
That extremely powerful black-winged dragon king directly turned into a blood mist!

Directly shattered!

A pseudo-emperor-level alien true dragon!

It actually fell like this?

“This… The Black Pterodactyl King… He’s dead?? ”

“Won’t you??”


Several ancient saint clans in the great middle states Tianjiao and elders.

They all looked towards the void!!

“That’s… Leon? ”

Above the void.

A figure, standing quietly.

Tsing Shirt bears the sword.

Exactly Leon!


The golden qi rises, and there are wisps of immortal qi, like the galaxy in the air, flying straight for nine days.

Above Li Ang’s body, colorful streamers are blessed.

There is a lot of life.

Under Leon, that was originally a wasteland. It turned out to be green grass and flowers blooming!

A golden immortal qi. Like ocean waves, ripples are set off in space, spreading out.

Leon at the moment.

The wind is light and cloudy.

Extremely dark gold.

The eyes are like cast gold, and they look at each other. The sky was torn apart and turned into golden pillars of light, like stone pillars leading to the Heavenly Palace, spanning the nine heavens!

Auspicious clouds descend from the sky, and holy air turns!

It’s for the Holy Realm!!



Li Ang was also relieved.

‘Finally it is… I’ve stepped into the holy realm…’

The Holy Realm is divided into three realms.

False Saint, True Saint, Heavenly Saint!

The current Li Ang is the realm of pseudo-saints!

For the great powerhouse of heaven and earth.

After breaking through the holy realm, it was not only the rapid increase in one’s own cultivation.

Even the mind has improved.

At this moment, Li Ang and the wind are light.

10,000 years at a glance.

He shook his fist lightly. I felt the abundant power in my body.

Just that momentary coercion, it turned out to be the ground that made Fang Yuan thousands of miles. They all suddenly cracked, turning into pitch-black cracks that extended to the end of the line of sight.

Every second, there are thousands of laws born.

Every second, with Leon as the center of heaven and earth. All have an area of annihilation and confusion.

Only Leon’s god-like body is above. The nine golden lights flowed, like a true god under mortality.

Looking down on the world.

‘Is this the power of the nine revolutions of the immortal body? ’

‘Earlier me… Still too weak…’

And at the moment.

Below that valley, the people of the great ancient holy families.

Completely dumbfounded.


Especially the several great holy clan elders who knew Li Ang looked up at Li Ang.


It’s all a little trembling!


“This… Isn’t it Leon from the East Wilderness? ”

“He… Sanctified?? ”

“This… How can it be?? ”


You know, when today Xuan Continent.

Only the descendants of the eight holy families can become holy as the younger generation!

But that’s also because the eight holy clans have the bloodline of the ancient emperor handed down!

It can be said that the descendants of the eight holy families!

Be able to become holy!

Entirely because of the inheritance of ancestors!

Not to mention Li Ang, even the current several supreme great sects in Zhongzhou, none of them can become holy!

Li Ang, a man from a foreign land, actually became holy?

“It won’t…”

Lu Xinyan on the side. It was also incredulous to cover his small mouth and look at Li Ang in mid-air!

“The holy air turns… It is indeed a holy realm…”

And Ye Xi, even if she has always been indifferent. The tone at this moment could not help but emerge with a touch of shock and disbelief.

“And… That Black Pterodactyl King… Also died at his hands! ”

The major holy families were shocked.

That Ye Yuanzi, the elder of the Night Clan, also looked at Li Ang.

Slowly spoke: “Junior, that Black-winged Dragon King.” Was it killed by you? ”

Leon nodded.

“That black-winged dragon king swallowed me into my stomach, and Li was lucky not to die. Swallow its dragon blood and advance to sanctification. ”

Li Ang’s tone was indifferent. However, it made the people of the major holy families in the audience fall into a cold sweat!!

Advance to sanctification??

I don’t know how many saint family heirs were present, relying on bloodline inheritance and pouring out the strength of the family to break through to the holy realm.

And in Li Ang’s mouth, it turned out to be so simple!

This moment.

Ye Motoko in mid-air.

It is also a slow opening:

“At the beginning, my Saint Patriarch said that whoever suppresses the True Dragon succeeds. Give great creation. ”

“Now the patriarch is in retreat, wait until after exiting. My Night Clan will send someone to welcome Xiaoyou to my Night Clan Holy Clan and treat you as guests. ”

Ye Yuanzi is dressed in a golden robe, not angry and arrogant.

Such an imperial momentum, the words fell. It exploded like thunder.

The voice fell.

The people of all the holy families in the audience are shaken again!

To know. Today’s Night Clan Saint Clan!

Take charge of the family for the Tianxuan Continent!

Elder Taishang of the Night Clan took the initiative to invite and invite a junior from the outer realm. Go to the Holy Family!

Treat each other as a guest!!

Such a thing, unprecedented!!

To know. How does that night Motoko exist?

A generation of emperor realm powerhouses is one of the top giants of the entire Tianxuan Continent!

He would say that, and it would represent the Night Clan. Fully recognized Li Ang’s strength!

And Leon,

He nodded: “Thank you.” ”

Finish talking. Leon just doesn’t stay.

Turn into a stream of light and disappear into this area.

Only those many people of the Holy Family remained, shocked eyes.

Even Lu Xinyan, the daughter of the Lu family, who had previously disdained Li Ang. At this moment, it was all jade hands lightly, looking at the direction of Li Angxian in the distance, and muttered: “So handsome…”


And at the moment.

Outside the alien rift, outside the city that never sleeps when everyone in the Eastern Wilderness.

One by one, the figures also quickly converged at this moment.

Enough 10,000 people!

Will be there in the East Wilderness people. Surrounded by them!!

It is the people of the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness!

And in the forefront of countless holy places in the northern wilderness and the southern wilderness.

It was two white-robed old men.

The two old men stood in the void with long staffs in hand.

Look indifferent!

Such cultivation has actually reached the false saint!

Two pseudo-saint-level powerhouses!!

It was the two elders of the Tianyun Sect!


Sky white!

Two Tianyun Sect Taishang Elders!

At this moment, the expressions of the two elders were also gloomy to the extreme. It’s ugly!

Originally, the two elders came to this alien rift with everyone from the Tianyun Sect in order to protect the young patriarch Tian Bei Yuan. The two of them found an ancient inheritance somewhere in the crack, so they went into retreat.

Didn’t expect…

Wait until the two of them get out!

He is the young master of Tianyuanzi. As well as the countless disciples and elders who came with him.

They all died at the hands of a man named “Li Ang” in the East Wilderness!!

How can you not be angry?

So these two elders of the Tianyun Sect inquired about Li Ang’s news all the way with a sweeping trend. Prepare for bloody revenge.

Merely… In the end, I learned.

Leon turned out to be dead!

So, in the end, the two elders.

You can only come to the periphery of the city that never sleeps where everyone in the Eastern Wilderness is located. Prepare to clean up the people in the Eastern Wilderness in the bloodbath city that never sleeps, and come to avenge his Young Master of Tianyun Sect!

And the southern wilderness and the northern wilderness that were swept by Li Ang before.

Learned that Leon was dead!

It is also gathered one after another!!

Follow the two Tianyun Sect elders and prepare to take revenge on the Eastern Wilderness!


Two elders, Tianbai and Tiandark.

It is also indifferent in tone. said lightly: “East barren ants.” ”

“Come out quickly, one by one.” Burial for my young master of Tianyun Sect. Otherwise, my Supreme Great Sect will descend and level your Eastern Desolate Domain!” ”

The voice was indifferent and spread for thousands of miles.

So that many other people in the surrounding holy places couldn’t help but shake their heads!

“Now Li Xian is dead…”

“This time in the East Wilderness… It’s difficult…”

“That day Yunzong. It is one of the supreme great sects in Zhongzhou, and this time there are two Saint Realm elders sitting in the town.”

“Li Immortal killed the young master of the Tianyun Sect… These two great powers, I am afraid that they will use bloody means to seek revenge for the young master of Tianyun Sect…”

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