
“It’s my great opportunity.”

Leon’s gaze. Looking at the black-clothed dragon king in the black fog in the distance.

It is with Leon’s heart.

The voice can’t help but tremble!


Although Li Ang supreme bloodline blessing, on his talent. In the entire Tianxuan Continent, no one can compare with him.


If you want to step into the holy realm, you don’t just have talent.

Chance and creation are indispensable!

Originally, according to Li Ang’s plan, he would need half a year. Only then can you step into the holy realm.

Didn’t expect…

In front of his eyes, an opportunity to step into the holy realm appeared directly!!

‘After breaking through the Holy Realm, my immortal body should also be able to be tempered to the peak of the nine revolutions. ’

‘When the time comes, below the imperial realm. Let me sweep! ’

‘Distance from stepping into that Void Immortal Realm. It’s not far away…’

Leon’s gaze.

There are also some yearnings and rumors that it is too virtual immortal.

It is the real upper bound, connecting all races in the universe.


is the true pinnacle of preaching!

Just when Li Chen was thinking.

In the main city of the alien race, the people of the major ancient holy families. It was also extremely embarrassing.


“Stupid humans… Dare to come to the town to kill the Buddha? ”

“Buddha-figures were originally meditating here. Prepare to find the opportunity to tear the space and return to my alien continent. ”

“Since you ants have come to find death… It seems that the Buddha-figure had to be born…”

A deep voice came from the black fog in the sky.

Whirlwind even saw, the black-winged dragon king.

Stretched out black wings, above the wings, scales are covered like blades.

Every wave seemed to be enough to affect the power of heaven and earth, and the shadow formed by the huge body. Almost the entire space is enveloped!

Around that huge body.

Golden light flowing. Like the stars.

Every second, it seems that there is a change of law!


“This… How can it be?? ”

Beside Ye Xi, Lu Xinyan, the daughter of the king of the Lu clan, her pretty face changed.

“Sister Yexi, what should I do?”

At present, among the princes and daughters of several ancient saint families.

Only Night Light has stepped into the Heavenly Saint!

For the strongest!!

At this moment, the night sun is a black dress, like an ice and snow fairy, not in the ordinary dust. Temperament like a fairy.

She said with a calm and faint expression: “It hides its cultivation and evades my father’s pursuit.” This is the moment that waits. ”

“The gap between the Sage and the Great Emperor. Bigger than the sky, when I stepped into the Heavenly Saint, I fought with a pseudo-Saint elder of my clan a hundred times. Not once have I been able to stick to three strokes. I’m not the opponent of this Black Winged Dragon King…” In the end, Ye Xi’s beautiful expression was also somewhat depressed.


As the sound of the night light fell, the people of the major ancient holy clans present. Shocking!!

Know that they are currently in the middle of the alien rift. Even if a distress message is sent, no one from the outside can enter.

Can only wait two months after the exit opens!!

In this way, won’t they have to wait for death?

“Go first!”

At this moment, Yexi also waved his hand. He said directly: “This alien rift is a vast area, and I have sent a message. As long as you can last for these two months, the entrance will open. An elder of my Night Clan came and bombarded this dragon. ”

The voice fell!!

The people of several ancient holy clans are extremely fast.

Like a stream of light, it disappeared in an instant.



The others here were not so lucky.

I only saw the black-clothed dragon king, a big mouth, a monstrous devouring force, bursting out!!

Countless scattered cultivators in that alien main city, people from other sects.

One by one!!

The expression is terrified!


“No !!!”


One figure after another, it was the black-winged dragon king, swallowing directly into his mouth!!



Ten thousand!!

One breath, kill 10,000 people instantly!!



At this time.

The people of the Night Clan walked together.

The queen daughter saw Li Ang on top of a building in the distance. It is also a cluster of beautiful eyebrows.

“What is he going to do?”

Leon had previously won the title at that night’s feast. Ye Xi still had a little impression of him.


At this moment, Li Ang has no intention of retreating!

No advance or retreat.

On the contrary, the figure moved, in the eyes of everyone.

Step by step, towards the black-clothed dragon king.

Whole audience!


“Who is this person??”

“I’m not mistaken… He… Towards that black dragon king?? ”

“He… Is it to find death? ”

Including Na Yexi, Lu Xinyan and other people from the ancient saint clan who knew Li Ang. Countless people in the audience, their faces full of shock and doubt!!


So many people. It’s too late to run!

Li Ang actually went back to find death?



The black-winged dragon king in mid-air also discovered Li Ang.

Like an ant. I didn’t care at all, and I directly took a big mouth of blood.

Swallowed Leon in, and then.

Keep moving!


This moment!!

It was the Queen Daughter of the Night Light who was extremely puzzled.

“This Leon of the East Wilderness… Swallowed in?? ”

She couldn’t figure it out anyway!

Why did Leon seek death?

“Sister Yexi… He?? ”

Lu Xinyan on the side also had a puzzled expression.

“That’s it.”

What a heavenly maiden Yexi is, but that day Li Ang swept through the four wastelands, which made her look a little different. It’s just that after all, it has not reached the level of caring.

Who in this entire Tianxuan Continent can enter her eyes?

“Originally, I thought that this person had good talents, and he could send it to my Saint Clan for cultivation in the future, since he took the initiative to seek death. Just let him go. ”

After Yexi finished speaking, Mime turned forward, not speaking.

Everyone is gone!




After Leon was swallowed into his stomach by the black-winged dragon king.

I don’t know how long it took.

It seems like a day, like ten thousand years.

Li Ang slowly opened his eyes.


As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw it. Around him, there was blood.

Countless bloody skeletons and bloody corpses.

Twisted, horizontal and vertical.

It was obviously the countless Zhongzhou people who had been swallowed by the Black Winged Dragon King before.

‘This is the body of the Black Winged Dragon King? ’

Leon frowned.

You can feel the space he is in. It was the black-clothed dragon king’s body, and an extremely huge devouring force that also swept towards him.

As if to melt him!

‘Hmph. ’

Li Ang’s expression was indifferent.


Supreme Bloodline Operation!

I saw Li Ang at this moment, and the golden energy of his whole body was rising!

Like a golden man!

Not moving like a mountain!

With the operation of the supreme bloodline, a monstrous and huge coercion came out!!

Like a black hole!!

Instead, he began to pour the Black Winged Dragon King’s drop by drop of essence blood from every meridian of it. Tear out.


Those essence and blood are like a golden waterfall.

Bathe Leon!!


The Black Winged Dragon King in the outside world and mid-air!

The huge body trembled violently!!


“My essence blood…”


“This… What’s going on?? ”

Black Pterodactyl King, completely dumbfounded!!

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