God-level bloodline!


On the square, Zhao Xueer turned out. It was directly in the crowd of soaring people that a terrifying wave was set off!

Especially when I heard about the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, I wanted to take that Zhao Xue’er away directly.

Lead the Immortal Gate and learn advanced exercises!

Countless people and expressions are also extremely fanatical and envious!!

“Oku Senmon!!”

“That is one of the several ancient immortal gates in the Tai Void Immortal Realm. Among the immortal gates, there are the supreme powerhouses of the God Realm guarding it! ”

“Once you join the Immortal Gate, if you take a leap forward. There’s even a chance to get a ban! ”

“You can see the entire Tai Void Immortal Realm Tianjiao, and even contact that Tai Void God Clan. In the future, there will be a chance to start a sect…”

There were many ascendants present who were not selected by the Immortal Gate and the Sect.

The expression has long been envious to the extreme.


“This Zhao Xueer… It is even more of a god-level bloodline, less than a hundred years. Finally, a generation of fairies, the founding sect, the vertical and the virtual immortal world…”

“Hey: I wait, only envy!! ”


The phaseless continent, among the countless Nether continents in the Tai Void Immortal World, can be called the top.

Unlike the Tianxuan Continent, a low-level continent that was completely forgotten by the Void Immortal World, it was even closed and did not know the outside world.

Some top continents, fairy gates every few years. It can be opened once, and the top continents are even more connected.

Some of the top continent’s famous families. If a top Tianjiao or a top bloodline appeared, they could even directly contact the Immortal Gate of the Tai Void Immortal World.

Get the resource reward of the Immortal Gate!

It is for the true pride of heaven!

“I’m waiting to congratulate Emperor Zhao on joining the Immortal Gate. The pursuit of the avenue. ”

“Congratulations to Emperor Zhao.”

“Emperor Zhao Nu joined the Immortal Gate for less than a hundred years. Open a sect and achieve a generation of fairies, maybe in the future, you can enter the god realm and lead your family to soar together…”


Above the square, many other continents of the soaring.

It was also slightly at Zhao Xue’er, and his tone was respectful.

Although Zhao Xueer at this moment, like them, are all soarers.

It’s just that everyone understands.

It won’t take long. Zhao Xue’er will join the Immortal Gate and become the Heavenly Girl of the entire Immortal Land, which is extremely noble. With them, it will be a heavenly being, an underground being.

By that time. These other soarers, in her eyes, are just ants!

At this time, please in every way. If you can get a little attention from Zhao Xueer, it may be of great benefit in the future.

Zhao Xue’er smiled.

Extraordinary beauty.

“Cher thank you for your compliment.”

Although Zhao Xueer smiled, it was just that. In those beautiful eyes, after all, there was not much attention paid to these other soaring beings present.

She is a rare heavenly girl in the Wuxiang Continent for a hundred years. Born with a god-level bloodline, she has been favored by the fairy gate since she was a child, and is scheduled to become a fairy of the fairy gate!

These other ascendants were not favored by the Immortal Sect and the Sect. In less than a hundred years, or fall. Either it was not eliminated.

How could it be like her eyes?

Right at this moment.

From that sky, in the area of the major Immortal Earth Great Sects. A figure, at this moment, also turned into a stream of light and flew in.

That figure is in a green robe and wears a gold crown!

Extraordinary temperament, for a generation of heavenly people. That kind of cultivation has actually reached the level of the True Emperor!

“It’s Chen Tianhan, the personal inheritor of the Qingxuan Heavenly Sect.”

“It is also one of the top heavenly pride in this Void Immortal World. It is said that this person is only one step away from the Heavenly Emperor, and as long as he breaks through the Heavenly Emperor, he can inherit his master Qingxuan Daoist and become the new head of the Qingxuan Tianzong. ”

There are many ascendants around, who have a deep understanding of this too virtual immortal world, and they are also whispering at this moment.

In the gaze of many people, Chen Tianhan also walked to the square in a few steps. Those present who soared were all pseudo-emperor cultivators. As Chen Tianhan came step by step, many soaring people felt their chests tighten, and coercion came.

Can’t help but take a few steps back.

At this moment, Chen Tianhan walked in front of Zhao Xueer. With a light smile, he said quite politely: “Is this the owner of the god-level bloodline?” ”

“Sure enough, it is a generation of heavenly girls, my Qingxuan Tianzong is friendly with the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, and I still need to have more contact in the future.”

That being said. That Chen Tianhan’s gaze never left Zhao Xueer’s pretty face. Obviously, the latter is beautiful, which makes his generation of immortal earth heavenly arrogance, and he is a little stunned.

With the arrival of Chen Tianhan, make the surroundings. It’s also a lot of talk and surprise!

“This Chen Tianhan is a fairy world heavenly arrogance… Actually took the initiative to befriend Zhao Xueer? It’s amazing..”

“Zhao Xue’er is so beautiful, she is the first beauty in the Wuxiang Continent. Even this immortal earth is arrogant, and it is not exempt from vulgarity. ”

In this regard, Zhao Xueer also smiled at Chen Tianhan: “It’s the honor of the little sister.” ”

Superior and calm, like a fairy. This made that Chen Tianhan, in his eyes, more evil fire rose.

‘Such a stunner is rare even in the immortal world…’

‘Tsk… Be sure to get in touch with it in the future… Hey, hey…’

The two had a brief conversation.

Zhao Xueer’s beautiful eyes just swept over one place at random, and then saw Li Ang’s side.


Beautiful eyes flowing, a little curious.

It seems to be a random opening.

“This prince left the reception hall with Cher before. It should be someone from the Tianxuan Continent, right? ”

“Tianxuan Continent, Xue’er has heard that it is said that no new emperor has soared for many years. Gongzi can soar, and he wants to have the means. ”


Zhao Xueer’s words fell, but attracted the attention of many people around.

It’s just that whoever can soar. In the Nether, they are all a generation of heavenly pride, and they don’t say much at this moment.

After all, the Tianxuan Continent.

It’s just an ordinary Nether Continent.

If it weren’t for Zhao Xueer opening her mouth and everyone present. I didn’t notice Leon’s side at all.

Li Ang was in a green shirt, and the wind was light.

Without saying much, he nodded directly at Ye Qiong in the distance. Walk towards the stage.

“I don’t know what is dead or alive. Miss Lian Xue’er talked to you, do you dare to ignore it? ”

Just when Li Ang had just taken a step, Chen Tianhan was behind him.

It was also a little cold in his expression. Reprimanded out loud!

At this moment, Chen Tian is cold temperament. Don’t be angry. Behind him, two cold jade dragons flickered, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

‘It’s over…’

Several other major sects present, as well as the Ascension. One after another shakes his head mischievously.

‘The people of the Xuan Continent don’t give Zhao Xue’er face this day. ’

‘This Chen Tianhan is afraid that he is going to take advantage of him, and the Pomeranian smiled…’

‘What a pity… Just soared over, too proud. I’m afraid it’s going to be damaged here…’

Under discussion.

And the Ye Qiong fairy on the side heard this. It is also a cluster of beautiful eyebrows, she is the leader of a generation of Immortal Sects, and she was originally unwilling to deal with this kind of thing.

It’s just that, for Li Ang’s good talent, Ye Qiong also said to Li Ang: “That Qingxuan Tianzong Sect Master and I are old friends. You make gestures, apologize to him, and I can keep you okay. ”

Li Ang turned his head and looked at Chen Tianhan.

The expression was slightly unhappy: “Your family master has not taught you, do you have to treat your peers with courtesy?” ”

Chen Tianhan heard this. His face was calm, like a god looking down on an ant, but said lightly: “Peer? Tianxuan Continent is such a low-level continent, if I want, my Great Sect can directly step into it, in a moment. Put it out to ashes. ”

When Li Ang heard this, the killing intent was secret.

Raise a sword on your waist. Golden light.

He became emperor from the Tianxuan Continent, which can be regarded as his second hometown.

Isn’t it humiliating for others?

“Just by what you just said. I can directly behead you, and then step on your great sect to kill a river of blood. Nian in Ye Qiong fairy and you are old friends. ”

“Get on your knees and apologize to me. Death can be avoided. ”

Leon, a word falls!!

The audience was silent!!

“He… What is he saying?? ”

“Let the Immortal Earth Sect personally pass on the disciples. Kneel down and apologize to him?? ”

“Did I hear you right??”

“Crazy…. He’s absolutely crazy…”

Countless people. If you heard it wrong!

Don’t even dare to imagine your own ears!!

This… Definitely auditory hallucinations!

“You look for death!”

“A person from the next generation, dare to insult my Immortal Sect? Today I will behead you, in the name of my great religion! ”

Chen Tianhan’s expression was cold and furious.


Li Ang frowned slightly.

A pat on the waist, in the middle of the sword on that waist. A batch of golden sword qi, mixed with the might of Li Ang’s monstrous divine body, shot out directly.


Directly above that Chen Tianhan’s neck. A bloody mark was made.


Too fast!!

Everyone could only see a flash of golden light.

That Chen Tianhan had a cold jade dragon appear behind him a moment ago. Look down on all beings, the next moment.

His body stiffened. Pupil constriction!!

“What’s wrong??”

“Why didn’t Chen Qinchuan move??”

That Zhao Xue’er was the first to react, and her beautiful eyes looked at the void from a distance.


In everyone’s eyes.

Chen Tianhan’s neck and that blood mark continued to expand.

At last. The whole head actually fell and landed on the square. With a hundred meters of blood, he rolled to the side.

Li Ang’s golden sword light turned into an arc. After cutting off Chen Tianhan’s head a hundred meters away, he flew back from another direction.

Full field.

There was an eerie silence.

Only Li Ang snapped his fingers and withdrew his sword qi.

said lightly.


“Li’s sword can kill.”

The audience was terrified!

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