“Please Night Ancient Emperor!”

“Be the master of my Tianyun Sect!!”

“Leon’s little beast is cruel. If you stay in the Night Clan, it will be a great disaster! ”

Outside the main hall of the Night Clan.

A wail, spread for hundreds of miles!

It makes the entire main hall instantly quiet. His gaze turned to the outside of the main hall.


Above the void, a white-robed figure. Instant coming!!

Step by step. Step towards the main hall.

It is the supreme sect giant of Zhongzhou!

Tianyun Palm Sect!

At this moment, I saw the Cloud Palm Sect that day. Ye Xi also frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice:

“Tianyun Palm Sect. Here in the Holy Realm, although my Night Clan has given you the power to enter and exit the Holy Realm at will. ”

“It’s just that now there is a discussion within my clan. You suddenly broke in, what do you mean? ”


At the moment when the voice of the Queen of the Night fell.

Tianyun Palm Sect. It turned out to be kneeling directly in that hall!

Crazy kowtow!

Old tears!

“Lord Night Ancient Emperor!! Lord Wang! ”

“Please forgive my protector!!”

Speaking, that day the Cloud Palm Sect was also directed at Li Ang!

The voice trembled and hoarsely said: “This son, in the cracks of the foreign race, while I teach no one.” First kill my beloved son Tianbeiyuan, and then kill the two elders of my clan!! ”

“My son Tianbei Yuan is kind by nature, and even an ant is reluctant to step on it to death!”

“He has an innocent character and there is simply no kinder person in the world than him… As a result, this East Wilderness Li Immortal actually killed him! ”

“In the hundred years since my Tianyun Sect was founded, it has always been headed by the Eight Great Saint Families!! Pay tribute every year, never absent! ”

“And please don’t cover up this son, adults. Let me take revenge with a sword! ”

“Otherwise I. Kill yourself on the spot! ”

When the Night Ancient Emperor heard this, he was also a little silent.


That day the clouds were in charge. Crazy kowtowing, old tears.

I can’t see the majesty of a generation of supreme giants!


Vaguely, from those eyes, a trace of murderous aura could be glimpsed, directed at Li Ang.

That day, Yunzhang taught a few words. Apparently prepared.

Only the scene was innumerable, converging towards Li Ang.



Li Ang also had a calm expression. said lightly,

“At the beginning, Bei Yuan tried to kill me several times that day. Several elders of the Tianyun Sect even want to bloodily slaughter everyone in the Eastern Wilderness, why can’t they kill them? ”

“After the incident, Li didn’t raise the sword to kill your Tianyun Sect, and he already left three points of leeway.”

Li Ang shook his head helplessly, “It’s a pity that you are not satisfied… Failed Li’s kindness. ”

Li Ang at this moment, the wind is light and cloudy!

Waving his hand. Look directly at the Tianyun Palm Sect below.

Indifferently spoke: “Since you want revenge.” ”

“Come and get to death!”

A word falls!

But it made the surrounding halls, countless night clan guest secretaries who were not optimistic about Li Ang, couldn’t help but shake their heads!

“This Leon… Too arrogant, right? ”

“He is so arrogant now, that is, my Night Clan wants to excuse him, there is no excuse…”

“After all, the Cloud Sect was also a supreme sect that day. If the Night Clan forcibly shelters Li Ang, I am afraid that it will make my Night Clan reputation and damage the Tianxuan Continent…”


Lu Xinyan on the side also tugged Yexi’s sleeve and whispered, “Sister Yexi.” Didn’t you bring this Leon? ”

“You save him, that day the Cloud Palm Sect Heavenly Saint Peak. It’s just one step away from the Emperor Realm…”

Night Light smiled.

Looking at Lu Xinyan to the side, he said, “Why, you are nervous about him?” When the time comes, I will soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm, and he will be the Taishang Elder of my clan. You two are quite matched…”

Lu Xinyan’s face turned red, and she lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, “Where do I have it?” Sister Yexi is looking for happiness again…”

After speaking, Yexi smiled mysteriously and stopped talking.

Just looking at Li Ang and the two Tianyun Palm Sect in that hall. It was as if he didn’t worry at all that Li Ang wasn’t the Cloud Palm Sect that day!

“Find death!”

Just in the next second.

Tianyun Palm Sect’s expression was cold. The killing intent is monstrous.

Heavenly Saint Cultivation erupted. Turn into a ball of golden gas and soar everywhere.

So that the Night Ancient Emperor on the distant throne had to frown. A wave of his hand turned into a stream of light, protecting everyone around the entire hall.

“Leon. Except for my son. Several other supreme great sect masters in Zhongzhou also disappeared into that alien crack! ”

“So it seems that you killed them all, right?”

Tianyun Palm Sect said coldly.

Leon put his hands behind his back and smiled.

“Tianyun Palm Sect said and laughed, Li does not have such means.”

The Tianyun Palm Sect sneered, “That’s right, pick me up.” ”

Finish talking.

I saw that the Cloud Palm Sect was holding golden qi that day. Grab the wind and slash the knife, and slash through the air.

If it weren’t for the Emperor Realm powerhouse sitting here.

I’m afraid that a single sword from the Cloud Palm Sect that day will be enough to slash the void!

“The power of ants.”

Li Ang was expressionless.

The power of the nine revolutions of the immortal body in the body was just a punch blasted out of the air.


A punch burst out, like a cannonball bursting.

Directly smash the might of the Cloud Palm Sect that day!


The Tianyun Palm Sect laughed angrily. The figure moves. Holding a long golden knife, step by step.

“Li Xianren, I really didn’t guess wrong.”

“The great opportunity in the crack of the alien race was obtained by you.”

“If you hand over those great opportunities now, let me stop.” It’s not impossible. ”

The words of the Tianyun Palm Sect are like explosive thunder, and the Heavenly Saint strong is coercive. Sweep everything.

Li Ang shook his head.

“What kind of chance do you pay attention to the dying man?”

“What a father and son filial piety. Li fulfilled your dream and reunited you with your son! ”

Hear Leon’s words.

The Tianyun Palm Sect was furious. The voice was a little distorted: “The Buddha-figure is going to tear you apart completely today.” Imprison you Yuan God for a thousand years and torture you fiercely! ”

Leon was indifferent.

Slap the sword on your waist and snap your fingers. A Qingxuan sword qi shot out directly.


Sword qi around.

There is a thunder and flicker, and now Li Ang’s immortal body turns nine times, and his physical body is complete. With a snap of your fingers, you can suppress the firmament!

Now he is.

It is truly invincible below the Emperor Realm!


Next second. Before waiting for the Cloud Palm Sect to react that day. Leon’s sword was already slashing towards him.

Too fast!

“This… What is it?? ”


That day, the Cloud Palm Sect seemed to have sensed the power in that seemingly ordinary sword qi.

The expression is changed and extremely white!

“Not good!!”

In the next second, that day the Cloud Palm Sect also hurriedly waved his hand, took out a life-saving spiritual treasure, and protected the surrounding body!

It was a golden armor.

For him the treasure of the Tianyun Sect, the Golden Scale Holy Armor!


Finally, the sword flashed!

I saw the golden-scaled holy armor. It was all Meng’s break, which made the Tianyun Palm Sect wail!

Can’t help but marvel!

Full of cold sweat!!

‘It’s okay… I protect my surroundings with this treasure… Left a life…’

‘This man has unpredictable powers… It’s better to go first, this vengeance can’t be avenged for the time being…’

‘A small life matters, and my son can be reborn if he is gone.’ Who gave birth to me when I died? ’

Tianyun Palm Sect finished speaking. Turn around and bounce, and you’re ready to leave!

But I saw it.

Inside the whole hall. Countless people also looked at him with extremely surprised expressions!


‘Why do they see me that way?’ ’

‘Not good! ’

Tianyun Palm Sect, look down!

His chest!

It turned out to be a huge crack.

Next second.

His pupils were white and the whole person.

It turned out to be split in two.

Cut it out. Turned into two bloody meatloaf and landed in the hall!

And at the moment.

Li Ang also snapped his fingers lightly. Take that sword qi back.

Then said lightly: “For my visit to the Holy Realm Emperor’s Tomb.” Who else is not convinced? ”

“Li is a reasonable person, a person who disobeys, he can challenge me!”

A word falls!

Countless guests in the audience were dumbfounded!

Full of cold sweat!!

Slash a supreme giant with one sword!

This… Also called reasoning??

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