More than a hundred Heavenly Saint powerhouses.

Straight Down!


Countless people watching the battle were all shocked!!

“So many holy land lords, strike together!!”

“Such a scene… It’s rare for a thousand years…”

“It seems that these two major wilderness areas are the southern wilderness and the northern wilderness. It is bound to use bloody means to avenge the holy son of God who was killed by Li Xianren in several holy places…”

The crowd is talking.

Those hundred Heavenly Saint powerhouses are still tearing the void.

Directly came to the border area of the Eastern Wilderness.

Heaven and earth seemed to be unable to set off the power of these Heavenly Saint powerhouses, and on the plain below, the ground trembled suddenly, and it actually cracked one crack after another and plunged into the ground!

Among the hundreds of Heavenly Saints, the leader.

For a man and a woman, the man wears a golden robe. The gold pattern is engraved and flowing, wearing gold feathers on the head, and looking deeply. There is a hidden immortal energy rising, and the power at a glance makes the void explode.

The Northern Wilderness, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of All Lives.

Qin Wansheng!

Zhao Yinkai, the first day of the Northern Wilderness that Li Ang killed earlier, was his beloved disciple.

And beside him. It is the Holy Lord of the Southern Desolate Spirit Heaven Holy Land. Lingxi Fairy. A long cyan dress, cold and beautiful. Extremely beautiful, around its shadow, there is a cyan aura constantly flickering. Like a fairy.

These two people are the strongest in their respective wastelands!

Now. Qin Wansheng also scanned the surroundings, and in his eyes, a golden pillar of light flew out, where he looked. It turned out to be instantly annihilated, a hundred miles of sea surface, all evaporated instantly.

It’s just that Qin Wansheng glanced around. But he did not see everyone in the Eastern Wilderness.

Ahead around the eastern wilderness border. It’s so empty.

“East Desolate Rat generation, don’t you dare to fight?” Qin Wansheng said indifferently.

Lingxi fairy on the side. Beautiful smile, out of the ordinary.

However, the words he said were extremely vicious, and he smiled: “In that case, Xiaomei thinks.” It is better to slaughter the blood of this eastern wilderness, then Li Ang killed my two major desolate realm gods countless times, but don’t let outsiders think that the southern wilderness and the northern wilderness are easy to deceive. ”

Now. ,

In front of the countless people in the great holy places of the southern and northern wildernesses.

It is the border of the Eastern Wilderness.

Merely. But he didn’t see several holy places in the Eastern Wilderness at all, and came to fight.

Can only be seen.

In the distance ahead, above a very quiet river. A small wooden boat, slowly floating.

On the quiet river, only this small boat is particularly eye-catching!

Above that wooden boat.

There are only two figures.

One of the figures. Wearing a straw hat, he is so deep that he can’t see his face clearly.

Just a fish in a quiet fishing pot. Looking at it from a distance, the body is thin and looks extremely ordinary!

Beside him, there is a small red gourd, which is particularly eye-catching.

It’s like an ordinary boater fishing.

“This… Is it a fisherman??

“Does this man not know what’s going to happen here??”

“Too daring, dare to fish in this place? This heart is also too big, right? ”

“But the red gourd he used to hold the bait is kind of interesting…”

In the crowd, whispers.

And in the shed on the boat, there is a beautiful woman with a golden robe.

The woman looked indifferent and raised her hands. Show the temperament of the heavenly immortal!

“Night… Night Queen Daughter? ”

“She… How is she on that boat?? ”

“What the hell… What’s going on? ”


Although the people of the great holy places in the southern and northern wilderness could not help the woman on the boat.

But some of the Zhongzhou power sects present obviously recognized the woman.

The expression is incomparably shocking!!


The daughter of the Night King, is the daughter of the current Night Clan.

The first day of Tianxuan Continent is proud!

Emperor blood flowing in the body, Heavenly Saint cultivation!

Distance from that

“You are my clan guest, and I can keep you from dying later.” As for the rest of you, it has nothing to do with me. At this moment on the boat, Ye Xi also took a sip of wine and said slowly.

Leon on the side of the boat. A faint smile.

Gaze at the river.

“It’s just some dead people.”

At this time.

Behind Qin Wansheng, a Northern Desolation Saint Lord looked at the small boat on the river.

Indifferently said: “Fishing, can you see other people around here?” ”

Leon was silent.


That holy lord, frowned!

“I, the Lord of a Great Holy Land, dare not answer your question?”

“Watch me slap you to death as a man of the East Wilderness who doesn’t know good and evil!”

The holy lord sneered, stretched out his big hand, and shot through the air!


Before his palm fell.

“Noise, the Buddha-figure is fishing, can you also disturb?”

“In that case, you come as bait!”

Li Ang frowned and stretched out his big hand.

A pat on the surface of the river.


With Li Ang as the core, the entire Baili River surface trembled violently.

Tilt away!

The calm river set off terrifying waves and ripples, constantly spreading. There are ninety-nine water jets, flying straight into the void, like a dragon in water.

Only the boat where Leon was located was extraordinarily quiet.

As Li Ang’s palm fell, the blood gourd beside him seemed to sense something, sensing Li Ang’s killing intent.

Suddenly trembled.

A ball of blood flew out directly from that gourd!

Above the void, a blood mark was drawn.

Extremely fast!

Directly pierce through the power of the Holy Lord!



The blood mass turned out to be like a fishing net. Directly wrap the Holy Lord who just shot and wrap it!


The Holy Lord’s expression was distorted, and he only felt the qi and blood in his body surging!

“Not good!!”

At the moment when his scream just came out.


That holy lord was actually wrapped in a blood mass and directly exploded!

It exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and even the Yuan God was not left!

It is as if there is no such person in the world!


At this time.

Just listen to Li Ang, faintly speaking.

The blood qi that the Holy Lord turned into was directly above the void and slowly flew towards Li Ang. In the end, it fell into the hands of Leon’s blood gourd!

It’s like.

Leon is fishing!

And the holy lord of the Northern Desolation. It’s just one of his baits!!

Whole audience!

At this moment.

Completely explode!


“What kind of means is this??”

“A Heavenly Saint powerhouse… And so he died??? ”

“Use the Heavenly Saint Strong as bait??”

It’s not just the people watching the battle around the border of the Northern Wilderness.

This time, all the countless holy land masters of the two major wastelands of the South and North Wilderness who came couldn’t help but widen their eyes! ! !

“You… You are Leon?? ”

“You are Li Immortal!”

This moment!!

Among the holy lords of the Northern Desolation, Qin Wansheng, who was the leader, was full of shock. Look straight at Leon on the boat!!

Leon nodded.

“That’s right, it’s me. Since you know the name of Li, you dare to come to the door to fight. ”

“You die.”

Li Ang’s tone was flat and endless. They never glanced at Qin Wansheng.

It’s just quiet fishing.


As Li Ang’s voice fell, in the blood gourd.

A ball of blood flew out again!


Put that mid-air, Qin Wansheng’s head. , wrap and live!


Qin Wansheng was shocked!!

His eyes looked directly at the blood gourd on Leon’s ship. Shocked: “Heaven: Tempo? ”

His voice trembled violently!!


The expression is distorted to the extreme!

“You have Tianbao??”

“This… Immortals around…”


At the moment when his voice just fell. The strongest in the Northern Wilderness, the top Heavenly Saint of a generation.

The head exploded directly, leaving only a headless corpse, falling from the sky.


Fall into the river.


This time.

It was the night light beside Li Ang, who couldn’t help but change his beautiful eyes.

‘What an amazing technique…’

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