
“Recovery… Finish? ”


Inside the Holy Lord’s main hall, the Xuantian Holy Lord looked at himself in the mirror not far away, completely dumbfounded!

Stunned on the spot!

Mirror woman. Beautiful and peerless, a long skirt swings in the wind, with gold silk patterns lingering. The temperament is transcendent, like a heavenly fairy Lingchen!

She reached out and touched her face!

It is exactly what she used to look like!!

Merely. With her more and more mature now, compared to back then. A little more mature charm!

Beauty is incredible!

Xuantian Saint Lord’s body trembled slightly!

“This… It’s true? ”

The Xuantian Saint Lord muttered!


You know, even if you cultivate the path, you will reach the peak. How can you completely cut off all your emotions and cause and effect?

Women love beauty by nature, not to mention that the Xuantian Holy Lord was once the first beauty in the East Wilderness!

Losing her appearance is like a nightmare for her!

At this moment, the Xuantian Holy Lord’s face was full of disbelief, and she even suspected that she was dreaming!

After a long time.

The Xuantian Holy Lord finally reacted. All this is true!

Not a dream!

She… Really regained its looks!

“Xuan Yue…”

“Thank you Li Xianren!!”

The Xuantian Holy Lord’s beautiful eyes were slightly red, and he was just about to bow down.

Leon waved his hand.

He said lightly: “Xuantian Holy Land is kind to me, and Li will kill if he acts with hatred, and he will repay if he has grace.” There is no need to bow down. ”

“Now that Saint Wuji has been slashed by my sword, the major holy lands in the Eastern Wilderness have surrendered, and there is no crisis in the Xuantian Holy Land.”

Hear Leon’s words.

The Xuantian Saint Lord on the side reacted instantly, she shook her jade hand lightly, and walked over a few steps and said softly: “Immortal… Gone? ”

Leon nodded.

“Continuing to stay in the East Wilderness now is just a waste of my generation’s talent.”

At this moment, Li Ang also slapped his waist. From the sword raised on his waist, a cloud of golden energy flew out.

In that golden qi, there was a golden dragon shadow, slowly hovering in Li Ang’s palm.

It makes the heaven and earth change, which is extremely mysterious.

“Are you familiar with this thing?” Leon asked.


The Xuantian Holy Lord was shocked again.

“This is that Saint Wuji’s companion Saint Dragon Qi?”

Xuantian Saint Lord thought for a while, and then shook his head helplessly: “Xuan Yue doesn’t know much, after all, that Void Immortal World is too far away for me. I only know that what was suppressed in the holy dragon qi should be an ancient beast, and its body was in that Void Immortal Realm. They should all be giant-level divine beasts. ”

“Sheng Wuji was able to get to this point thanks to this thing. This is His creation. ”

Leon nodded.

With a snap of his fingers, a supreme blood. It flew out again and slowly merged with the accompanying holy dragon qi.

Li Ang held the holy dragon qi in his hand. Like the Lord of a Holy Dragon, he said lightly: “The Buddha-figure cultivates this holy dragon qi with his own bloodline and has some understanding. When I completely control it, I will soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm in the future, which will be a big killing move for me. ”

“After I left, a few of my disciples. You must take good care of me, and when I return from the Void God Realm, I will give you the great creation of the Xuantian Holy Land. ”

“I’ll be meditating for a while for the next few days. After that, I will step into Zhongzhou to find opportunities and prepare for the ascension to the Tai Void Immortal Realm. ”

Hear Leon’s words.

Xuantian Saint Lord nodded hurriedly: “Xuan Yue knows.” ”

Subsequently. Leon just doesn’t talk much.

The sword raising on his waist trembled slightly, and a batch of golden sword light flew out, turning into a thousand sword rainbows, spanning the void.

Li Ang, on the other hand, put his hands behind his back and stepped on the golden gas and left.

The Xuantian Holy Lord, on the other hand, looked at Li Ang’s back.

There is a hint of complexity hidden in the stunning eyes.

‘After Li Ang broke through the True Saint, he had such a temperament. It was me, all of whom gradually felt small in front of him. ’

‘Perhaps… He can really become the first person in thousands of years to successfully soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm…’


Time is like the wind.

Blink. Half a month is a flash, this half a month.

Li Ang has always cultivated in his residence and stopped any cultivation. It’s all about relaxation.

Among them, Li Chanxuan. As well as Bai Qingyi and others, they also visited the door.

Half a month later.

In the afternoon, Leon sat quietly in a courtyard drinking tea.

Beside him lies a big golden bird.

The big bird is huge. Quite lazy, panting and puffing.

“Leon Miko!”

At this moment, a shadow appeared.

It also flew from a distance, and its posture was like a fairy.

It was Li Chanxuan.

Then Li Chanxuan came to the pavilion, took out a golden letter directly, and respectfully handed it to Li Ang.

“It was sent by the Zhongzhou Holy Clan.”

Leon took the letter and swept it away.

It was the letter sent by the Night Clan.

A few days later, Yexi, the royal daughter of the Zhongzhou Night Clan. Will descend to the Eastern Wilderness, lead Li Ang to Zhongzhou Night Clan, become the night clan guest secretary, notify in advance.

‘The queen daughter came personally? ’

‘Hehe, it’s worth looking at Li. ’


Li Chanxuan on the side was silent for a moment, and then said in a somewhat bad tone.

“Other than that… One more thing. ”

“The northern wilderness, the southern wilderness. There are more than thirty holy places in total, and together they have sent war letters to my eastern wilderness. It is said that I killed countless disciples of his two major wasteland in the Eastern Wilderness, and they will not die. ”

“The major holy places in the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness have issued the final notice. Let me fight a decisive battle outside the Eastern Wilderness Realm after ten days…”


Li Chanxuan’s face was gloomy and furious!

“If I flee from the Great Holy Land. The people of the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness will step on the Eastern Wilderness, sweep away all the dynasty sects in my Eastern Wilderness, and turn the Eastern Wilderness into a bloody land! ”

Li Chanxuan’s voice is a little trembling!!

It can be said that this news came out.

It completely caused an uproar in the entire Eastern Wilderness!

Unlike the previous Saint Wuji, although Saint Wuji is crazy. But after all, it is still a person from the Eastern Wilderness!

And this time is different!!

The two major wastelands of the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness were originally the two most powerful wastelands among the four wastelands.

Now these two great wastelands have joined forces, for the Eastern Wilderness!

This will be a battle of life and death!

Li Chanxuan’s beautiful eyes looked at Li Ang and asked, “At present, the major holy places in the Eastern Wilderness are headed by the Xuantian Holy Land. Whether to go or stay, how to decide. Now you are the true Lord of the Eastern Wilderness, Lord Saint said… All listen to you. ”


Leon heard this. The expression was indifferent.

The wind was light, and then he said: “It’s just a swarm of ants.” If you give the order, the major holy places do not need to panic. ”

“The day of the decisive battle. The major holy places only need to send people to watch the battle. ”

“Li will prepare a generous gift to the lord of the major holy places in the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness.”

(Make up one or two changes during the day tomorrow.) )

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