
“What about my blood???

“What about my aura??”

Black Winged Dragon King, above that alien crack void!

Fly fast!

Sweep everything!

It’s just that it keeps moving forward.

It was shockingly perceptive!!

It has painstakingly cultivated thousands of years of essence blood!



Decrease little by little!

“I… I’m fucking!!! ”

“What the hell is going on!!”

It is the black-winged dragon king, the pseudo-emperor heart!

Feeling this movement in the body, I am still extremely frightened!!

Howl to the sky!!

‘Could it be… Is it that I forcibly hid my cultivation for too long before, and my foundation was damaged? ’

‘Impossible!! I have entered the imperial realm and my body is not destroyed, how can I destroy my foundation? ’

‘Could it be that I spent too much Reiki earlier?’ ’

‘This… What’s going on? ’


That black-winged dragon king also hurriedly stopped!!

Don’t chase the people of the eight ancient saints who left, hide in a valley!

Covered in a cold sweat!



At this moment, the black-winged demon dragon also wailed.

So that hundreds of miles around the valley, countless demon beasts, have retreated!!

One day!!

Five days!!

Ten days!!

Time is like the wind, in the blink of an eye.

Ten days have passed!!

This moment!!

The black-winged dragon king hiding in the valley, his huge body trembled.

On my forehead, sweat comes out!!

Face full of horror and despair!

At this moment, his breath is extremely weak!

Because of excessive fear. That huge body is shaking violently all the time!!

In just ten days, its cultivation turned out to be from a pseudo-emperor.

Descended to the Heavenly Saint!

Then true saint!

Now, the essence blood and aura in his body.

Still passing!!

‘If it goes on like this… I…’

‘I’m about to descend to the False Saint!’ ’

‘I… I’m fucking!!! ’

The Black-Winged Dragon King was even in that alien continent. They are all top true dragons of a generation!!

Standing proudly in heaven and earth!!

It has practiced hard for thousands of years, tempered and cultivated, and achieved pseudo-emperors!!

One step away from the True Emperor!!

Once it steps into the True Emperor, it will even have the qualification to ascend to the Immortal Realm!

I didn’t expect it, its cultivation!

It’s actually fading little by little!!


“My cultivation!!”





Just when the black-winged dragon king was desperate and wailing!

It suddenly discovered.

In its body space!

Near Dantian!!

Unexpectedly, a breath appeared!

‘What’s going on?’ ’

The Black Winged Dragon King has a divine sense!

Leaning towards the depths of the dantian in the body!

Immediately, it was a shocking sight!

At this moment, within its dantian space.

A figure, bathed in golden qi!

The figure was robed and extremely clean.

It’s like a world of its own!

It was Leon.

At this moment, Li Ang kept passing through the essence blood of the black-clothed dragon king. Bathe all around!

His breath. It is also getting stronger and stronger!

“It’s him!!”

The moment I saw Leon!

Black Pterodactyl King, red eyes!!

No wonder!!

It is repaired backwards!

Essence blood, aura.

All gone!!

It turned out to be… It was devoured by a human in the depths of its Dantian!!

At this time. When the Black Winged Dragon King saw Li Ang, he suddenly thought of it!

Now in that alien main city!

It once devoured a human being!!

When the man saw it, he not only did not flee. On the contrary, it is coming head-on!

Exactly Leon!!

“You dare to devour the essence blood of the Buddha??”

“You dare to devour the Buddha-figure aura??”

“The Buddha-figure wants to tear you apart and trap your genshin in a container. Eternal torture!! ”

The voice of the Black Winged Dragon King, because of anger, has trembled to hoarseness!!


At this time.

Li Ang also said lightly: “I am in retreat in the depths of your Dantian. What can you endure me? ”

“After all, I still blame you for being too greedy. If you hadn’t swallowed me, you wouldn’t have ended up like this…”

As Li Ang’s voice fell.

That black-winged dragon king.

Completely dumbfounded!!

That’s right!!

Ordinary people, after being swallowed by it. In less than a moment, it will completely melt into blood!!

Over the years, it has devoured alien creatures, demon beasts, and humans!


But no one has ever been like Leon. Not only did it not turn into blood water, but it entered its dantian space.

Devour its essence blood!!

“You… What means were used? ”

Seeing that Li Ang was not talking, the black-clothed dragon king was a generation of great emperors and true dragons after all. Possess high wisdom!

At this moment, its voice is also much softer!

“Friend, you devoured my hundred years of cultivation essence blood, one step away from the pseudo-saint!”

“Now you leave my Dantian. I don’t care about what happened before, okay? ”

Li Ang was still silent, but he continued to let the Black Winged Dragon King’s essence blood refine his body!

At the moment, around his body. A pattern of light also faintly emerged.

Six ways.

Seven ways.

Eight ways.

Eight turns of the immortal body!

It’s only one step away from the Nine Revolutions Immortal Body!


The Black Winged Dragon King snorted coldly!

“If you really think, I will wait like this for you to swallow my essence and blood clean. You are very wrong, the Buddha-figure would rather blow himself up than let you devour me up for a thousand years!! ”

“The Buddha-figure would rather die with you!”

Li Ang smiled lightly: “Then you can try it…”


Hearing Li Ang’s words, the Black Winged Dragon King made up his mind!

Intend to self-detonate directly!!


The next second, something that made it dumbfounded happened!

At this moment, the aura in its body.

It’s no longer controllable!


This moment!!

The Black Winged Dragon King is completely desperate!!

It wails out!!

“Spare your life!!”

“Spare me!!”

“My essence blood!! My cultivation!! ”

“My thousand years of hard work!!”

“No !!!”


As the Black Winged Dragon King’s voice became weaker and weaker.

The essence blood in its body has been refined by Li Ang!

At this moment, Li Ang is bathed in golden holy qi all over!

Vicissitudes and quaintness.

As soon as his eyes opened, the sky fell auspicious clouds.

Thousands of miles of golden light!!

It’s like the beginning of the ages!

‘It’s time to break through the Holy Realm…’

Leon muttered.


Two months later.

Early morning.

Along with the alien crack, a huge spatial distortion!

The teleportation formation that has been closed for half a year is opened again!


At the moment of opening, there was a Night Clan elder.

Straight into the interracial rift!

That elder had a golden robe, and the True Emperor cultivated. Although it is old, but such a momentum covers the heavens and the earth, and it is not angry and arrogant!

Once it appears.

So that within a radius of thousands of miles, the space is violently circulating.

At the feet of that elder, step by step, ripples.

It seems that every moment, there is a space collapsing, and birth.

It is for the Night Clan Taishang Elder.


“Meet Elder Taishang of the Overnight Clan!”


The people of several ancient saint clans guarding the vicinity of the teleportation formation also bent over with their fists in their hands.

Ye Yuanzi nodded lightly, and his gaze turned to Ye Xi: “Her Royal Highness.” When you summoned back, did you say that the beast who escaped from the patriarch before was actually a pseudo-emperor realm, hiding his cultivation? ”

Ye Xi said directly: “That’s right, it should be in the depths of that alien crack.” ”

“Hmph. Cunning things, the old man went to cut it. ”

Hearing this, the Night Clan Taishang Elder snorted coldly.

The divine knowledge in the body is great, and the perception is thousands of miles.

Then, he seemed to have noticed the aura of the black-winged dragon king.

The figure directly moved, turned into a golden light and flew towards the distance.

And the people of several other ancient saint clans also followed!!

Half an hour later!!

One by one, the figures are also gathered in a valley somewhere!

It is the people of several ancient saint families!

Led by the newly arrived Ye Motoko!

At this moment, everyone is gathered outside the valley!

Looming, in the middle of the valley. There is a behemoth.

Weak breath!

It is the Black Winged Dragon King, who has long lost his strength!!

“This… What’s going on?? ”

Night light beauty eyes magnified. Unbelievable!!

The black-clothed dragon king was extremely powerful!

A snort. Bombard 10,000 people!

The people who made them several ancient holy places. They are all far away, guarded in the border area, and do not dare to approach!!


How did this black-winged dragon king become like this?

Lu Xinyan, the daughter of the Lu clan. Also covered his small mouth, I couldn’t believe it!

“What’s wrong?”

Just when everyone from the Ancient Saint Clan was puzzled.


The black-winged dragon king also wailed and screamed!



In the end, its huge body. Directly shattered.

Turned into a cloud of blood mist.

There is only a golden light.

Fly out of that blood mist!

Everyone looked away.

That golden light, golden energy rises.

The fairy air turns.

The moment the golden light appeared, the surrounding heaven and earth. It’s all abrupt change.

The clouds and fog in the sky dispersed far away.

Thousands of miles of emptiness. Colorful light rainbow, inclined down!

“Holy Qi??”

“Colorful rainbow?”

“Heaven descends auspicious clouds?? Could it be that someone has been sanctified?? ”

The beautiful eyes of the night light converged in the golden light.


The crowd is seen.

In the golden light, a figure was faintly visible.

The figure, the green shirt and the sword.

Stand in the void.

“Lee… Leon? ”

“Holy Realm??”

(Ask for a wave of review votes!) Immediately broke four thousand! This one is nearly 3,000 words, don’t say I’m lazy. I wrote this chapter for half an all-nighter, deleted, changed, and always dissatisfied… )

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