“Give the title!”

“Please be an immortal for the Immortal Gate!”

With the autumn water fairy on the throne, the voice passed down indifferently.

It also made the audience a little silent!

It was the other people of the surrounding immortal sects, who were a little speechless at the moment!

For a while, I was speechless!

Give a title!

In the Tai Void Immortal World. Those who have won the title are immortals!

In a great immortal gate, it is equivalent to the existence of distinguished guests!

With that kind of status and power, it can even be compared to the Great Immortal Sect Taishang Elder!

At the same time, it is not subject to many restrictions of the Immortal Gate!

So to speak.

Countless disciples who joined the Immortal Gate. The ultimate goal is to become an elder!

Finally, pass the test!

Become an immortal and get a title of your own. Famous in the Tai Void Immortal World!

Titled Immortal.

What it represents is the face of a great immortal gate. It can be said that every few years, the major immortal sects will have a new quota, making countless elders and disciples. Personally passed on.

It’s all about it.

What’s more, it is the Firmament Immortal Gate.

Today’s first immortal gate in the Tai Void Immortal World, this kind of behemoth!

It turned out to be a soaring person for Li Ang. Promise to ban!

It’s rare!

“Did I hear you right??”

“Firmament Immortal Gate. You even want to give a title directly? ”

Moreover, Li Ang was also allowed to select a hundred profound disciples and create his own great sect. Founding a sect…”

“It’s an exaggeration… Even in the history of this Void Immortal World, there is no other…”

At this moment, many other people from the Immortal Gate. In the end, I could only shake my head helplessly!

Even if they really want to take Leon under their wing!

But now. That firmament fairy gate turned out to be at all costs!!

Did this for Leon!



Founding a sect!

Just for one person!

So to speak.

This time the Firmament Immortal Gate, in order to win over Li Ang!

Everything that can be given is given to Leon.

The rest… I’m afraid that the only thing left is to directly let Li Ang become the master of the Immortal Gate…



The surrounding major sects, as well as other ascendants.

Look at Leon in mid-air!

In both eyes. Full of envy!!



Many Immortal Gate elders. They couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh: “The Firmament Immortal Gate has a high eye. ”

“It’s an annual selection of disciples. They are also extremely strict. Shut out countless heavenly proudness. ”

“It is the top Tianjiao of those years before. I haven’t seen the Firmament Immortal Gate so wooed…”

Everyone is talking.

The autumn water fairy in mid-air also looked at Li Ang.

Immediately asked, “How is it?” Can you join my Firmament Immortal Gate? ”

Fairy Ye Qiong on the side.

It is also an immortal under the Firmament Immortal Gate, but it has never been banned. At this moment, she also had a happy expression.

Hurriedly glared at Li Ang with beautiful eyes, and whispered: “This kind of opportunity is rare for a thousand years!” ”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that it won’t be a hundred years. You will be the most exposed newcomer in the Tai Void Immortal World! ”

“You can start a sect, and you are still a titled immortal. What are you still hesitating about…”

It is to use Ye Qiong’s fairy to determine the strength. At this moment, they couldn’t help but stomp their feet a little angrily.


Li Ang finally smiled faintly. Hold your fist at the autumn water fairy above the void.

Then he said: “Then thank you Autumn Water Fairy.” ”

“In that case, Li will go to the Firmament Immortal Gate for a while!”

A word falls!

The dust has settled!

The autumn water fairy smiled lightly. Then he waved his jade hand and said, “In that case, let me go to the Immortal Gate.” I have met my master of the fairy gate. ”

When Li Ang heard this, he did not hesitate at all.

The figure turned into a stream of light and fled directly into the void.


In the eyes of countless people from the Immortal Gate and the Immortal Earth Great Sect!

Got out of this area!

To the Firmament Immortal Domain!


Li Ang and others, stepping on the golden crow. Walk in the air.


Finally, it is the first time to enter the Firmament Immortal Domain.

Like the fairy land, it is like being isolated from the world. There are mountains and flowing water, floating pavilions.

Reiki surrounds.

The sky flashes colorful streamers, and the laws of heaven and earth give birth to the first birth. A golden waterfall slopes down from the sky. Vaguely visible figures one after another, shuttling through this fairy realm.

Those immortals, every move. It’s all about making the void transform, every action. It’s all full of rhyme.

In the blink of an eye, there is a great opportunity and great creation that fills the entire space.

It’s a generation of wonderland.

“It’s too virtual immortal at the moment. There are twenty large and small fairy gates. ”

“Each immortal gate, their own realm, for the immortal domain.”

“Among them I am the Firmament Immortal Gate. For the first of our time. ”

After entering the Firmament Immortal Domain.

A large golden eagle flew in the sky. Bathing in the golden qi, Li Ang and others stepped on.

The eagle was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

It is Li Ang and others. Lead to the main hall of the Firmament Immortal Domain!

“The owner of the firmament watched the heavens at night before half a moon. I saw a bright star turning to my immortal gate, and I hereby exited the gate. ”


The autumn water fairy on the side is picturesque.

As he walked, he said, “At the same time, let me take you into the immortal earth at all costs.” ”

“The owner of the firmament is too old. Although it is already like a god realm, relying on the power of heaven and earth, forcibly immortal… In fact, and extremely weak, I hope you will come. It is to hope to bring a touch of creation and change to my fairy gate. ”

The autumn water fairy shook his head slightly, and above his beautiful cheeks, another instant coldness appeared: “The master of the firmament is about to fall, top secret for my fairy gate, I will inform you.” It is to treat you as my Immortal Sect orthodox, if you spread the word, it will definitely cause a war in the Immortal Gate. ”

Li Ang smiled lightly: “Does the fairy think that Li is the kind of noisy person?” If you don’t trust Li, don’t say it. ”

The autumn water fairy thought about it.

This Li Ang killed Chen Tianhan and beheaded Qingxuan Daoist with a snap of his fingers before.

Kill if you say kill. So decisive and rare in the world!

Originally, she also questioned whether Li Ang would be the bright star at that moment as the owner of the firmament said.

Ultimately. She believed it anyway.

The autumn water fairy also chuckled: “The master of the firmament said that you are honest with each other for the bright stars of my fairy gate.” ”

“That being the case. Then enter the main hall. ”

“The owner of the firmament is waiting for you. I am here to wait, and then I will lead you to select disciples and help you start a sect. ”

Leon didn’t say much.

Step into the ancient and tall hall.

Basilica. White throughout, engraved pattern. Mysterious and solemn.

As soon as Li Ang stepped in, he felt a coercion that seemed to be nothing. Constantly coming.

The road before him is illusory.

Every step you take is not knowing where to go next.

‘What a powerful coercion! ’

I opened my eyes, but I couldn’t see the way forward. ’

‘My ears work, but they can only hear illusory!’ ’

Next second.

Li Ang finally came to the center of the hall and saw the end of the hall.

There is an old man.

Extremely thin, long hair covering his eyes. Dressed in a golden robe and bathed in golden light.

Extremely old.

His flesh. As if he couldn’t withstand the monstrous cultivation in his body, he was trembling every moment.

Next glance.

The old man finally opened his eyes.

His eyes, not eyes.

It’s the whole universe!

In the eyes, the stars flow, like a cosmic god!

“I am the master of the firmament.”

The old voice came slowly.

“I don’t have much time…”

“The Buddha-figure is now giving you a title. Inscribed on my Firmament Immortal Gate Immortal Tablet. Choose your own number one…”

Li Ang heard this and thought a little.

Then said.

“The juniors are from the Tianxuan Continent.”

“Then choose Tianxuan and give me my title.”

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