“This friend.”


That Immortal Moon Pavilion disciple Ye Xuan’er. A long red dress, standing in the void.

Directly said:

“This alien main city. It should be an ancient ruin of a foreign race, with countless opportunities. The people of several major sects in Zhongzhou found a barren valley not far away. ”

“Around the barren valley, blood is surrounded. There should be some hidden opportunities inside… It’s just that outside the barren valley. There is an enchantment protection, and there may be alien guards inside…”


Li Ang’s green shirt was carrying a sword, and his expression did not change.

“You want me to be your helper?”

Ye Xuan’er nodded: “That’s right, the enchantment outside the barren valley.” It takes many people to strike at the same time to break it, and at present, the people of our major sects are gathering people everywhere. ”

“Wait until the barren valley opens. What chance you can get, it’s all up to your own luck. At that time, our friends will never have the slightest touch on our major sects, okay? ”

Leon did not hesitate in the slightest.

“Lead the way.”

Seeing that Li Ang agreed, Ye Xuan’er also smiled sweetly at the moment. Hugged his fist: “Then thank you friend.” ”

“This alien main city has countless opportunities. My generation should help each other, otherwise. Those opportunities were all taken away by the people of several ancient saint families. ”

The voice fell.

Ye Xuan’er moved, directly turned into a stream of light, and flew towards a plain in the distance of the main city of the Night Clan.


Ye Xuan’er also smiled coldly.

‘Hmph, what bullshit. ’

‘I have several great Zhongzhou sects, if I want to open that enchantment. It’s not difficult, it’s just that it comes at a cost. ’

‘Just trouble you scattered cultivators and small sects to act as coolies for us.’ ’

And Leon.

It was behind Ye Xuan’er.

Equally. A faint smile.

Help each other?

Never get involved?

How many people can stay calm in the face of real chance?

He naturally knew that this Ye Xuan’er’s purpose was not pure.

But, so what?

At that time, if anyone dares to stop him, he will be cut off with a sword.

A few hours later.

Li Ang followed Ye Xuan’er and came to a barren valley.

It is surrounded by barren mountains and boulders.

A breath of blood, all around.

Countless blood qi finally converged at the entrance of the barren valley. From a distance, it looks like a huge blood-colored mirror.

And below the barren valley, there are figures.

Many of them are wearing the same clothes. Wait around the blood-colored barren valley.

It is one of the top sects in Zhongzhou.

Blood Spear Sect, Immortal Moon Pavilion, Black Soul Hall, Dragon Roaring Gate!

All of them are the world-shocking giant-level great sects in Zhongzhou!

On weekdays, the major ancient sects have created their own realm and hidden in it. Ignore everything.

These giant-level great sects can be regarded as the real hegemons of the entire Zhongzhou.


“What about the people of the Tianyun Sect?”


Long Tianling, the young master of the Dragon Xiaomen, was dressed in a golden robe, and there was a hidden golden energy rising.

Also his eyes scanned the surroundings and wondered.

The Tianyun Sect and several of their major sects are both one of the supreme great sects in Zhongzhou, and it is really rare that they did not appear here.

And in the distance, the chief disciple of the Blood Spear Sect broke through the sky.

It was also a faint smile. The tone was full of sarcasm.

“Tianbei Yuan that waste, penance for many years. However, in the middle of the Taichu Realm, he still forcibly used countless pills to pile up his cultivation. ”

“This time Tianyun Sect. It turned out that two pseudo-saint elders were sent to accompany Tianbei Yuan to protect him. It’s really a loss of the face of my supreme great sect, hum, it’s better not to come. There are a few less people competing for chance. ”

And at this moment, Li Ang also came to a place to wait.

The Tianjiao of these great Zhongzhou Supreme Great Sects obviously didn’t know that that Beiyuan and everyone in the Tianyun Sect that day. has long died tragically at the hands of Leon ….

Although outside this bloody barren valley, there are several people from the supreme great sect.

It’s just that, more.

It is some people who are scattered and small.

The whole scene, there are thousands of people!

It’s just that the core of the crowd is naturally the young master of several supreme great sects, as well as the great disciples of the personal inheritance.

Those few young and handsome figures are like immortals.

Stand still in the void. It seems to be waiting for the moment.

“That Long Tianling’s cultivation. It should have reached the peak of the Taichu Realm, right? And successfully condensed the holy qi, away from the pseudo-saint. But it’s just a matter of time…”

“The blood of the Blood Spear Sect breaks the sky. A blood gun that shocks the world is naturally not bad. ”

“And the Black Soul Temple’s Black Flame… It is said that he practiced some kind of occult technique. In the first battle, a pseudo-saint strong man was severely damaged, and he left without injury…”

The scene is full of people from major scattered cultivators and small sects. Talk.

It’s just that more eyes. It was still placed on Ye Xuan’er, the chief disciple of that Immortal Moon Pavilion.

Ye Xuan’er’s face is not extremely beautiful.

It’s just that there is a faint charm. But it is even more lethal, the chief disciple of several supreme great sects and the only female disciple.


At a certain moment.

Long Tianling, the young master of the Dragon Xiaomen who originally stood quietly on a boulder.

It is also a sharp opening of the eyes.

“The timing is almost right. That enchantment aura was very weak at the moment. ”

“Everyone follow me to open the enchantment outside this barren valley.”

Long Tianling finished speaking.

It is to take the lead and grasp it in the air. The majestic spiritual energy turned into a golden dragon phantom and slammed into the blood-colored enchantment.


Not only him.

With Long Tianling making a move!

Countless people in the audience followed!

One attack at a time, there are many forms.

It’s just a moment.

It is to directly smash that enchantment.


A huge enchantment mirror, a crack emerged, and swirled like breaking ice. Open instantly.

Behind the enchantment.

It’s an endless bloody valley!

The blood mist rises like hell!!



It’s at the very end of everyone’s eyes!

Looming, a blood-colored tower. Hidden in the blood mist, piercing the firmament.

The Tower of Blood is incomparably big.

Make countless people present feel small!

“Tower of Blood?”

Long Tianling frowned.

Just the next moment.

Li Ang’s expression changed suddenly!

Trembling said, “It should be…”



As soon as the words came out, the audience was dead silent.

Long Tianling, body trembling slightly,

The expression was incredulous: “No wonder! ”

“No wonder this area is a hundred miles, lifeless, and a barren valley.”

“It seems that all of them are the treasure divine power of that day!”

“Even that ancient holy clan, every holy clan now, is just having a town clan heavenly treasure!!”

“I’m waiting to get rich…”

The eyes of countless people.


The body trembles!!

It turns out this…

It is this alien main city, the real great opportunity!!

No wonder there were three pseudo-emperors and foreign powerhouses guarding this alien crack at the beginning!

(Recommended!) )

(I’ll sleep first.) After waking up, it starts to explode! )

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