Fix it as before!

Respect me!

At this moment, Li Ang’s voice fell.

This made the Tianyuan Immortal Sect’s slaughter camp that day, a group of Tianyuan Immortal Sect disciples were a little stunned.

Look at each other.


It turned out to be an expression, and I couldn’t help but twitch!


It’s like. I’ve heard the funniest joke in the world!

To know.

They are the Tianyuan Immortal Sect and the Great Sect under the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.

And around this border area, there are other large and small sizes. There are dozens of great religions in total, all of which are under the banner of Ao Mu Xianmen, and at the same time, these great religions are also allies of each other!

So to speak.

The entire border area, as well as the surrounding cities and counties.

All of them were occupied by the Great Sect under his Ao Mu Immortal Gate. In recent years, several other great immortal sects and occasionally there will be newly established great sects. merely

But they are far away from this border area!


Li Ang, who suddenly appeared, actually wanted to establish a great sect surrounded by their countless great sects under the Omu Immortal Gate. And to honor him?


A leader of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect couldn’t help but laugh maniacally.

Just ignore his smile. It only lasted for a moment.

Subsequently. The gaze was cold.

“Where did the miscellaneous pieces come from. Is it true that when I teach everyone? ”

“Based on what you just said, I can directly behead you.” Bring your head back to my Tianyuan Immortal Sect and let the world observe!” ”


The moment the ruler’s voice fell, beside him.

A disciple of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect remembered Li Ang’s words just now.


He said his name… Leon? ’

‘The name… Why is it so familiar? ’

Just in the next second!

I saw Li Ang’s expression indifferent. The wind was light, as if nothing had happened. Just a flick of the fingers.


A blue light emitted and turned into a green light.


In the end, it was actually on the head of the Yuan Immortal Sect leader that day. Directly poked out a huge blood hole!

Make that rule. Angry on the spot!

Li Ang just waved his hand, and then continued to say lightly: “What Li just said.” Who else didn’t hear clearly? ”

A word fell.

There was a dead silence!

Especially those Tianyuan Immortal Sect disciples who laughed wildly just now, each of them was like a ghost, and their expressions were distorted.

To know.

Their ruler is a generation of pseudo-emperor cultivators!

It is the Tianyuan Immortal Sect and one of the five great leaders!


It turned out to be snapped by a finger… To kill??

“Shangxian… Named Leon? ”

Right at this moment.

A disciple of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect also said with a trembling voice.


Li Ang’s expression did not change: “You know me?” ”

That disciple!

Face full of horror!

Hurry up!

“Shangxian first entered the immortal world, and killed the Xuan Daoist with a snap of his fingers. Famous! ”

“I’ll wait… Don’t dare not know! ”

After all, that disciple is a person of the Great Immortal Earth Sect and has his own great sect style.

At this moment, he also gave up his hands and said: “It’s me who waited for slackening.” Please also forgive the sins. ”

At this time. Li Angcai withdrew his hands and put his hands behind him.

said lightly: “Since I have heard of Li’s name.” You must also know my means. Your Immortal Sect occupies the realm of my Immortal Hall, and you want to give me an explanation for this matter. ”

“Li is a reasonable person. Within three days, sending someone to rebuild my Eternal Life Hall and occupying the territory of my Eternal Life Hall is counted as compensation. Otherwise, I’ll visit me when the time comes. Don’t blame the sword in Li’s hand. Do not recognize people. ”

As Li Ang’s voice fell.

Those countless disciples of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect who stayed in the area of the Immortal Hall nodded hurriedly.

Covered in cold sweat, he did not dare to hesitate in the slightest.

In the end, it’s all gone!

All that remained were the dilapidated pavilions and buildings around it.


Li Ang only turned his head and said to Xu Qianqian, who was on the side, “Order the other members of the Eternal Life Hall.” ”

“Camp here for the time being. In a few days, someone will fix the place. At that time, this will be the headquarters of my Eternal Life Hall. ”

Hearing Li Ang’s words, Xu Qianqian also hurriedly nodded respectfully.

Then, in his beautiful eyes, there was also a flash of worry, and he said slowly: “Sect Master…”

Qianqian heard. Thousands of miles around here are all great sects under the Ao Mu Immortal Gate…”

“Tianyuan Immortal Sect, will it really come to rebuild here?”

Leon heard this.

A faint smile. Don’t speak, just sit and meditate.

Before this arrival, the Autumn Water Fairy gave him a sufficient amount of fairy currency. It is enough to build a new headquarters of the Hall of Eternal Life.

What he is doing now is just killing chickens and intimidating monkeys.

When the time comes.

Tianyuan Immortal Sect, if it did not come according to his meaning.

He can directly kill the Tianyuan Immortal Sect and the Blood Slaughter Great Sect. Shock the surrounding great religion.

Respect him thoroughly.

“Yes… Sorry Sect Master. Seeing that Li Ang didn’t say much, Xu Qianqian also hurriedly said: “It’s Qianqian who has more mouths… Qianqian went to order the meaning of the sect master! ”


Tianyuan Immortal Sect,

Inside the main hall.

The three old men all sat quietly in front of a huge stone statue.

The immortal air in the body rotates.

The surrounding laws changed, the stone statue was huge, the whole body was red, and the eyes were constantly emitting bloody qi, and then it was inhaled by the three people.

And around the stone statue, there were scattered broken bones. Obviously, it uses the human body as nourishment to provide blood qi for this stone statue and turn it into some kind of forbidden magic.

These three.

It is for the Tianyuan Immortal Sect.

Three Great Sect Masters!

“Zong… Sect Master!! ”

It was while the three great sect masters were meditating. The door of the sect master’s hall was instantly pushed open.

A disciple also said in a somewhat trembling tone.

“Li Ang, who previously killed the Qingxuan Daoist… Came to the vicinity of my Immortal Sect and created his own great sect, called the Hall of Eternal Life. ”

“It was a deserted area. My Immortal Sect has been occupying for many years… But Leon said that it was their territory. ”

“And let me pass the word back… Within three days, let my Immortal Sect send someone to rebuild the headquarters of his Immortal Hall, otherwise… He’s going to visit in person! ”

As the disciple’s voice fell.

The Great Sect Master Blood Floating Daoist also slowly opened his scarlet eyes.

Then, indifferently spoke.

The voice was like thunder: “Leon? ”

“Huh. It should be the one who has recently become a famous soarer, right? ”

The second sect master on the side, the Blood Dragon Daoist.

It was also indifferent: “Don’t pay attention.” Three days later, I Tianyuan Immortal Sect. There will be a sect conference, the ancestors of the major sects around, and giant-level figures. They will come as much as they can. Even people from the great religions of other major regions will also participate. ”

“If he dares to come.” The Buddha-figure just grabbed him and refined his flesh. to help us practice…”

“If he doesn’t come. When the Immortal Gate Conference is over, I will unite with several other allies to step into the Hall of Immortality and Blood Slaughter together. ”

Three days later.

Early morning.

Among the ruins of the Hall of Eternal Life.

A green shirt figure, bathed in golden light all over.

Immortal energy rises.

Finally, I slowly opened my eyes.

When you open your eyes, thousands of golden qi rise.

It was Leon.

At this moment, the breath in Li Ang’s body.

It is also several times stronger than before.

‘True Emperor. ’

‘Since the ascension. It’s finally time to get to this point…’

Li Ang sighed slightly inwardly.

Get up slowly.

At this moment, under an ancient tree in the distance of Li Ang. Xu Qianqian, who was originally resting. Suddenly opened his eyes, thought that his previous sleeping state might be discovered by Li Ang, and his pretty face was slightly red.

But immediately, he said, “Sect Master, are you out of customs?” ”

Leon nodded. Eyes scan the surroundings.

“Can there be any movement in the past few days?”

Xu Qianqian shook her head helplessly.

“Nope. Three days have passed, the people of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect. I didn’t come to discuss compensation…”

Leon heard this.

He shook his head helplessly.

“I reasoned with them. They don’t listen. ”

“So it seems…”

“I only have to visit…”

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