
An Iceland floated over the extremely cold ice field.

Look far away. It is not difficult to see that Iceland was actually cut down with a sword. Turned into a flying boat, slowly floating above the void.

It caused countless ancient holy places and countless dynasty sects in the entire Eastern Wilderness to be shocked!!

And the figure above Iceland is Leon!

Countless figures in the audience. Eyes converge.

Bursts of noise, soaring into the sky!

Leon is coming!

“Li Xianren?”

“I remember that Li Ang killed the Holy Dragon Holy Land God Son and countless Holy Sons before!”

“Now that Saint Wuji has entered the Heavenly Saint, he has ordered the Eastern Wilderness to come and worship, and he is really the Lord of the Eastern Wilderness! How dare he come back? ”

“I’m afraid that the first thing Saint Wuji did when he got out of the pass was to kill him and avenge those god sons and holy sons who died in his holy dragon holy land!”

“It’s over… Li Xianren is my East Desolate Junjie, famous all over the world. I’m afraid I’m going to fall here today…”


Everyone in the Xuantian Holy Land was completely dumbfounded. Especially the Xuantian Holy Lord, his pretty face instantly turned extremely white!

Looking at Leon in disbelief!

She couldn’t figure it out anyway!

Why is Leon coming back?

Didn’t he know the horror of the Heavenly Saint Strong?

That is a top powerhouse that is enough to be proud of the entire Xuantian Continent. Enjoy the great opportunity and great creation, that is, the other holy land holy lords present must all lower their eyebrows!!

“How did he come back?”

“Didn’t I already summon him not to come back?” The Xuantian Holy Lord shook his head repeatedly. The expression is still embarrassed!

So far, we can only take one step at a time.

A look of despair also appeared in the depths of the Xuantian Holy Lord’s expression.

‘He doesn’t know the horror of the Heavenly Saint powerhouse at all, and this is the end…’

‘Originally, I thought that Li Ang would survive, and I would be in the Xuantian Holy Land. In less than a hundred years, there will be room for it. Now it seems… There’s no chance left…’

With the arrival of Leon.

The people of the major Eastern Desolate Holy Lands were constantly stunned.

After all, that Saint Wuji has become a heavenly saint and is invincible in the world.

Coming back at this time is undoubtedly sending death.

White light clothes not far away. He also turned white and said in a trembling voice: “Now that Li Ang has returned to the East Wilderness, if he wants to go again, it will not be so easy…”

“Oh? This is the man who makes your heart move? ”


The snow fairy beside the white light clothes was also Meimei on Li Ang.

At this moment, the white light clothes and beautiful cheeks were slightly red. Until now, there was nothing to hide, just a gentle nod of the head.


At the moment when the snow fairy’s eyes were on Li Ang, an extremely profound aura came, making her unable to accurately detect Li Ang’s true strength for a while!

The snow fairy frowned slightly.

‘This… What’s going on? ’

‘This person’s cultivation is ordinary, and his breath is ordinary. ’

‘This… How can it be? I have stepped into the holy realm for many years, and I can’t even see a junior cultivator? Could it be that…’

‘His strength has surpassed several of our great holy lords? ’

Just when the snow fairy was stunned.

Right above the ice field. Sheng Wuji, who was fishing for thousands of miles of aura, finally burst out laughing.

“Hahaha. Li Xianren, you shouldn’t have come. ”

“Saint Someone has long known that you have broken through the Holy Realm in that Zhongzhou and is waiting for you here!”

“Sure enough, you are arrogant. Otherwise, if you escape, the Buddha-figure will really not be able to help you. ”

A word falls!!


“Li Xianren… Broke through the Holy Realm?? ”

“This… Did I hear you right? ”

The entire periphery of the ice field. Hundreds of thousands of people were instantly dumbfounded and stunned.

The crowd is in an uproar!

A junior in the Eastern Wilderness, stepping into the holy realm?

This… That’s ridiculous!

Look at Leon above the void!


The Xuantian Holy Lord trembled. The beautiful eyes were enlarged, and together with the many Xuantian Holy Land elders around, they couldn’t believe their ears!

At present, among the younger generation of the Tianxuan Continent, only those few juniors of the Ancient Saint Clan have stepped into the Holy Realm! ! !

Li Ang has no inheritance, unexpectedly… Sanctified?

Countless people were in an uproar!

Saint Wuji.


“Haha, Leon. Today the Buddha-figure will kill you first to shock the people of the world! ”

Sheng Wuji laughed loudly and slammed his big hand on the ice surface of the Ten Thousand Li Ice Field. Directly shoot a crack.


From the cracks in the ice of thousands of miles. It turned out that there were millions of golden pillars of light, stabbing towards the void, and in the rise of golden energy, there were laws that changed silently.



One after another monstrous golden pillars of light. Even the void was shattered with a bang, and I saw that above the mid-air, countless clouds and mist were all exploded, revealing an arc-shaped blue void.


And Leon’s Icelandic flying boat. It was also directly smashed and turned into countless powders flying sideways.

“Be careful!!”

Countless Xuantian Holy Land disciples. The heart went directly to the throat and eyes.

But it was seen, since the Iceland was broken.

Around Li Ang’s body, a cyan body emerged!

I saw Li Ang stepping in the void. Under his feet, he walked leisurely like a dragon composed of two cyan lightnings. In that monstrous pillar of light, like walking on the ground, a few steps are safe steps.

“Is that what you’re capable of? Saint Wuji? Li Ang said indifferently.

Behind Leon. It is full of green and mighty feet.


As a result, the thousands of miles of ice fields were cut thousands of miles, and countless broken ice sank under the ice field, setting off monstrous waves and churning continuously.


Seeing such a momentum, countless dynasties in the major holy places in the audience. They all retreated.

His expression was shocked: “That Saint Wuji’s move is an ordinary Saint Realm powerhouse, and it will be shattered in an instant!” ”

“This Li Immortal actually stepped out safely??”

“My mother… This… It’s the real amazing power!! ”

Snow Fairy.

The beautiful eyes froze, and the delicate body trembled slightly.

Jade hands covered their small mouths in disbelief!!

‘I guessed correctly…’

‘The power of this Li Immortal. It is far beyond the other great holy lords, and it is enough to clash with the Heavenly Saint powerhouse…’

And at the moment.

That Sheng Wuji saw that his move was dissolved by Li Ang. Angry retorted.

The figure moved, and the golden energy behind him rose, like an eagle spreading its wings. The speed is extremely fast, and it flies above the void in the blink of an eye.

Smiled proudly:

“Li Xianren, no wonder my holy dragon god son and holy son. All fell into your hands, your great talent. When Xuan Continent is today, no one can compare with you. ”

“If it were another ten years, I would not be your opponent, then. Maybe I can only escape from a distance, but. You’re too sharp. I just entered the holy realm, how can I know my generation’s magical powers? ”

As soon as Sheng Wuji’s voice fell, the holy air flow in his eyes turned.

Those two big hands suddenly closed forward, thousands of miles of ice field. It turned out to be a violent tremor.



Immediately, that thousands of miles of ice field. They all directly shattered, countless broken ice rose one after another, and constantly roared in the void, forming a cold ice giant with ten thousand feet.

Holding a Cold Sky Sword, step down.

Tremor Kyushu!

At the giant’s feet, the ice field trembled.

The surrounding mountains collapsed one after another. Turn into a sky full of sand and stones.

“Li Xianren, I have been practicing hard in this cold land for several years to comprehend the avenue. This world has long been used by me. ”

Sheng Wuji shook his head lightly: “My generation has cultivated all the way. If you can’t reach the emperor realm, after thousands of years, it’s just a dry bone. I broke through the Heavenly Sage, and the Dao Heart was even greater. Originally, I didn’t have such a heavy intention to kill you. But your talent is too strong…”


See the monstrous power of the ice giant.

So that millions of people in the audience. It’s all fading.

See the true God!

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