“That’s… Qingxuan Taoist? ”

“Ziyan fairy?”

Qingxuan Daoist and Ziyan fairy stepped on the golden phoenix.

Descend into the void.

Once it appears, such an aura.

It is the one who leads to the ascension under the throne. As well as the people of the surrounding major sects, they all paid attention.

“It is rumored that the Qingxuan Taoist lives in seclusion in the mountains. Practicing the secret technique of the green dragon and a green dragon transformation spear can open up the world. One step away from the Divine Realm. ”

“Don’t look at the Qingxuan Heavenly Sect, now it’s just a big sect under the Ao Mu Immortal Gate. Once the Qingxuan Daoist breaks through the god realm and is like the list of gods, he can establish his own immortal gate. Proud of the world…”

Someone couldn’t help but shake his head and look at Li Ang below: “It’s just.” That Li Ang has a great bloodline, and cultivating it will definitely become a power of immortal earth in the future. ”

“The major immortal sects should be able to protect this person…”


Although that Qingxuan Daoist is not as powerful as the major immortal gates. But he is also a top giant in the Tai Void Immortal World.

Such an aura attracted many elders of the surrounding sect to speak out one after another.

“I have seen the power of all immortals.” Qingxuan Daoist first surrendered to the people of the immortal gate on the throne, especially after seeing the white-dressed woman of the firmament immortal gate.

The expression was more respectful, and he bent slightly: “I have seen the autumn water fairy.” ”

Right at this moment.

The elder of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate on the side also slowly spoke: “Qing Xuan, you and I haven’t seen each other for some years.” Back then, you and I were both top juniors of the Omu Immortal Gate, you chose to start a sect, and I stayed in the Immortal Gate. If not, I am afraid that my position as an elder will be taken away by you. ”

Qingxuan Daoist smiled faintly and arched his hands slightly: “I have seen Elder Ao Kai and stayed in the Immortal Gate.” How do you know that I started a sect with a happy and dashing spirit? You and I are now cultivating as the Heavenly Emperor and the next goal. It is to break through the divine realm, when the time comes. Maybe Xuan will be on the list of gods first…”

“I have been practicing hard for a thousand years. Make senses. It’s not too far from that final step…”

The two had a brief conversation. Then the elder named Okai also waved his hand.

“That Leon is very qualified. It’s a pity to kill, he killed your beloved disciple Chen Tianhan, that’s all, I will go back and report to the master of the Immortal Gate to compensate you Qingxuan Tianzong. ”

A word fell.

So that everyone in the audience couldn’t help but sigh.

“This Leon is very talented… When you first enter the immortal world, you are murder.”

“There is still the power of the immortal earth to protect him…”

Now the man of the Immortal Gate spoke. Old Ancestor Qingxuan is menacing, I’m afraid there is nothing to do…”

Under discussion.

Qingxuan Daoist also turned back sharply. The gaze is like a torch.

After glancing around, he finally focused on Leon.

“You are Leon?”

“You are the one who killed my beloved?”

That Qingxuan Taoist man, eyes shining golden.

Unleash monstrous coercion.

It’s just that Li Ang is that light and cloudy, calm and extraordinary.

Just standing in a clearing. He said lightly, “That’s right. It’s me. ”

“You!! What an arrogant boy!! ”

Seeing Li Ang’s posture, Qingxuan Daoist had not yet spoken. That Ziyan fairy was still beautiful, quite atmospheric: “You killed the people of my Great Sect, and you are still so arrogant? Is it true that there is no one in my big teaching? ”

Ziyan fairy is worthy of being a beauty in the world, even if she is so furious, she is still beautiful.

Li Ang frowned, a little disgusted by the questioning tone of the Ziyan fairy,

“It’s just ants, what about killing? Does Li still have to explain to you what he does? ”


Zi Yan Fairy stomped his foot angrily. She is extremely beautiful and famous before she followed Qingxuan Taoist. Any man who sees her does not say that he bows down under the pomegranate skirt, but also respectfully.

How could anyone ever talk to her like that?

“Qingxuan, kill him quickly!! To solve the hatred in the little sister’s heart!! Ziyan Fairy said angrily.


Qingxuan Daoist also stood in the air.

Don’t laugh angrily, show the spirit of the grandmaster:


“You a Nether man. When I first entered the immortal land, I could kill my beloved disciples, but I had the means. ”

“It’s just that you’re amazingly talented. With the protection of the major immortal gates, you and I can do it. But you have insulted me as a Taoist, and you shall not be spared. ”

Qingxuan Daoist thought for a while, and then said, “So be it.” I’ll cut your fingers into a knife and break your legs and limbs. How about making amends for my Taoist sins? ”


Answer Qingxuan Daoist.

It was a shocking sword of Li Ang.


At the moment when the Qingxuan Daoist’s voice fell, Li Ang was already a sword cultivator, holding a monstrous sword qi in his hand, and released it in place!

“Loud old thing, really think that Li’s sword can’t be achieved?”

“Watch me kill you.”

A sword rose flat on the ground and slashed straight into the galaxy for nine days!

Now Li Ang Kendo is a great achievement, supreme bloodline.

Plus the divine body.

Under the triple power, with the cultivation of sword gourds, many years of sword qi is refined. Although it is an imperial soldier, it has been refined for several years.

That kind of power, comparable to a divine soldier!

The release of a sword is already earth-shattering.

Previously slashed the Nether Nightlight.

As well as that Chen Tianhan and Li Ang did not use all the power of the divine body.

This sword.

Be the one who beheads the world!


A sword came out, making the mountains around a hundred miles in a radius.

It was as if it had been oppressed invisibly.


Instantly burst open, turned into powder and scattered in the sky!

Burst the mountain in a second!

The ground was trembling and Leon at this moment. The immortal air flow of the whole body rotated, and the power of the divine body operated to the limit.

He released a sword.

It’s not just the sword qi, it’s like him. They are all connected with the sword qi and connected with this heaven and earth!

That sword.

Too big.

It was as if even the void was shattered, from the deepest part of the galaxy.

An initial sword qi shook the world.

Transformed into thousands of miles of golden sword rays, covering the clouds and the sun.


Void, break!

Mountains and rivers, collapse!


“What the is this??”

That Qingxuan Daoist was just about to perform a magic spell. Held a cyan spear.

Around the spear, the dragon shadow flickered.

A shot went through.

But it is…

Like a speck of dust, falling into the sea.

Instantly annihilated by Li Ang’s sword qi!


Complete crushing posture!

“Sleeper !!!”

Qingxuan Taoist, full of cold sweat.

The expressions are all distorted!!

“Not good!!”

“This son has a great kendo and unpredictable technique!!”

“Damn, I knew I wouldn’t come!!”

At this moment, that Qingxuan Taoist.

He didn’t even care about the Ziyan fairy on the side, and all the aura spells surged out.

He was extremely vicious.

The voice is hoarse!


“Or you will die!!”

“Escape is too empty!! Never return!! ”

Li Ang stood in the void, grasping the void in his hand and turning into a sword, and sighed in his tone.

“Why not let your Heavenly Emperor run amok?”

“Li can be slashed with a sword!”


Li Ang’s monstrous sword slashed through.

Too fast.

Qingxuan Daoist turned back!

“Not good!!”

How huge is that sword, finally,

It is above the nine heavens of the void and in front of everyone. Cut that Qingxuan Daoist on the spot and split it in two.

Then, the flesh was annihilated in that sword. Turn into a puff of blue smoke!

Qingxuan Taoist!


This moment.

Heaven and earth are silent!!

People from the Great Immortal Gates. Shocked!

Ziyan fairy on the side. Like seeing the devil, the body trembled, as if dreaming.

Even the Ye Qiong fairy not far away is beautiful and enlarged.

Look at that mid-air. Li Ang, who was in a green shirt, could only feel it at the moment.

Leon… Extremely unfamiliar!!


Xianli, 231 years.

Li Ang first entered the immortal land, killed Chen Tianhan with a snap of his fingers, and slashed the Qingxuan Daoist with a sword. So that a generation of Immortal Earth Great Sect Qingxuan Tianzong was almost completely destroyed and shocked the Immortal Earth!

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