Too Void Immortal World.

Leading the square, rows of thrones stand in the sky.

The people of the major immortal gates, like the gods, scanned the countless ascendants on the square.

Now, it is the Ascending Immortal Conference that has been held.


Above the square, there is also a huge black spar standing. It’s huge, like Montenegro.

Around the spar, there are strange patterns circulating, mysterious and extraordinary, exuding faint spiritual energy fluctuations.


“With your own aura, pour into that black stele. You can detect your bloodline talents. ”

“Those with excellent talent have the opportunity to join the Immortal Gate. Achievement is supreme. ”

Above the throne, a woman in a green dress. Cold and beautiful, the appearance is extremely beautiful.

It is the Immortal Gate of the Tai Void Immortal World, the disciple of the Qingyue Immortal Gate.

Glen Fairy.

Too Void Immortal World.

It is controlled by the Protoss ‘Tai Void’.

Under the God Race, there are the major immortal gates. Every immortal gate occupies the supreme territory and holds a realm. It is the existence of the supreme giant level of the Tai Void Immortal World.

At this moment, the fairy paused.

Immediately said.

“Except, of course, except for my Immortal Gate. This time, many people from my Immortal Earth Sect also arrived to select new disciples. ”

“Although these great sects are not as good as my Immortal Sect. But in the Tai Void Immortal World, it can also be regarded as a giant-level existence, if you can join. You have fewer detours. ”

The voice of the orchid fairy fell, and everyone saw it immediately.

Next to the throne where the people of the great immortal gates are located, there is a stone platform. Although it is not as large as the reception square where Li Ang and others are located, it is enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and the momentum is spectacular.

And at this moment, the stone platform is sitting one by one. It is sitting on some people of the Great Sect of Immortal Earth.


Those Immortal Earth Great Sects, after all, are weaker than the Immortal Gate, and they can only condescend to the side of the Immortal Gate. To everyone in the Immortal Gate, be respectful.

‘Immortal Earth Great Sect? ’

‘It seems that it should be the top sect of the Immortal Earth. Similar to the supreme great sect of the Nether. ’

Leon sighed softly.

‘It’s just. Whether it is the Immortal Gate or the Immortal Earth Great Sect. It’s far from the Nether comparable…’

Then, Li Ang set his sights on those people of the Immortal Gate.

Those people. Most of them are not old, looking like that, it should only be the true transmission of the Immortal Gate. It is not the power of the Immortal Gate. It’s just that such cultivation has reached the level of True Emperor and even Heavenly Emperor.

‘So old. It is to reach the Heavenly Emperor, but this immortal land is a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. ’

‘Within these immortal gates, there may be a strong person in the Divine Realm sitting in the town and opening up a large immortal gate. Exclusive avenue…’


Li Ang also smiled lightly.

‘Since Lee is here. The great opportunity in this immortal land is Li’s sooner or later. ’

Just in Leon’s thoughts.

The whole square, the atmosphere. Apparently it has also become hot!

This time the ascendant came up.

Looking at the people of the fairy gate on the throne, each expression was excited.


You know, soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm.

The most important step!

It is to be able to join a great immortal sect, or a top sect of immortal earth!

It is no exaggeration to say that this will completely determine their fate!

Once you are lucky enough to be favored by the Immortal World Sect and selected as a disciple, you will have a foothold in the Tai Void Immortal World! In the future, if there is a great creation, there is even a chance to become a core disciple of the Immortal Gate!


Become the top Tianjiao of the entire immortal world!

Merely. Many people are also quite nervous in their hearts.

For so many years. The one who ascends to the immortal world.

To be able to enter the immortal world for the first time is to directly join the immortal gate or a person from the sect.

Very few!

To know. How huge and magnificent the Immortal Gate is, it is the native Tianjiao of the Immortal World, and it is extremely difficult to join. There are many restrictions and perverted requirements.

Not to mention the one who soared in the Nether?

Most of the ascendants eventually went into obscurity and became a fairy cultivator.

Without a sect to rely on, he will be lonely for life!

Too Void Immortal World. It’s too big, and the opportunities are endless. It’s just that these opportunities are all for the people of the Immortal Earth, and their group of ascended beings are no matter how good they are in the Nether.

After coming to the Tai Void Immortal Realm. But it’s just an inconspicuous crowd!


“Let’s go.”


Above that throne, an old man. It also seems a little impatient. Faint opening.

The old man’s name is Qing Yuan, and he is the elder of the Yuan Tianxian Gate.

For their Immortal Sect, the best way to select excellent disciples is naturally the Immortal Gate Conference.

Pick the top Tianjiao of the entire Immortal Land there.

How could these Nether people enter their Dharma Eye?

As Elder Qingyuan’s voice fell.

Beside Leon, an ascendant from another Nether.

Dressed in a black shirt.

Take a few steps first. Walk to the very center of the square!

Some shortness of breath.


I saw the black-shirted man come to the huge black spar and exhale deeply. The big hand stretched out and poured into the spar with monstrous emperor qi.



Gujing had no waves, just a faint fluctuation.

“Get out of here.”

Above the leading square, a sect elder in charge of the Ascension Immortal Conference. Sitting on the seat next to the stone monument, his tone was light.

But in the voice, mixed with a touch of monstrous aura. The words fell like thunder and spread for thousands of miles.

So that countless people in the entire Ascending Immortal Conference heard it clearly.


The man in black. Full of despair!!

“It won’t…. It won’t… There must be a fairy gate that takes a fancy to me!! ”

After the man in black finished speaking, he slapped out again without believing evil!



The huge black spar still did not make any waves!

The old man on the side shook his head lightly.

He is the elder of the Tianyan Sect and Cao Yan.

The Tianyan Sect has been in charge of the Ascension Immortal Assembly for thousands of years. He had also seen too many such inferior Nether Tianjiao, and now he just said: “It is not easy to soar to the immortal soil. Good student cultivation, in the future have the opportunity to pursue the avenue, retreat. ”

As Cao Yan’s somewhat cold voice fell.

The man in black. In the end, I could only leave with an extremely desperate expression!


For half a day, one ascension after another. They have tested their bloodline qualifications.


There were hundreds of people, not a single one. After successfully joining the Immortal Sect, only one or two were selected by other sects.

It’s just that.

It is also enough to arouse the envy of countless other people.

Right at this moment.

On the square, a woman took the stage again.

The woman was dressed in a white dress. Good figure, temperament out of dust.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people in the audience.

“That… It’s Zhao Xueer, right? ”

“Zhao Xue’er from the Wuxiang Continent? I’ve heard people from several major sects mention it before…”

“It should be her. I’m not old, but I’m extremely moving…”

“It seems that this time the Immortal Ascending Conference, the only person who has the opportunity to join the Immortal Gate. That’s her…”

With the appearance of Zhao Xueer.

Many people in the audience also whispered.


I saw Zhao Xueer and Jade hands stretched out.

Volley a little.


The jade finger lightly touched the spar.

Make the whole spar. They all trembled slightly.

Heaven and earth are silent!!



Everyone present saw the originally quiet black spar.

It turned out to be from the inside out, erupting with a monstrous red light.

As soon as the red light comes out, it shines in a thousand ways.

So that Zhao Xue’er before the spar at this moment was also on his forehead. Sweaty and more beautiful.


“Is it a god-level bloodline??”

“It’s in my immortal soil, such top bloodlines. Only those famous families will have it, right? ”

God-level bloodline, once appeared.

The audience was shocked!

Even the people of the Immortal Gate on the throne couldn’t help but nod their heads in admiration.

“Good. Let’s go to the fairy gate later. An elder of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate also said with a faint smile. This Zhao Xue’er has been observed by them for a long time.

Long before there was no soaring. He Ao Mu Immortal Gate has already given her a lot of help and helped her become an emperor.

For it, it is her god-level bloodline!


Just when the audience was shocked and envious because of Zhao Xueer’s appearance.

‘It’s my turn.’ ’


Finally step by step. Ascend to the stone platform.

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