“I’m going to challenge you…”


This is the moment!

Li Ang sat in a green shirt and stepped directly on the top of the Sendai of the sect assembly.

The tone was indifferent, looking at the people of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect not far away!

In a word!



“Who is this person??”

“Which junior of the Great Sect??”

“He’s going to… Challenge everyone?? ”

This is the moment.

Around Sendai, on the seats of the major sects, countless sect people.

It is also a smooth expression, puzzled and shocked!

Not to mention challenging the entire Tianyuan Immortal Sect.

It’s the Blood Float Dao alone!

He is already the master of the border domain, pushing and invincible. In the past ten years, countless enemies have been killed. A mouthful of bloody breath, swallowing the sun and the moon!



At this moment, a junior who jumped out of nowhere I don’t know. He actually wants to appear on the stage and threaten to challenge the entire Tianyuan Immortal Sect?

To know.

Tianyuan Immortal Sect.

There are three giants and countless profound elders.

Be the first great sect in the border region!!

“Is this guy crazy?”

“The Blood Floating Daoist is proud and invincible. This junior humiliated him in this way, and he was a person from other great religions. I’m afraid that the Blood Floating Daoist will also kill him to show the world…”

Under discussion.

The ethereal fairy in the distance and the master of the Wanluo Gate in the distance Luo Zhentian.

The tone was like an immortal, revealing a seductive aura: “Lord Luomen… Who is this junior? ”

“It won’t be your Wanlomon’s immortal talent, will it? I heard that you have some time. There are no top juniors. ”

In the distance, Luo Zhentian, the master of the Ten Thousand Gates, saw the ethereal fairy raising his hands and showing his charm. It’s a sinister smile.

‘Flirty and cheap. ’

‘If you are not the elder of the Immortal Gate, who is qualified to speak in front of the Buddha-figure? ’

Right now, Luo Zhentian could only snort softly.

“I don’t know where the junior came from, it’s not my Wanlomon.”


With the sound of discussion from below the Sendai and from the other peaks around it.

Li Ang also shook his head helplessly!

“Li is new to the city.”

“It seems that this border region still doesn’t know Li…”

At this moment, Li Ang’s gaze.

Looking at the blood floater not far away, he held his hands behind him.

A fairy posture, light wind and clouds.

The tone was indifferent: “My name is Li Ang.” The Fairy of the Firmament is titled Immortal and Lord of the Hall of All Lives. ”

“Previously, in the Ascension Immortal Conference, some Qingxuan Daoist provoked me and was killed by me with a snap of my fingers. Waist Slash and Ascending Immortal Conference, you should all have heard of me. ”

A word falls!

The scene that was still noisy was completely silent!!

Countless fairies from the surrounding major sects.


One by one, the beauty is magnified.

Gently cover your small mouth.


“He’s just… That Leon? ”

“He’s his age… He was actually named an immortal in the Immortal Gate? Create your own religion? ”

“This… No way? ”

No wonder everyone present reacted like this.

According to Leon’s age!

It’s rare to have this achievement!

At this time.

Above Sendai.

Li Ang looked calm and continued:

“Li is a reasonable person. Your Great Sect has occupied the realm of my Immortal Hall and deserves compensation. ”

“Li asked your Great Sect to rebuild the headquarters of my Eternal Life Hall. But you don’t pay any attention to it, do you take Li’s words as a deaf ear? ”

A word fell.

This time.

It was the Blood Floating Daoist who had an indifferent expression before, as well as the other two giants of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect in the distance.

The expression finally changed slightly.

The blood floated man, and his expression was proud.

A fairy posture, just a wave of sleeves. Show the style of a grandmaster.

The sound was like thunder, spreading throughout the circle.

“Li Shangxian… You are just a junior after all. I don’t know the gap with my generation…”

The blood floater couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh.

“Buddha-figures have crisscrossed the border for many years. Don’t say it’s you, it’s your Immortal Gate Taishang Elder here. ”

“I don’t dare to boast about going down to Haikou and threatening to sweep my great sect alone.”

“Today you insult me again and again. If the Buddha-figure does not behead you, how will he gain a foothold in this vast border region in the future? ”

In the tone of the blood floater.

A bloody aura in the body was already slowly surging.


The next moment.

That bloody floating Daoist didn’t even have the slightest nonsense.

A big mouth and a ball of blood in the mouth.

That blood qi is only the size of a palm, but it makes the void chaotic.

One by one, the blood qi and the strange lines flowed. Turn into an illusory blood-colored dragon and fly straight into the void.

Make the void explode.

Thousands of miles of clouds and fog exploded in an instant. At the end of the void, one bloody hole after another was revealed.

It’s like that galaxy.

They are all penetrated by the bloody aura of the blood floating Daoists, proud of the past and the present!


That mass of blood qi turned into a blood-colored dragon. Carry the momentum that sweeps the heavens and the earth.

Rushed at Li Ang, swept in.

Today, he will be in front of all the sect giants.

Kill Leon instantly!

In his prestige!

“This is the unique study of the Blood Floating Daoist.”

“Companion Blood Dragon!”

This time.

It was Luo Zhentian, the Ethereal Fairy and others around there.

They couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh.

“Too strong…”

“This mouthful of blood can directly sweep thousands of miles. Destroy the galaxy. ”

“Legend has it that this Luo Zhentian slaughtered a true dragon and condensed it with blood. Converged into this method, his breath of blood, gathered his life’s cultivation, the firmament can be destroyed…”

The ethereal fairy secretly shook his head and sighed.

‘When I fought him, it seems that this man has a hand…’

‘This breath of blood is released, and that Leon is annihilated…’


At this moment, Li Ang is standing quietly at the end of the Sendai.

The wind is light and cloudy.

Looking at the flying blood, he suddenly smiled.

‘Good stuff. ’

‘I refine my blood and condense it with blood. Can be constantly evolving. ’

‘Besides, there is a holy dragon aura in my blood. ’

‘Swallowing this breath of blood should allow me this holy dragon qi. Successfully evolve and become my own magic power. ’

The blood floating Daoist in the distance, long hair fluttering in the wind, showing the grandmaster’s calm demeanor.

Famous all over the world.

The blood floater just casually picked up the wine glasses around him and took a sip.

He said with a faint smile: “Li Shangxian, you flew all the way from the Nether, but you have the means. ”

“But you’re a junior. How do you know that I have great power? ”

“Today I will drink a jug of wine and kill you.”

Li Ang nodded and smiled, “Well said.” ”

“Look at me swallowing your blood.”

Leon finished speaking.

He slapped his waist and sighed softly: “Go!” ”


I saw that from Li Ang’s waist, a stream of blood flew out.

It is a small blood-colored gourd.



From the Leon gourd, there was a dragon chant.

That momentum!

It turned out to be the blood qi that overwhelmed the blood of the blood floater!



The Blood Floating Daoist looked at the Void Blood Gourd from a distance, and his expression changed. There was a shock in my heart.

‘What kind of method is this?’ ’

‘That dragon groan can actually overshadow my flesh? ’

‘This breath of my flesh has been transformed by my life’s cultivation! ’

‘If there is an accident, a lifetime of cultivation, and a fall short! ’

‘This son is unpredictable, but he still collects blood and qi to avoid accidents. Then ordered everyone in my Tianyuan Immortal Sect to behead him together! ’

The Blood Rune Daoist groaned slightly!

Immediately, he snapped his fingers and opened his mouth to roar.



Just when he was about to withdraw that touch of blood, he was extremely shocked to see it.

In mid-air, Li Ang’s blood gourd trembled slightly, and it actually erupted with an incomparably huge devouring force!

Directly pulled his blood qi and slowly pulled over!!

“Not good!!”

“My life’s cultivation!!”

The Blood Floating Daoist wailed, and his face changed.

“Li Shangxian!!”

“I’m waiting… Willing to rebuild the headquarters for your Hall of Eternal Life!! ”

“Please don’t devour my blood qi yet!!”

The tone of the Blood Rune Daoist was trembling and full of horror!

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