“So I chose Tianxuan. As my ban. ”

At this moment, in the main hall. Li Ang also said slowly.


At the end of the main hall, the old figure bathed in golden light.

He seems to be one with heaven and earth, one breath. A tuna is to transform space.

In his eyes, the stars turned.

The old man thought a little.

Then, he stretched out his big hand and waved.

I saw a ray of light passing between heaven and earth!

After a moment, the voice of the owner of the firmament. It also came from Yoyo.

“I have set up a fairy card for you in my immortal gate.”

“From now on. You are the Tianxuan Immortal, and the world can call you Li Tianxuan. Correct the name of the Tianxuan Continent where you are located. ”


The voice of the owner of the firmament is also getting weaker and weaker.


It’s like saying a word that takes ten thousand years. Come stretch for him in general.

“Alright… A hundred years from now, I will have a great catastrophe. ”

“I’m too old. I’m afraid that this time, I won’t be able to survive this calamity…”

“Until then. The great enemy is coming, I hope you can help me to survive the disaster…”

“Get out of here…”

In the end, the voice of the owner of the firmament slowly calmed down. I saw the location of the previous owner of the firmament, wisps of immortal energy, like a foggy morning.

But it is gone.

Li Ang hugged his fist slightly and retreated silently.


As Leon left the main hall, in the courtyard outside the main hall.

There is still a figure and a continuous convergence.

Those figures, all dressed in gold silk robes. Extraordinary temperament, one by one. Like a fairy.


Those figures also hugged Li Ang slightly.

“The heavens and immortals.”

“I’ve seen Tianxuan Shangxian.”

“I’ve waited and seen Tianxuan Shangxian.”

One by one, the figure arched slightly.

The tone was quite respectful.

Leon was slightly puzzled.

At the moment, a beautiful woman. It is also a faint smile, mature and beautiful charm is undoubtedly displayed.

He said, “My sect master personally set up an immortal tablet for you. ”

“Everyone knows about the fairy gate.”

“Soon, I will tell the immortal earth sentient beings. Tianxuan Shangxian is titled Shangxian for my Firmament Immortal Gate, and has been honored for a thousand years. ”

The voice fell.

An elder on the side also sighed in a tone: “My Firmament Immortal Gate… It’s true that I haven’t been titled an immortal for many years…”

“Tianxuan Shangxian has outstanding talents, and once he soars, he will shock the world with a sword. Everyone knows that at such an age, the future can be expected. For my immortal earth for thousands of years…”

As a voice came, Li Ang also smiled faintly and responded slightly.

The autumn water fairy on the side has already taken a few steps.

Then he said, “Since the Tianxuan Shangxian has been sealed. Then let me choose my Immortal Sect disciples and create my own great sect. ”

Create your own big sect!

And you can still directly select a hundred top disciples from the Immortal Gate!

So to speak.

This is an unprecedented masterstroke of the Firmament Immortal Gate for thousands of years!

I saw Li Ang and the autumn water fairy, stepping on the golden crow and leaving. There are countless elder disciples down there. They also sighed, in their eyes. Full of envy,

“Self-created teaching… You can not be restricted by my immortal gate, happy and chic. ”

“At the same time… It is still the title of my immortal gate. ”

“The Lord of my Immortal Gate can be said to be to this Heavenly Xuan Immortal. I pay attention to it to the extreme…”

Everyone sighed.

Li Ang and the autumn water fairy on the side are still volleying through the clouds and mist, constantly passing through the countless floating islands and pavilions in the fairy domain. The sky is surging with gold and colorful ripples.

There are countless immortal pools below, and immortal energy rises.

The two finally came to a square in the center of the Xianmen, and the whole square was huge. There are several halls and countless disciples around.

In this way, this is the usual retreat place for the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

At the moment, the autumn water fairy has a white skirt, her posture is dusty, and it is cold and beautiful.

It caused countless Immortal Sect disciples below to sigh one after another. I couldn’t help but look at each other.

“The autumn water fairy is worthy of my fairy gate…”

“It’s really beautiful…”

“Huh? Who is next to her? ”

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

“Could it be… My new Immortal Sect? ”

“I’ve heard that his name is Leon. He is the one who soars in the Nether! ”

Immortal disciples present.

All of them are the top demons of the entire Tai Void Immortal World. After passing a lot of screening and training. After decades of cultivation, he got the opportunity to join the Immortal Gate.

If it’s the past.

For those who are in the Nether. They have always paid little attention to them, and they are disciples of the Immortal Sect.

With those who are in the Nether. Completely one heaven and one earth.

But now, it seems that I have heard a little about what Li Ang did.

At present, many people also have expressions full of shock.

“At this age… It’s no different from me, right? ”

“This is a ruthless person in the world…” A female disciple of the Immortal Sect and also beautiful eyes flashed a light of surprise: “This person just entered the immortal world, and he slashed the Qingxuan Daoist with a sword…”

“You know. Qingxuan Daoist was a great immortal of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate back then…”

“I heard that the Immortal Gate gave this person the title of Tianxuan. And it can start a sect and establish a large sect on its own. This time it seems that the members are selected. ”

The voice fell.

Everyone in the audience and their expressions were a little expectant, as well as hot.

“If only I could be chosen…”

“I have been practicing here for three years. Still a disciple, I don’t know when I will be born? ”

At present, they are only disciples of the Immortal Sect!

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the apprenticeship level.

Every year, their group of disciples. There will be an extremely good group of disciples. Join the Immortal Gate to become a leader, a guardian, or a member of the Great Sect under the Immortal Gate.

This is called birth.

After being born, we made achievements. In less than a hundred years, he can return to the Immortal Gate and have the opportunity to be promoted as an elder.

Since then, it has been invincible all over the world!

It can be said that every disciple who comes to the Immortal Gate has the first goal. It was born.

Of course.

There are also many disciples who have practiced hard for ten years and are puzzled. Finally left the Immortal Gate…

“The hall master of the Desolate Hall, I have seen the Autumn Water Fairy, and I have seen the Tianxuan Immortal.”

“Fire Hall Master, I have seen the Autumn Water Fairy, and I have seen the Tianxuan Immortal!”

“Hall Master of the Dragon Hall…”

“Ice Hall Master…”

With the arrival of Li Ang and the two, several hall masters of the Immortal Gate Academy also hurriedly went out to greet each other.

The tone was extremely respectful.

The Xianmen system is strict, respectful and prominent.

Although they are the masters of the temple. It’s just that if there is no accident, it is a thousand years of hard work, and it is far from reaching the point of being side by side with the immortals of the immortal gate, and can only look up.

The Autumn Water Fairy nodded lightly, and then said, “Call out the disciples who have been in the university hall for more than two years. Converge on the square. ”

“The Tianxuan Immortal beside me will select a hundred people. Create your own teaching. ”

“It is an honor to be chosen by the immortals. If which hall has the most disciples selected, the Immortal Gate will have a reward. ”

A word fell.

Lords of the Great Halls. Their expressions were respectful to the extreme, bending towards Li Ang, and then did not dare to hesitate at all.

A moment later.

Countless disciples gathered on the square.

Most of them are True Saints and even Heavenly Saints.

After all, they are only disciples, higher-level people, who have long been born in advance and travel in all directions.

‘Worthy of the fairy world. ’

‘It is the True Saint, the Heavenly Saint, the momentum in the body, and even the Nether King Daughter who is not lost at all. ’

Li Ang sighed lightly.

“And please… Pick immortals. ”

At this moment, several hall masters also spoke a little nervously. The voice was slightly trembling and said.

Li Ang scanned the surroundings.

His gaze suddenly saw a girl.

The girl, dressed in red. Quite beautiful, but.

Compare the anticipation and excitement of others.

Her gaze was full of sorrow.

Keep shaking your head.

It seems!

Knowing that Leon would not pick her in general.

【Xu Qianqian: Female】

【Cultivation: True Saint】

[Hidden information 1: There are five god-level attribute bloodlines in the body, causing chaos in the bloodlines in the body! ] Unable to wake up for a while. 】

[Hidden message 2: External forces comb the bloodline, can activate five god-level bloodlines, and regenerate demons! ] 】

Leon smiled.

“That’s her,” he said. ”

A word fell.

There was some silence in the audience!!

I don’t know how long it took, but there was finally someone. Speak slowly.

“Xu Qianqian?”

“This… Didn’t Shangxian Mo choose the wrong one? ”

“Xu Qianqian’s last blood pulse test failed… I’m going to be expelled from the Immortal Gate at the end of the year…”

(3,000 words, barely two more, right?) Everyone praises me a lot)

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