
Leon and above the void. The divine body is complete, and he holds a batch of golden sword qi. Like the sword fairy Ling Chen, a sword was released. In front of thousands of people, cut off the Qingxuan Taoist people.

Since then, it has been all over the world!


As Li Ang’s sword aura receded, the clouds in the sky were thousands of miles away. They were all cut off by Li Ang’s sword and spread out flat to both sides. Revealing the azure void.

The tens of thousands of people in the entire Ascending Immortal Conference clearly saw everything that happened!

The scene was eerily silent.

No one spoke, everyone was dumbfounded.

Can’t believe it!

Qingxuan Taoist, who can be called almost invincible in the world, died?

I don’t know how long it took, the people of the major sects, great sects, and immortal sects who reacted first.

Can’t help but shake your head in amazement!

“This… No way? ”

“Qingxuan Daoist… Die… He’s dead?? ”

“Cut off by a sword?”

Elder Ao Kai and his eyebrows of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate couldn’t stop twitching a few times!

How do Qingxuan Taoists exist?

Decades of penance with the wilderness, a dashing and comfortable, very happy.

Comprehend the power of heaven and earth and become a generation of heavenly emperors.

One step away from the Divine Realm!!

As a result, it is such a high man …

Cut off by a sword…

Moreover, there is not the slightest ability to fight back!

“No !!!”

“Sect Master!!”

A group of Qingxuan Tianzong disciples and their expressions were distorted.

The wailing continues!

One by one, lost souls.


The countless soarers in the entire square were already dumbfounded. The body trembled slightly.

One by one, they looked at Li Ang in disbelief.

Too fast.

Everything was too fast.

Li Ang went from killing Chen Tianhan with a snap of his fingers to beheading Qingxuan Daoren, the leader of a generation of top great sects.

All this happened in just a few hours!

Those other ascendants had not even reacted from the shock of the heaven-defying bloodline in Li Ang’s body.

And at the moment.

Qingxuan Daoist has already died in front of them.

Evaporate on the spot and turn into powder!

Don’t give them a chance to react at all!!

There were only quite a few people, as well as the surrounding sect elders. They all shook their heads.

“This son shook the world with a sword.”

“It is rumored that this son is in the Nether Realm and is called Li Immortal…”

“It seems that it is to use earth-shattering means to shock the immortal earth… Let the world know his great name as Li Immortal…”

“It’s horrible… Who believes that he is an ascendant? ”

“That is to say, he is an immortal from the Tai Void God Clan, and no one believes it!!”

Under discussion.

At this moment, Li Ang, a green shirt. Stand on the void.

At its feet. There is a monstrous immortal energy rising and falling with every step. They are all stepping golden lotuses, like a void golden ladder.

‘Phew. ’

‘It’s fine. ’

Li Angqing’s shirt carried the sword and slowly fell.

At the same time, I can’t help but sigh.

‘Now I’ve just entered the Emperor Realm. Initial cultivation of the divine body. ’

‘The strong action used the power of the divine body twice, causing the spiritual energy in my body to be almost exhausted. ’

‘If it weren’t for the blessing of the Supreme Bloodline. When this sword is released, I will fade my skin even if I don’t die…’

‘But it’s fine. It shocked everyone in this immortal gate. ’

Leon fell.

Fairy Ye Qiong on the side is also the head of a generation of great sects. At this moment, he also stared at Li Ang with wide beautiful eyes.

She bit her thin lip lightly, and when she saw Li Ang’s earth-shattering means, it was a fairy like her. They couldn’t help but be shocked. But I didn’t know what to say for a while.

“You… Do you dare to kill the Qingxuan Daoist?? ”

“You’re too bold!!”

“You a Nether… How dare you kill him?? Aren’t you afraid that my Qingxuan Tianzong will enter your Tianxuan Continent and slaughter the people of your clan? ”

The Ziyan fairy in the distance showed a gaffe. The beautiful eyes were full of panic, and even her tone was a little unstable!

She was originally a generation of beautiful fairies, but after all, she was an empty skin. Over the past few hundred years, she has refined the art of beauty. In order to step into the upper stream of the fairy earth.

In order to attract Qingxuan Taoist, she practiced the art of seduction. All kinds of unspeakable crooked magic techniques have been mastered.


became a Taoist of Qingxuan Taoist, stepped into the upper class of the immortal land,


Qingxuan Daoist was actually killed??

She has worked hard for a hundred years. I have fallen short of my success, and now I have completely lost my mind!

“Oh? Now the people of Qingxuan Dao have been killed by my sword. What about your Tianzong? If Li is willing, he can destroy your Heavenly Sect with a snap of his fingers. ”

Leon heard this.

Right now, his brows furrowed.

“I was going to spare your life.”

“Nonsense, really being a fool when Li is a fool?”


Fingers volley a little, pinch fingers into a knife. Turned into a cyan sword qi. Straight blast!

“Not good!!”

That Ziyan fairy only reacted at this time.

At the moment, he was also hurriedly wailing.

“Shangxian spare his life!!”

“I am a contemporary beauty, I would like to become a Shangxian Taoist!!”

“That’s not true… The maid is also good!! ”


A batch of blue light directly penetrated the head of that Ziyan fairy. Leaving a huge blood hole, his body suddenly flew upside down for thousands of miles, and he didn’t know where to go. Even the Yuan God was killed by Li Ang’s fingers.

“Sleeping… Crouch!! ”

“Ziyan fairy…. Killed by snapping your fingers? ”

“It’s horrible… It’s horrible…”

Countless people, amazed!


Leon also stands below the square.

Scene, silence!

I don’t know how long it took, the immortal gate on the throne.

Finally reacted!

One voice after another, directly coming!

“Li Ang, come to my Golden Light Immortal Gate!! Protect your position as a personal disciple, and ensure that you break through the god realm and enter the list of gods within a hundred years! ”

“Come to my Heavenly Buddha Immortal Gate!! The resources are at your disposal, the magic weapon within my immortal gate, and the position of the elder, you can choose from it!! ”

“Come to my fairy gate….”

“Come on me…”



Countless immortal gates, for Leon. Apparently it is already a fight for the head!

So proud.

If you get. For a big immortal gate, it will be a huge improvement!!

“Come on my Tianhan Immortal Gate!! I promise my whole Immortal Gate. Do your best to help you cultivate. There are frost fairies within my Immortal Gate. For the beauty of the modern era, it is the disciple of my master, if you come. The old man is willing to lead the way. Let him be your Taoist!! ”

A word fell.

It even caused a scene and sighs.

“This Tianhan Immortal Gate is the second ranked among the Immortal Gates, second only to the Firmament Immortal Gate…”

“Even the Frost Fairy moved out… It seems that this day is cold fairy gate. It is indeed to take Li Ang under his command, so that it will not take a hundred years. I’m afraid that the Tianhan Immortal Gate is the first among the major immortal gates! ”

“So many immortal gates. Competing for an ascendant, such a scene. See it for the first time in thousands of years!! ”

“Such a heavenly pride. Some of the lower-ranked immortal sects seem to be difficult to impress him…”

Just as the audience was talking.

The person of the Firmament Immortal Gate at the top of the throne is also the first immortal gate in the Tai Void Immortal Realm, and the Autumn Water Fairy.

At this moment, it is also a white skirt, blowing in the air.

Extremely beautiful, ice crystal jade skin. That kind of temperament is extraordinary, far better than Ziyan fairies.

She slowly got up and said directly.

“Come to my Firmament Immortal Gate.”

“Directly give you the title and promote to the rank of immortal. You are the only one who is famous for shaking the immortal earth and my immortal gate resources. ”

“At the same time, my Immortal Sect helps you create your own great sect and you are the sect master. And you can choose a hundred people from my Immortal Sect to join your sect. ”

“No restrictions on you!”

A word fell.

Other major immortal gates, speechless!!

(If you don’t have it before 2 o’clock, you will make up for it tomorrow during the day.) )

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