead him with a sword, and if you do not obey, then you will die with him!” ”

One finger out.

Brilliant golden light, instant explosion!

It turned into a thousand-meter pillar of light and blasted towards the remaining Tianyun Sect people.

“Leon!! You are bold!! ”

“No !!!”


As Li Ang’s finger burst out, the rest of the Tianyun Sect was crowded. It was directly in Li Ang’s finger, turning into blood!

“Oh my God!”

Countless Zhongzhou disciples. At this moment, I can only feel a cool breath coming up from the soles of my feet!

I can’t think of it!!

This Li Ang, who came from the Eastern Wilderness, did not care about the prestige of the Zhongzhou Great Sect at all.

Kill if you say kill!!

It’s like a killing god!!

“This… I’ve never seen someone so unreasonable…!! ”

“It’s so brutal… It’s so brutal…”

“Other people from the outer realm saw my Zhongzhou sect. I’m afraid it’s all about to stutter desperately, how can anyone dare to do this? ”

In a few moments, almost slaughtered everyone in the Tianyun Sect who came this time!!

After snapping his fingers and killing everyone in the Tianmen Sect.

Only then did Li Ang slowly withdraw his hand, his expression swept indifferently towards the other people in the hall, and asked lightly:

“You want to die too?”

A word falls!

There was a dead silence!

The major sects looked at Li Ang’s gaze. It’s like seeing the devil!

All back!!


Li Ang was expressionless and flicked his sleeves.

Stepping on the golden crow is to leave the main hall directly!

All the people looked at Leon’s back.

There is only one idea.

Tianyun Sect… This is a giant-level sect based in Zhongzhou for countless years.

It’s going to be a complete tremor!

After leaving.

Li Ang flew in the middle of the air of the main city of the foreign race, and the entire main city was extremely large. The territory is vast.

At this moment, Li Ang is flying on a plain.

Around him, there are broken ruins. Building.

Vaguely, you can glimpse the brilliance of the year.

‘Sure enough. ’

‘This alien main city should be a relic of a foreign race, no wonder there are so many alien people. Fight to the death to stay here. ’

Leon at the moment.

It was also a fist.

‘I don’t know where those Ancient Saint Clan Tianjiao are. ’

If there is a great opportunity here, they will get it.” That’s not good. ’

Just as Leon flew somewhere.

His eyes looked at an abandoned pavilion in the distance, and his expression sank.

“Get me out!”

Finish talking.

Leon slapped his hand. It seems to contain the power of monstrous thunder and lightning. Suddenly blasted out.

One palm.

Like Thor coming!


The attic in the distance was directly smashed by Li Ang’s palm. Sand and gravel flying.

Two figures.

It appeared in front of Li Ang.

Two Primeval Realm peak aliens!

“Hahaha. Mankind!! ”

“Don’t you think it’s too late to find out about us now?”

Li Ang’s expression did not change. said lightly: “I just got a book of Creation Exercises before, and I am in a good mood.” It’s just not going to kill. ”

Li Ang also shook his head helplessly.

“I was born good and don’t like to kill. It’s just that I’m helpless, every time someone comes to the door to send them to death, I can’t kill them if I don’t kill them…”

Finish talking!

Leon opened his mouth.


From its body, a pure yuan thunder qi. Exhale into a thunderbolt.

Cut it down!

“This… What is this?? ”

The pupils of the two aliens shrank. Terrified to the extreme!

“Not good!! Run!! ”


The figures of the two alien races moved, and they directly intended to shield far away.

Merely. Still a step slower.

In the end, the two were in Leon’s thunder.

Straight annihilation!

There are no bones left!

Spit out a breath of thunder and lightning, kill the two peaks of the Taichu Realm in seconds!!

After killing two people.

Leon kept going.

Sure enough, his move was shocking and had an excellent effect.

Along the way, no alien race dared to stop him. No alien race dared to hunt him down.

‘And people? ’

‘Find death! ’

However, at this very moment.

Li Ang actually felt another breath flying towards him.

As that breath approached, Li Ang also frowned

‘Not an alien race. ’

Right at this moment, in one direction. A figure also flew directly towards Li Ang.

It was a woman in a red robe.

The face is beautiful and has a touch of charm.

“This friend.”

“I am a disciple of Zhongzhou Xianyue Pavilion, Ye Xuan’er. Several major sects in our Zhongzhou Tianjiao discovered some secrets not far away. ”

“It should be a big opportunity in this alien main city!”

(Make up for it tomorrow during the day.) )

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