
The blood gourd shot out a burst of blood qi, directly blasted the leaf smoked into powder, and then swallowed into the blood gourd.

The whole process lasted only a few moments!!

There was also a smell of blood in the surrounding air.

It made countless people around completely dumbfounded!!

And Li Ang also sighed helplessly:

“Miss Ye, I was just passing by, you and I have a fate. You brought me here for creation. Originally, Li had to thank you well, why did you say that you bother? It really broke Li’s heart…”

Having said that, Li Ang showed no mercy, and after blasting the leaf smoked into powder, he directly put the blood water it turned into into a blood gourd.

The wind is light!


This time!

The people of the Xianyue Pavilion who stood beside Ye Xuan’er before, as well as several scattered cultivators!

Eyes widen!

Face full of horror!

To know!

Watching a big living person. A top Tianjiao in Zhongzhou actually evaporated in place and disappeared out of thin air!

As if there had never been such a person in the world!

This scene…

It can be described as eye-popping!!

That’s a person from the Supreme Great Sect of Zhongzhou!

Looking at the entire Tianxuan Continent, it is a behemoth-like existence!

“Ye Xuan’er… He’s dead?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”

“Rumor Tianbao. Even the strong of the Holy Realm cannot be completely controlled in a short period of time!! ”

“Is he… Already completely controlled Tempo?? ”


Long Tianling’s expression was intense. Full of horror.


“You… You dare to kill someone from my Zhongzhou Supreme Great Sect? ”

“You are not afraid that in the future, my great sect will come to the door, not only you, but also your dynasty. Sects, one after another to level the blood slaughter? ”

“You’re too bold…” Long Tianling’s expression was extremely gloomy: “I don’t know the horror of my Zhongzhou Supreme Great Sect at all!” Hand over the Heavenly Treasure immediately, my Dragon Roaring Gate can protect you from death!” ”


Just when Long Tianling and the voice just fell.

Leon waved his hand again.


Finish talking.

From Li Ang’s blood gourd, another burst of blood qi erupted.


In the air, a muffled sound came.

I saw that the blood qi in the blood gourd was released, and it instantly wrapped the young master of the Dragon Xiaomen Long Tianling.

“Not good!!”

Long Tianling obviously didn’t expect that Li Ang would dare to gather a crowd to kill people in front of so many of their supreme sect people today, and wail!

“Elder save…”



Long Tianling’s body was all stirred into blood by the blood qi in Li Ang’s blood gourd.

Subsequently, it was slowly collected into the blood gourd.



That blood gourd. It trembled slightly, as if it was unfinished.

‘Don’t rush. ’

‘It’s going to fill you up today.’ ’

Until this moment.

The crowd was there. Finally reacted…

It turned out that Leon had previously said that he would kill them all… It’s not just talk!!

“This friend.”


The remaining elders of Long Xiaomen also had gloomy expressions! The face is even more ugly than that of dead parents.

It’s just that due to Li Ang’s means, they dare not step forward.

He could only say in a deep voice: “It’s because we don’t know that our friend’s powerful means, Ye Xuan’er and my Young Master of Longxiaomen offended the masters by their words before, and now they are being killed by the masters.” ”

“I’ll wait for the oral to be convinced, can we leave?”

Meantime. The elder also had a grim expression.

‘Boy, you dare to kill the people of my great sect. When I go back to inform the Sect Master, I will find you and smash you to pieces!! ’

Li Ang, his expression was indifferent.

said lightly: “Li said before that he wanted to kill all of you.” Do you take Li’s words as a deaf ear? ”

Li Ang before gave them a chance.


This group of people did not abide by the previous agreement. Unite to kill him…


Then it can only be… Kill!

Leon finished speaking!

This time, he directly threw out the blood gourd in his hand.

Blood rises!


“Not good!!”

“He’s going to kill in a big way!!”

Several supreme sectarians on the field were terrified to the extreme!

Twisted expressions!

“Run !!!”

Countless people turned around!!

Regret it a lot!

Horror cracks!

Intend to escape.


Just in the next second!


From the blood gourd, there was a huge blood qi of thousands of feet, at an extremely fast speed. In the crowd, a flash passed.

Just for a moment!

The whole place refers to the person.

His body trembled, like a wooden man. Freeze!

Time seems to stand still.

All people, motionless!


One by one, the figure seemed to evaporate in place.

Burst in an instant!

Turned into a ball of blood. Like a bloody river.


All of them were devoured by the blood gourd!

The entire tower top space. Instant silence!

It’s as if nothing happened!


It’s also kind of getting rid of some trouble.” Now that I have Tempo, if the news spreads. ’

I’m afraid it will cause me a lot of trouble and delay my cultivation.” ’

Li Ang’s expression was calm and the wind was light.

It’s like pinching a few ants to death.

Li Ang did not leave, but directly meditated on the spot.

Place the elixir and fairy grass around the top of those towers.

They all took it out.


Without the slightest hesitation, swallow it directly in your mouth!

Close your eyes slowly.

Entered the state of cultivation.

And at the moment.

Around Li Ang’s body, there was also a burst of divine light, like an immortal posture.

A week later.

Early morning.

Leon at the top of that tower. Open your eyes slowly.

Exhale lightly.

I shook my fist. I felt the surging power in my body.

“The peak of the Taichu realm…”

“One step away from the Holy Realm…”


It’s just that, right now!

The Tower of Blood where Leon is located. It was a sudden tremor!!

An extremely powerful aura erupted from the crack of the alien race.

It seems to be just a breath.

It has made the whole alien crack. There was a sudden tremor, as if it had collapsed.


At this moment, Li Ang did not hesitate in the slightest.

Directly into a stream of light. Quickly left the Blood Tower where he was.

At the moment when Li Ang just left, the entire Blood-colored Tower, along with the entire alien main city, collapsed in an instant, and sand and stones flew around!

After leaving the Blood Valley.

Around the main city of the alien race, there are also countless crowds gathering at this moment. Enough 10,000 people!

This includes the people of the major ancient holy families!

And at the end of the main city of the alien race, there was a black mist.

In the black fog. A huge figure looms, hidden in it.

It’s a black dragon!

Faintly hovering.

“This… Is it the true dragon that Master Xuan said that day? ”

Leon frowned.

Before entering the alien rift, Master Xuantian had said that this alien crack concealed a true dragon, and the holy realm was cultivated!

The people of the major ancient saint clans came to the rift this time in order to kill this true dragon.

“Not true!!”

Right at this moment.

The town guards here. Among the eight ancient saint clans who are ready to kill.

Night Clan’s royal daughter, Night Dawn. The beautiful eyes froze, as if they had noticed something.

In the voice. Full of shock: “This real dragon… It’s not a holy realm cultivator at all! ”

“Rather… Pseudo-emperor!! ”

“It previously hid cultivation for… Tricked my father!! ”

Just in the midst of the horror of the crowd.

Li Ang’s eyes are also a hint of information, revealed!

[Black Winged Dragon King, pseudo-emperor cultivation! ] 】

[Hidden message 1: Extreme gluttony, devouring everything.] 】

[Hidden message 2: After being swallowed into the stomach, resist with the supreme bloodline and resist the emperor’s blood. ] You can directly break through to the pseudo-saint cultivation! 】

Leon, completely stupid.

‘So this… That’s my great opportunity!! ’

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