North Wilderness, Southern Wilderness!

Two wastelands, standing for thousands of years!

Among the four wastelands, only the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness are the most powerful.

Unlike the Eastern Wilderness, it only has eight holy places.

There are countless northern wildernesses, southern wildernesses, and holy places.

Among them, there are hundreds of holy places where the Heavenly Saint powerhouse sits!

It can be said that the South Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness, any of the top holy places will shock the entire four wastelands!

And now.

South Wilderness and North Wilderness, send a message!

To be with the East Wilderness. Fight to the death!

Never die!

A week later, the major holy places in the southern wilderness and the northern wilderness. It will come directly to the East Wilderness!

Sweep all the way!

As soon as such news came out, it completely detonated the entire Tianxuan Continent!

Several other wastelands!

Even the major sects in Zhongzhou are extremely shocked!

You know, the four wastelands have existed for thousands of years.

There has never been such a big war!!

Many people from the Zhongzhou Sect speculated that this decisive battle in the three major wastelands. It is very likely that the Eastern Wilderness will completely fall, so that from now on, only three major wasteland regions will remain!

At all costs.

This time the decisive battle in the Eastern Wilderness. It will be the largest war in the history of the Tianxuan Continent!

There are hundreds of Heavenly Saint powerhouses coming!

Don’t be shocked!

Even, on that decisive day. Before the arrival of the Southern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness, and the Western Wilderness were some small holy places, dynasties, and sects that did not participate in the war.

Even the people of the major sects in Zhongzhou and even the ancient holy families.

They all began to converge towards the East Wilderness, and their popularity was boiling.

Get ready to witness the battle of the Eastern Desolation!

Countless figures descended on the plains, mountains, and islands outside the borders of the Eastern Wilderness!

“The Southern Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness joined forces this time, it seems that they are determined to destroy the Eastern Wilderness…”

“Li Xianren walked out of the Eastern Wilderness and swept all the way. It is indeed extremely dazzling, but there are hundreds of Heavenly Saint powerhouses in those two major wastelands, and Li Immortal has more means. ”

“This time, I’m afraid it will be difficult to escape. ,”

On a mountain peak, the disciples and elders of the Eastern Desolation Sect who came to watch the battle this time.

Looking at the Eastern Desolate Territory in the distance, he said lightly.


A week!

In the blink of an eye.

According to the time on the battle book under the two wastelands!


It is the day of the decisive battle between the two major wastelands of the East Wilderness and the South Wilderness and the North Wilderness!


Compared to several other wastelands. and the fiery atmosphere in Zhongzhou.

On this side of the East Wilderness, it is extremely quiet!

The major holy places and sects in the Eastern Wilderness as if nothing had happened!

Xuantian Holy Land.

The First Temple!

Inside the temple, the atmosphere was oppressive.

Now with the decisive battle about to begin, and the Eastern Wilderness is headed by the Xuantian Holy Land. At this moment, in this Holy Lord Hall, there will also be Snow Fairy and other Holy Land Saint Lords!

“Leon Miko. There is a man who claims to be an old friend of yours and is in the guest hall of my holy land. ”

Right at this moment.

An elder of the Xuantian Holy Land also hurriedly walked to the temple at this moment, bent over and said respectfully.

“Old friends?” Li Ang and the Xuantian Holy Lord beside him. Li Chanxuan and the others were all a little puzzled.

The elder was also a little puzzled: “She didn’t say much, she only said that she was from Zhongzhou. It’s a woman. ”


Hearing the elder’s words and the white light clothes on the side, Li Chanxuan. It is also a faint fluctuation in the beautiful eyes that were originally as indifferent as water.

Speaking of this, the elder’s expression also showed a hint of caution, and then said, “That person’s aura seems ordinary, and it is elusive. Stepping into my Eastern Forbidden Land formation, like walking on the ground… If she hadn’t appeared, we wouldn’t have been aware of this person’s existence! ”


Li Ang suddenly realized. It seems that the identity of the comer is already known.

Then he suddenly asked, “Is my boat ready?” ”

The elder of the Xuantian Holy Land said respectfully, “It’s ready, His Highness the Son of God can travel at any time.” ”

Li Ang nodded and said, “Since the visitor is my old friend, I invited her to come to the boat and have a few drinks with me.” As for the rest of you, just do what Li said before. ”

Leon finished speaking!

It’s straight step by step. Left the Holy Lord’s Cathedral!

Only the people in the main hall were left, confused.


“Li Xianren… What exactly is to be done? ”

Everyone present. Confused.

Now the southern wilderness, the northern wilderness major holy places. It has come beyond the border of the Eastern Wilderness, and if it is before sunset today, the Eastern Wilderness should not fight.

The southern wilderness and the northern wilderness will push the entire eastern wilderness with bloody slaughter!

Now the lords of the great holy places have gathered here!

It is waiting for Li Ang to lead them to fight to the death against the southern and northern wilderness!

Didn’t think of it.

At this time, Li Ang actually had the mind to drink?


The Xuantian Holy Lord also spread his hands helplessly, and then said, “Since Li Ang said, let’s not have to fight. Just go and watch the battle…”

“Now what we can do… I just have to go and watch the battle…”

East Wilderness!

Border area!!

Eerie silence.

East Wilderness Border. It is a plain that stretches for thousands of miles, and a vast river!


At this moment, the surrounding plain is extremely empty!

However, the countless other holy places gathered around, as well as the people of the major sects in Zhongzhou, were very clear!

It won’t be long before this plain!

Will turn into a bloody plain!

This river. will turn into a bloody river!!

“The people of the South and the North are coming!”

Right at this moment.

On the periphery of the Eastern Wilderness Border, countless people watching the battle also erupted into exclamations.

Look at the void from afar.

From that north, if there are dark clouds. It’s just that if you look closely.

to discover.

Those ‘dark clouds’. It turned out to be a figure!

Those figures, dressed in robes, walked in the air.

Like the gods descending.

And at the end of that day, there are one flying boat after another!




There are thousands of flying boats, shrouded in the void. Descend on the Eastern Wilderness.

Such a scene made the countless people present, even those from Zhongzhou, extremely shocked!

“This… Is it the people of the holy land of the southern wilderness and the northern wilderness? ”

“So vast… It’s really rare in the world…”

“Too strong… It’s too strong, such a battle. Even if it is my Zhongzhou, I am afraid that only the Ancient Saint Clan can resist it, right? ”


Just the next moment.

The void, torn.

A huge pitch-black crack emerged!

Everyone watched from afar.

Can only be seen. The huge rift above the void is a thousand feet.

In the crack, there is a hidden golden energy rising!

“This… Is it a spatial rift? ”

“There is a Heavenly Saint level powerhouse who tears the void. Forcibly descended to this world!! ”

Countless spectators were stunned and shocked!!

Then came the meeting.

With that crack, countless golden qi erupted. One by one, they were dressed in white robes. The figure bathed in golden energy slowly fell from the rift and stood above the void.

There are 100 people!

The breath of those people is extremely strong.

Once it appears, it makes a radius of thousands of miles. Void Transformation!

It’s as if heaven and earth are their background panels!


The lord of the top holy places in the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness!

Heavenly Saint Strong!

To know.

More than a hundred Heavenly Saint powerhouses descended together.

How shocking should such a scene be?

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