“What other guest secretary wants to challenge Li?”


Li Ang stood in the main hall of the night clan, the wind was light and cloudy!


Countless guests in the entire hall, at this moment. Just wide-eyed, unable to say a word for a long time!


Lu Xinyan, who was not far away, couldn’t help but cover her small mouth.

The beautiful eyes were full of shock.

“Tianyun Palm Sect… He’s dead?? ”

“Won’t you?”

“Chop to death with one sword??”

Countless night clan guests present shook their heads one after another, unwilling to believe it.

To know. Although the Tianyun Palm Sect is not a person from the Ancient Saint Realm. But after all, it is also the giant of the Supreme Great Sect in Zhongzhou, the peak of the Heavenly Saint!

So to speak.

It’s only one step away from the Emperor Realm!


In front of Li Ang, it was just a punch and a sword.

In the end, he was directly snapped by Li Ang. Cut through the main hall!

‘A year ago. The first time I saw this person, it was just a Yuan God Realm cultivator…’

‘Just one year. Now his cultivation is really unfathomable, and he is the supreme giant of this Zhongzhou. It’s not his opponent anymore…’

Lu Xinyan sighed.

Night light on the side. It’s still that indifferent smile!

It’s like, the strength of Leon.

Extremely confident.

On both sides of the main hall are countless night clan guests.

This is the moment.

Each big eye stares, you look at me, I look at you.

After a long time, no one dared to have the slightest meaning!

Just when the scene was shocking and uproar.

Queen Daughter Night Dawn.

Finally, he got up slowly. Facing the Night Ancient Emperor on the throne, he bent over and said, “Father.” I would like to invite Li Ang to directly become the guest of my clan and follow me to the tomb of the Holy Realm Emperor. ”

“I don’t know if you promised?”

This moment.

All the guests and elders in the audience.

Finally, there was not the slightest objection.

That night, the ancient emperor finally smiled faintly: “Since you have decided.” Give you face over there, so be it. ”

Speaking of which.

The expression of the ancient emperor that night was slightly solemn.

The voice is indifferent, but there is endless coercion. It was as if there was a god coming from heaven and talking.

“The Holy Realm Emperor’s Tomb is a gift left to future generations by the last Heavenly Emperor powerhouse in my Tianxuan Continent. The owner of the tomb is known as the Emperor of the Heavens…”

“He is the first person to pass through the gate of the immortal world and soar to the Void Immortal World!”

Heavenly Emperor!

Just two words fall, but it is extremely heavy.

The Emperor Realm is like the Holy Realm.

There are also three.

For the pseudo-emperor, the true emperor, the heavenly emperor!

Among them, the Heavenly Emperor.

He even comprehended the peak of the emperor realm, and even vaguely, he could already control a trace of divine power!

Such a strong person is in that Void Immortal World. It’s all peak Xeon!

The Night Ancient Emperor sighed and said, “Back then, the Heavenly Emperor reshaped his body with thousands of bloodlines. Impacting the Divine Realm, it’s just a pity, he is a person of the lower plane after all. It’s not too virtual immortal primordial people, heaven and earth comprehension is not enough. The final breakthrough failed. There is no hope of becoming a god. ”

“After the Emperor of Yin Tian failed to become a god, his own life loss was greatly damaged. In this life, there was no hope of ranking among the gods of the immortal world, so he returned to the Tianxuan Continent. Originally, with the cultivation of the Heavenly Emperor, he could spend a thousand years safely. It’s just that the Heavenly Emperor is proud and cares about the world. Forcibly go against the sky and use divine power. A peek into the future ..”

“He saw a chaotic future… In the future, I will be in the Tianxuan Continent. There will be no new emperor born… Before he died, he stored his emperor qi in the emperor’s tomb and waited for it to be opened after ten thousand years. Help future generations to survive this dark era of no emperor for thousands of years…”

“On that day, the gate of the fairy world opened again.”

“On that day, in the Tianxuan Continent, a new emperor will be born!”

The end of the Heavenly Emperor in the end. It can well be imagined.

Peeking into the long river of years is the power of the strong in the Divine Realm. Not God, but to exercise divine power.

The final result is bound to cost thousands of years of life and fall!

‘Originally. The Tianxuan Continent has not had a new emperor born for thousands of years… This dark era has long been spied by the strong man ten thousand years ago…’

Li Ang sighed in his heart.

Then the crowd retreated.

Emperor Yegu left only Li Ang and Ye Xi.

“Xi’er, you are carrying emperor blood. He is the purest person in the century-old emperor blood of the Tianxuan Continent. ”

“The person prophesied by the Heavenly Emperor back then, you alone have no other.”

“This time to the Emperor’s Tomb. It involves inheriting imperial qi. A breath of emperor qi can directly wish you to soar to become an emperor. Several other ancient holy clans will definitely use all means to compete… As the Lord of Heavenly Xuan, I cannot interfere at will. Otherwise, it may even trigger a war of the Ancient Saint Clan. ”

It is the existence of the Night Ancient Emperor. The tone is extremely cautious.

A breath of imperial breath.

It represents a new emperor!

In the face of this opportunity, which ancient holy clan is willing to give up?

A little careless!

That is the outbreak of the Saint Clan War, and the entire Tianxuan Continent will be wiped out!

Ye Xi respectfully bent over and said indifferently, “This time I entered the emperor’s tomb.” But whoever stands in my way, he will be killed. ”

The Night Ancient Emperor nodded slowly.

His gaze also looked at Li Ang.

“Leon. You are a junior who is extremely optimistic about Emperor Ben, and this time you go with Yexi to help her become emperor. ”

“After that… My Night Clan is the position of the elder of the Night Clan, and I have a seat for you! ”

Leon nodded.


In my heart, I already had other ideas.


Next. For most of the month.

Li Ang lived directly in a luxurious palace of the Night Clan, and as a guest of the Imperial Lord, his status was extremely respectful.

Generally speaking.

As long as he can become the Taishang Guest Secretary of the Night Clan, within a hundred years. Will definitely be promoted to the Night Clan Elder!

Li Ang and the luxurious hall quietly closed their eyes and meditated.

A hundred miles around.

No one dares to come close and disturb. Only a few servants were guarded outside the palace.

Early one morning, Li Ang had just completed a tuna.

Calmed the breath in the body.

‘True Saint Middle Stage. ’

‘Distance from the Heavenly Saint. Not far away…’

‘The time to enter the Holy Realm Emperor’s Tomb should also come…’

Leon exhaled softly. Feel the flow of the supreme blood in your body.

Smile softly.

‘That night Xi is carrying the blood of the emperor, the first person in thousands of years? ’

‘If only she knew. I have the supreme bloodline, I don’t know how I feel? ’


Just as Leon was thinking.


A tearing sound suddenly came out!


Visible in the sky, a ray of light. Constantly circulating.

Void Transformation!

That kind of breath is now Leon. I can’t help but tremble!!

“What’s going on?”


Li Ang also hurriedly got up and stepped out of the hall with a few steps.


Outside the Night Clan, on the vast and magnificent square.

Statues stand one by one, and they have long been popular.

Look at the void from afar.

Right in the heart of that middle state, above the void.

There are golden clouds rising and faintly intervening.

An incomparably huge stone gate looms.

That stone gate.

At this moment, it is extremely illusory. Apparently there is no substance. Around the stone gate, golden energy emerged.

Vaguely, you can see that above the stone door, strange patterns are carved. Obviously, it is not the text of this Tianxuan Continent.

At this moment, the stone door only opened a gap.

In the gap, the stars are dotted, as if connecting the universe.

As soon as the gate came out.

A wave of vicissitudes spread immediately.

If there are thousands of coercion!!

It made countless people tremble their souls.

I can’t help but want to worship!

“It’s the Immortal Gate.”

Distance. The Queen Daughter of Yexi who had just arrived was also shocked on her pretty face.

“The Immortal Gate is slowly descending… It’s just that the distance is completely open. It will take more than half a year…”

In the distance, the voice of the Ancient Emperor of the Night.

It also came slowly, but in that kind of voice. There is still a touch of heat.



And… Lose.

He is the ancient emperor of the old era, destined to have no connection with the Tai Void Immortal World in this life.

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