“That’s her.”

With the system interface, two hidden messages appeared, and Li Ang’s expression did not change.

He just pointed to Xu Qianqian in the distance, and his tone was indifferent.

It’s just that at this moment, his heart is a little happy.

Through his own system, he can directly select those who have great qualifications in the future of the Immortal Gate, but because no one enlightens them and are ordinary for life!

Li Ang only needs to take these sons of luck under his command.

One by one, he guides and helps the children of luck and the daughter of luck to activate their own atmospheric luck.

In less than a hundred years!

He created a great religion that is powerful enough to surpass all sentient beings. Even become a transcendent immortal gate, and even become a hegemon of the entire immortal world!

Until then.

With just a flick of his hand, he has the power of countless heavens and earth.


The female emperor knelt down in front of him.

Respect for the past and the present!

This is Li Ang’s ascension to the immortal world. The most important goal!


At this moment, as Li Ang’s voice fell, below him.

Countless disciples were also full of doubts.


Many people were puzzled. His eyes looked at Xu Qianqian, who was selected by Li Ang in the distance.

There is a lot of talk!

“Xu Qianqian?”


Some Immortal Gate Tianjiao had already begun to shake their heads in doubt: “Xu Qianqian joined the Immortal Gate at the beginning, and she was indeed very talented. ”

“Even the god-king level bloodline and such a genius were detected. Originally, as long as you practiced in the Immortal Gate for a few months, you could be directly born and become a core member of the Immortal Gate. ”

“It’s just a pity that she joined the Immortal Gate for less than half a year. The bloodline in the body suddenly disappeared! ”

“A total of more than a dozen blood tests, she is all unqualified, if it is not for the hall master to see her pitiful. I won’t let her take her to the Immortal Gate for two years at all…”

“There are even doubts. When Xu Qianqian was able to join the Immortal Gate, she used some evil means. It has created the illusion that he has the bloodline of the god king! ”

There was a lot of talk and talk.

So that Xu Qianqian, are all beautiful eyes. There was a flash of loss, as well as self-deprecation.


She also laughed bitterly. Li Ang, who was above the void, bent slightly and said softly, “Shangxian… You…”

“Isn’t it… Pick the wrong … Wrong? ”

Her voice was a little trembling at the moment.

On the one hand, she can be selected by Li Ang and become a birther, and she is naturally extremely excited and excited in her heart. It’s just that at the same time, she is also aware of her bloodline problems.

She is now!

It’s not much different from waste!

Leon heard this.

But he waved his hand lightly, and then said: “There is no wrong choice, it is you.” How… You don’t want to? ”

A word falls!

That Xu Qianqian’s eyes were slightly red.

In the end, he also hurriedly said: “Yes!” ”

“Qianqian is willing!”

Leon nodded and said no more.

The gaze continues to scan the surroundings.

[Chen Tianhuo, hidden information: Divine physique! ] 】

[Zhao Menglan, hidden information: Innate Cold Ice God Venerable bloodline! ] 】

[Zhou Kai, hidden information: born glass bone! ] 】

Hide the information!

Hide the information!!

Li Ang’s gaze swept over the countless disciples in the audience, and some children of luck were directly selected from them. Daughter of luck.


Son of luck and daughter of luck. It is rare in the world, even in places like the Immortal Gate. It’s just a few people.

But, just these people!

Less than a hundred years. Nurture it, everyone. They are all levels that are enough to become the Lord of a Great Immortal Gate!

They have luck, just that. But it lacks the body to carry these lucks, and the chance.

And Li Ang is the one who can help them carry these lucks!

After choosing these children of luck, he also selected some excellent disciples of the Immortal Sect.

Gather 100 people!

“Tianxuan Shangxian, the selection is over?”

At this moment, the autumn water fairy on the side also said softly.

Saw Leon nod.

With a wave of the jade hand of the autumn water fairy, dozens of flying boats were directly recruited. Flying with the clouds.

“All chosen birth disciples.”

“Get on board. After leaving the Immortal Gate, you will follow the Heavenly Xuan Immortals. Self-reliant. ”

“If there are outstanding people, in less than a hundred years, there is a chance to return to the Immortal Gate. Achieve the position of elder. ”

As the voice of the autumn water fairy fell.

Those selected birth disciples turned into a stream of light, in the envious eyes of countless people. Fly into the boat.

Go towards the fairy gate layman.


On the head of the countless flying boats, Li Ang and the autumn water fairy on the side. Stand side by side.

Look at the immortal gate cloud sea of beings from a distance.

“My Firmament Immortal Gate has a vast territory.”

“You can directly pick an area as the headquarters of your Great Sect. You are now an immortal for my Immortal Gate, if there is a situation, the Immortal Gate can directly recall you.”

The autumn water fairy said, and at the same time put the map in her hand. To Leon.

Li Ang took a look, and finally chose a border area.

“This is it.”

“As for the name of my Great Sect. I also thought about it for a long time, and it was called the Hall of Eternal Life. ”

The autumn water fairy nodded and quickly said, “It’s just that this area you chose.” It’s a border land far away. ”

“It’s just a group of buildings that my Immortal Gate erected many years ago. It’s just that decades have passed, and without my Immortal Sect located here, it is estimated that it is already dilapidated…”

“Moreover, this is also the place where several other great sects under the Immortal Sect gather. The surrounding cities have been occupied by other great sects, within a thousand miles, and there is no great sect stationed in my firmament fairy gate…”

“The fight between the great religions, as long as it is not too much. Generally, the immortal gate will not come forward because of the face. You’re new to the city and want to get a foothold. In the end, it’s up to your own means…”

To this. Leon didn’t seem to care at all.

Just said lightly: “Li wants to go, if someone stops me.” Directly swept it. ”

In the evening.

Leon and the crowd. Go straight to the agreed place.


From a distance, you can see the building area of the Firmament Immortal Gate. Bursts of fire erupted.


Behind Li Ang, Na Xu Qianqian also had a puzzled expression. He whispered, “Sect Master…”

“The autumn water fairy didn’t say. Is this the area of my Firmament Immortal Gate? ”

“How can there be outsiders?”

Li Ang’s expression did not change.

The figure moves, and it flies directly into the building area.

I saw this moment.

Around the building area, there were hundreds of people. Camp so far, behind those people. is one demon beast corpse after another.

Look like that. It should be someone from other great religions.

Think of this place as a place to slaughter monsters!

“What man?”


I saw Leon outside, one of the men by the campfire. It was also a cold tone, and he said directly coldly: “This is the slaughter camp of our Yuan Tian Immortal Sect, and you can step into it as an outsider?” Get out right away! ”

Li Ang’s expression did not change, but he said calmly: “My name is Li Ang.” ”

“It is the people of the Heavenly Firmament Immortal Gate who have established a great religion here. It is called the Hall of Eternal Life. ”

“Go back and tell your sect master within a week. Send someone to repair the buildings around my Hall of Eternal Life as if they were new. Otherwise. Li will personally go to your Yuan Tian Immortal Sect and the leader of your Great Sect. Have a good chat. ”

“At the same time, tell the other great immortal earth sects in this border area. Li founded the Hall of Eternal Life, and other great religions are respected by the head of our Great Sect, and they need to pay tribute every year, and they must not disobey the orders of our Hall of Eternal Life. Otherwise, my Hall of Eternal Life will be swept away. Up to this border area, except for me. There is no teaching! ”

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