“Li’s sword.”

“It’s okay to kill.”

At this moment, Li Ang also flicked his fingers. That pure yuan sword qi that fused the might of his own divine body and slashed Chen Tianhan with a sword a hundred meters away.



That golden sword qi.

Escape into Li Ang’s waist to raise a sword!

Collect the sword!

Leon at the moment.

The green shirt bears the sword, just like in the Tianxuan Continent in the past, pushing ten thousand enemies without collecting the sword.

Like an immortal. The wind is light!


Shaking his head and sighing.

“Li is from the Tianxuan Continent. Pushing and killing all the way, never lowering his eyebrows. Today I snapped my fingers and beheaded him and told the world that although Li’s sword is not fast, it can kill! ”

“It seems that this immortal world still doesn’t know my means…”

A word fell.

Carrying the monstrous shock that killed Chen Tianhan before, it was like a violent wind in an instant. Sweep the audience!!


“Chen Tianhan… by…”

“Cut off by a sword??”


Whole field, complete explosion!

There was an uproar. And incredulous gazes.

They all converged on Li Ang!



Especially the countless soaring people around them all widened their eyes.

It’s like seeing a ghost!!

That Chen Tianhan. But it is a generation of true emperors and strong, people of immortal land.

It is in the Tai Void Immortal Realm, they are all a generation of top Tianjiao. Invincible.


In front of Leon’s first ascension…

He didn’t even hold on for a second, didn’t even say a word, and was killed directly with a snap of his fingers?

What a shock is this??

“This… The people of the Tianxuan Continent actually dared to kill the people of the Immortal Earth Great Sect? ”

“Am I right??”

“That Chen Tianhan. But Qingxuan ancestor is a high disciple and crosses the immortal soil. He is even qualified to contact and communicate with Immortal Earth Immortals! ”

The eyes of countless people looked at the heads of people rolling down from the square.

Even at the moment.

They haven’t even reacted yet.

As if the worldview collapsed!

Even these soarers. In their respective nether realms are top Tianjiao, a generation of great emperors!

Extraordinary heart!


This fairy earth. Not the Nether!

For so many years. No one has ever dared to enter the immortal land for the first time, but to gather a crowd to kill.

Moreover, it is better to directly kill the Immortal Earth Great Sect Inheritance!!

How can this not be alarmed?

How can it not be shaken?

“This… It’s horrible…”

“Kill the True Emperor with a snap of your fingers… Even that Zhao Xueer is far from such a means, right? ”

“This Tianxuan Continent… When did such a demon appear, didn’t it mean that the Tianxuan Continent was just a low-level continent? ”

“This time, whatever the end result of this Leon… It’s enough to shake the immortal soil…”

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

It is the people on the throne, the great immortal gates, and other great religions.

They were all a little stunned, obviously not thinking of Li Ang!

When he first entered the immortal world, he directly gathered people to kill!


“Hahaha, Qingxuan Laodao waited for a hundred years to accept such a precious apprentice. As a result, he was cut off by the nether people? ”

“If he knew, I’m afraid the old man would be blue…”

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, the one on the side belonged to the golden throne of the Firmament Immortal Gate.

There is only a woman in a white dress who is extremely beautiful and has a temperament like a fairy. The beautiful eyes were shocking, and they seemed to be interested, and their eyes were on Li Ang.

‘This man. ’

‘Kind of interesting. ’

The woman in the white dress sits on the throne, the highest of all the thrones.

Even many other Immortal Sect elders around saw this woman. It’s all respectful expressions.

I want to come to this ‘Firmament Immortal Gate’. Compared to other immortal gates, it is more special and powerful.

The people of the major immortal sects and great religions are talking.

Zhao Xue’er on the side, seeing Li Ang kill Chen Tianhan, also changed her pretty face, and her voice was a little trembling: “You… How dare you kill ?? ”

Li Ang’s expression was cold, and he stepped forward:

“Why wouldn’t I dare? One more noise, I’ll even kill you. ”

A word falls!

So that Zhao Xueer, unexpectedly, a flash of jealousy flashed in her beautiful eyes for a while.

“You… You!! ”

“I have entered the Immortal Gate, what are you going to do???

Zhao Xue’er’s body trembled slightly and staggered a few steps. Rewind quickly.

“People from the Tianxuan Continent. That Chen Tianhan has died under your sword, and everyone knows your means. No need to kill anymore, take the stage to test the bloodline. ”

At this moment, the elder of the Omu Immortal Gate on the throne. It can only be gloomy, and the voice said indifferently!

Zhao Xue’er was a disciple selected by his Ao Mu Immortal Sect, and he had to persuade him.

And Chen Tianhan, who was killed by Li Ang!

He is also a member of his Ao Mu Immortal Sect’s sect!

Because the arrogance of Chen Tianhan before was visible to everyone. As a giant in the immortal world, Ao Mu Xianmen naturally couldn’t pull down his face to face Li Ang’s first generation of soaring people.

It’s just that at this moment, Elder Na Omu Immortal Gate. It was also a secret sneer.

‘Hmph. What if you kill Chen Tianhan? ’

‘His master Qingxuan Daoren. If you know about it. You will surely step into the sky, and when the time comes, you will not die, and you will have to pay a very heavy price! ’


Hearing the words of the elder of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, Li Ang slowly withdrew his murderous aura.

Get ready to take the stage.

And on the side, that Ye Qiong fairy. I couldn’t help but shake my head and sigh, and my beautiful eyes looked at Li Ang.

“Leon, killing is too decisive. Although you are fine for the time being, if you kill Qingxuan Taoist Aidisci, he will not give up. ”

Fairy Ye Qiong sighed softly:

“Qingxuan Daoist practiced spear skills hard with the nine heavens, and a spear slashed the void. It is a school of its own, proudly crisscrossing the fairy land. Although I am also the leader of the Great Sect, my strength is much inferior to him. Later, if the Qingxuan Daoist comes to forcibly kill you, I can’t keep it.” ”

“I know that Chen Tianhan is arrogant. But… You should restrain yourself…”

Seeing Li Ang’s previous shot, even Ye Qiong had to admit that Li Ang’s talent was indeed extremely amazing. Even in this immortal land are all promising!


It is indeed extremely rare and moves the heart to win over.

However, now that Li Angjian has cut off a generation of great sects, even if she helps, she can’t find any reason.

Li Ang heard this,

A faint smile: “What about his master?” If there is any objection, Li directly lifts the sword and cuts it off. ”

Hearing Li Ang’s words, Ye Qiong thought that Li Ang was strong.

I had to sigh lightly. Her eyes changed, and she immediately muttered, ‘Alas. ’

‘If Qingxuan Daoist really wants to make a move at that time, I’ll see if I can invite Sister Qiushui.’ Say something to protect him…’


Just when everyone was talking, shocking, and the scene was in an uproar.

Li Ang had already walked up to the stone platform and came to the huge black crystal.

Then, a palm is extended.

The supreme bloodline in the body slowly surges. However, there are reservations.


One palm out!

It’s just that in the next second.

The black stone tablet changed violently, and the red light flowed!


It turned into golden light!

The color of gold!!

The whole audience exploded!!

“This… Above the stone monument, shimmering with golden light? ”

“What’s going on??”

“The legendary bloodline of the god king… But it’s just flashing dark gold! ”

“The color of gold… Could it be… More powerful than the bloodline of the god king… God Venerable Bloodline?? ”

Just when everyone was extremely shocked.

The black spar seemed to be somewhat unable to withstand the might of Li Ang’s bloodline.



Directly broken!!

It made everyone in the audience completely dumbfounded!


“Broken… Broken,? ”

This moment.

It is that the immortal gate on the throne is a little stupid.

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