Thousands of miles above the ice field.

Saint Wuji stands in the void. Beneath him is a huge ice giant. That giant is incomparably huge, standing under the clouds, covering the clouds and the sun!!

The ice giant, with the gathering of Sheng Wuji’s heavenly spiritual energy and the frost of the thousands of miles of ice fields as its body.

It seems to be connected with heaven and earth, immortal and immortal.

“Too strong… Too strong…”


“It’s the real Heavenly Sacred Means…”


When everyone in the Eastern Wilderness saw the giant at the feet of Saint Wuji, their expressions were shocked to the extreme.

Just looking up at the cold ice giant that Saint Wuji had turned into, everyone’s bodies trembled. It was as if the gods could not face it.

“Unexpectedly, you can exert your aura to this level. Take control of one realm and connect heaven and earth. You are fishing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this ice field and achieving heavenly saints. You do have your handwriting. ”


Li Ang also frowned slightly. said lightly.


Sheng Wuji smiled proudly, “That’s right, after stepping into the holy realm. The so-called true saint and heavenly saint. The aura background itself is not much different, but the ability to control the wheel up. But it is a world of difference, just like kendo, the same sword, children play and kendo masters dance swords, naturally can not be confused. ”

“Pick me up!”

Sheng Wuji nodded and spoke slowly. As if talking to an old friend, on the other side, his big hand was still slamming down and falling with his palm.

The void seemed to explode.

Pitch-black cracks exploded into the void.

I saw the ice giant under Saint Wuji’s body, using heaven and earth as his sleeve and the territory of thousands of miles as his palm. A palm slammed towards Li Ang!


A palm fell, and the void shattered.

The void continued to distort, and a transparent palm print was faintly visible, covering the heavens and the earth.

The palm print came to Li Ang.

It has already crushed the hundreds of peaks beside Li Ang directly into powder. Turn into a sky full of sand and stones.

“Sword come!”

Li Ang slapped the sword on his waist sharply. Volley finger.

A cyan long sword suddenly shot out and turned into a simple sword qi. That sword qi just swiped in front of Li Ang, and turned around and turned into a giant sword in the sky.

Above the giant sword, dotted with light.

It’s like the stars are circling!


I saw that sword slashing out horizontally, and it was in the center of the ice field. A huge rift was cut out, as if heaven and earth were split in two.

A sword rose flat on the ground and cut the galaxy into nine days!

Leon at the moment. His own sword marks filled the sky with stars,

It’s like a god.

It makes countless people and eyes dull.

They were shocked.

It is the snow fairy who has always been ancient and waveless. They all sighed repeatedly: “What a talent this is…”


Sword light pervades the air!

It is to directly condense the ice giant that Saint Wuji has condensed, directly chop it up, and turn it into countless pieces.

And at the moment.

The people of the major holy places on the periphery of the ice field had already retreated again and again, their expressions shocked to the extreme, looking at this shocking battle. Already speechless!

“Creation of chemical martial arts?”

Sheng Wuji’s face was shocked when he saw this scene!

Can’t help but sigh:

“The art of creating chemical weapons is rare in the world, and it is rumored that only those ancient saint clan Tianjiao have the opportunity to learn it.”

Sheng Wuji’s eyes were full of appreciation, and he nodded: “It seems that this chemical creation martial art is your capital to challenge me?” ”

“Good! When I first entered the Heavenly Saint, I thought that I was invincible. Only the people of the Zhongzhou Great Sect could fight me, but I never thought that another Li Immortal in the Eastern Wilderness could fight with me to such an extent. ”

Sheng Wuji laughed heartily and praised Li Ang.

Li Ang’s expression remained unchanged.

He didn’t believe that Sheng Wuji would be amazed by how much he was right. And give up killing him.

It’s just that because of this battle with Sheng Wuji, Li Ang has understood a lot.

He comprehended the holy realm from the body of the black-winged dragon king that day, and the black-winged dragon king’s breath emperor blood was extremely powerful. Originally, those auras had allowed him to step into the realm of true saints, not pseudo-saints.

However, at the last moment, Li Ang still did not succeed in breaking through.

‘Now it seems. What I lack is a glimmer of understanding the avenue. ’

‘This Saint Wuji is in this barren place in the Northern Wilderness, comprehending the Heavenly Saint. It is indeed extraordinary, after this battle with him, I will retreat for a few days, and I should be able to break through the True Saint directly. ’

Right at this moment.

Sheng Wuji withdrew his smile and snapped his mouth.


A cloud of golden gas was released directly from its mouth.

That golden qi faintly looked away, faintly in the shape of a true dragon.

Palm size though.

Saint Wuji hand to gold qi. He said lightly: “Li Xianren, look at my trick again?” ”


Li Ang’s eyes froze, looking at the golden qi in that Saint Wuji’s hand.

I saw Sheng Wuji snap his fingers. The golden qi in his hand flew into the void, as if connected with the universe.


It is to see, to shatter the void.

The originally cloudless sky was instantly dark.

Then, above the visible void, thousands of miles of stars and rivers turned!

A pair of dragon eyes, slowly opened.

The vastness of the eyes, as if a gaze, is enough to run through the ancient and modern.


See this scene. Countless people, the soul is trembling.

“What kind of magical power is this?”

Saint Wuji was extremely proud, with his hands behind his back.

“This is the associated Saint Dragon Qi. For my accidental gain from traveling the world and a secret realm outside the Eastern Wilderness, I was able to break through the Heavenly Saint and also have its share of credit…. It seems to be something that is too illusory to be immortal. It is the treasure of my Holy Dragon Holy Land town clan. ”

Leon thought thoughtfully.

‘In this way, this holy dragon holy land. It should be named after this treasure. ’

Sheng Wuji smiled: “It’s just that… Now I’ll take your life first. ”

“After that, I will sweep the Eastern Wilderness and become the Lord of the Eastern Wilderness. If I can enter the Emperor Realm in the future, maybe I can enter the Tai Void Immortal Realm and unlock the mystery of this holy dragon qi. ”

Finish talking.

Saint Wuji flicked his sleeves. Above the void, a dragon chant sounded.


An incomparably large dragon hand that suppresses the void. It was to directly tear the void, descend from that universe, and crush towards Li Ang.

That dragon hand is too huge, millions of feet!

“Sheng Wuji, you still underestimate Li after all… Li came today to cut off an Icelandic ship, do you think Li really has no means to kill you? ”

Li Ang shook his head lightly.

Saint Wuji’s divine ability was indeed extremely powerful, that is, he stepped into the holy realm. It may not be Saint Wuji’s opponent.


Now Li Ang has already turned the immortal body nine times, and tempered the flesh body with the true dragon essence blood of the emperor realm!

“That being the case… Then let you see, the real magical power…”

As Li Ang’s voice fell.

Saint Wuji was extremely shocked to see Li Ang’s body around him at this moment. It turned out that there were light patterns emerging one after another!


Five ways!

Nine ways!

Ultimately. There are nine light patterns, hovering around Li Ang’s body!

“This… This is… Legendary fairy body?? ”

Many Holy Land elders and sect elders. Seeing the change in Li Ang’s body. Nine colorful streamers.

The body is trembling and tears are in my eyes!

“What a fairy body!!”


Such magical powers are almost legendary!

Be able to see it with your own eyes!

Such an opportunity. How many times can there be in this life?


That Sheng Wuji’s complexion also changed drastically!

The next moment!

The huge dragon claw descended on this thousands of miles of ice.

Li Ang was expressionless and just punched out!


A punch out, the power of the flesh body surged out!!

In space. Nine colorful ripples burst out!

One by one, the space ripples, the void explodes!


It turned out to be a direct smash of the huge dragon claw and punch, turning it into gold dust in the sky and falling everywhere!

At this moment, Sheng Wuji’s complexion changed.

“This… How can it be?? ”

“According to the legend, the only person who has the immortal body is the people of the ancient saint clan in Zhongzhou. How did he temper it? ”

Sheng Wuji was covered in cold sweat. Directly stupid!!

“Not good!”


Next moment!

Sheng Wuji wailed, but he directly turned into a stream of light, desperately fleeing!

That holy dragon qi was his last resort!

Unexpectedly, it was shattered by Li Ang’s punch!

After the Saint Wuji generation of Heavenly Saint powerhouses is defeated, they will naturally not stay at all!

‘Run!! With my cultivation, after leaving, there is still room for maneuver!! ’

‘This son created chemical martial arts blessings and nine revolutions of the immortal body. Could it be that he is a man of immortal land??? Damn it!! ’

‘Stay here, you can only die!’ ’

Saint Wuji has long lost the arrogance of the Heavenly Saint powerhouse before. Covered in cold sweat, my heart was terrified to the extreme!

“The escape… Saint Wuji?? ”

“I… That’s right, right?? Saint Wuji defeated?? ”


The people of the major holy places gathered outside were completely dumbfounded.

One by one, his eyes widened.


The atmosphere is eerie!

You know, although Li Ang is also a holy realm. It’s just that it’s just a pseudo-saint!!

There is a gap with the true saint, there is a difference between heaven and earth!!


It was an invincible Saint Wuji that could sweep through the major holy places in the Eastern Wilderness.

Unexpectedly… Defeated??

This… How can it not be shocked?

In the eyes of countless people and incredulous eyes.

That Saint Wuji had not fled far!

It turned out to be a deep complexion and a mouthful of blood spurting out!


Sheng Wuji wailed. Fell directly from the void and fell fiercely on the ice.

At this moment, in his body.

It’s already empty!

Reiki is dry!

Apparently because of those previous shots, he had exhausted all the aura in his body!!


Li Ang is already step by step!

Seeing Li Ang and Sheng Wuji’s body trembled!

Kneel directly. Kowtow violently!

The voices are all a little hoarse:

“Beg Li Immortal to take my life!!”

“My Holy Dragon Holy Land. The position of the Holy Lord can be given to the immortals!! ”

Li Ang shook his head lightly.

“Sheng Wuji, this time Li returned to behead you.”

“Li is a particular person, and he leaves three points of affection in his work. After you die, if you disciple of the Holy Land, kneel and submit. Death can be avoided. ”

Hear Leon’s words.

Sheng Wuji’s face was full of sadness.

Didn’t expect it!

He has traveled all his life and finally stepped into the Heavenly Saint!


He stepped into the Heavenly Saint, and at the same time…

His death date was also announced!!

Sheng Wuji’s body trembled, although he didn’t want to die. But it is also very clear that today’s situation is doomed to be unbreakable.

He will die!

Ultimately. Kneeling towards Leon, he bowed his head.

The tone is hoarse.



“Thank you immortals. Leave a face…”


At the moment when Sheng Wuji’s voice fell.

A golden light flashed!

The head of Saint Wuji fell off on the spot.

The whole East Wilderness. Countless people in the Holy Land were shocked to the extreme, watching all this.

I saw Leon.

Pick up the head of Saint Wuji and finally take it step by step.

Disappeared at the end of the ice field, in the wind and snow.

Only Sheng Wuji’s headless corpse remained, still in a continuous kneeling posture.

434 years of the Tianxuan calendar. Li Ang and on the ice field, fighting with Saint Wuji for a day and a night.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, the sword slashed the saint Wuji. Lift your head and leave.

Countless people in the Eastern Wilderness are like seeing gods.

(Two chapters in one.) I could have had more water, but I was afraid that you would spray me out of chapter and send it together. Good night. )

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