
“My blood!!”

This is the moment.

Above the Sendai void, Li Ang’s blood gourd shook gently.

A monstrous devouring force, released!

It turned into a blood-colored black hole and directly tore the bloody dragon of the blood floater!



Accompanied by the low dragon groan in the blood gourd, the blood dragon of the blood floater.

In the eyes of countless people within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Start little by little, swallowed by Leon!!


This moment!

That blood floater is completely stupid!

Covered in a cold sweat!

The expression is distorted and incredulous!

You know, he practiced hard for a hundred years. To achieve the Heavenly Emperor, rely on this bloody breath for a lifetime to be invincible. Killing countless people is the master of this border region!

So to speak.

His breath of blood is his origin blood!

All his cultivation in the past six months will all converge in that blood qi flying dragon.

Even, that origin flesh gas. It is connected with the life of the Blood Floating Daoist itself, and now Li Ang Blood Swallowing Dragon.

Once Leon succeeded!

It’s not just his life’s work, it’s gone.

Even his life. All will be insured!

“Li Ang Shangxian!!”

This moment.

The bloody floater, the expression distorted. Directly fell to his knees on Sendai!

The whole audience exploded!

Within a radius of hundreds of miles and on the major peaks, countless onlookers.

All of them had shocked expressions.

See the legend!

How does that blood floater exist?

The leader of the first major religion in the border region of a generation, Hengtu is invincible. In less than a hundred years, it will be enough to become the elder of the Immortal Gate!


Such an invincible existence actually knelt down for a junior?

“This… Blood Floater… Got on your knees? ”

“Then Leon is said to be a soaring man, but he should not be taken lightly…”

There was an old man, shaking his head and sighing, sighing: “That blood floating Daoist flesh dragon is already the greatest magical ability in his life. I didn’t expect…”

“Then Li Ang is an immortal, and there are other magical powers that are invincible…”

And the other giants and elders of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect present.

It’s all gloomy!

“Not good!”

“The Great Sect Master Origin Blood Qi was collected by that Li Ang!”

“Damn it!!”

Right now, the people of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect had gloomy and distorted expressions.

No one dares to step forward!

Now the life of the Blood Floating Dao is completely in Li Ang’s grasp!

They don’t dare to act rashly!

The Blood Floating Daoist looked at the Blood Qi Flying Dragon that had gathered his life’s cultivation in mid-air. Little by little, it was swallowed by Leon’s blood gourd.

His expression was all distorted and wailing.



The voice trembled!

He begged bitterly: “Li Shangxian!! The fairy world has the virtue of a good life and the beauty of adulthood. ”

“My breath of blood and blood wyvern. Condense my life’s cultivation! ”

“Xiao Immortal’s cultivation is not easy for a hundred years, please don’t destroy my cultivation!!”


At the same time, the expression of the blood floating Daoist also flashed a gloomy streak.

The heart roared: ‘Leon, you dare to swallow my life’s cultivation. ’

‘Wait until I reclaim my Origin Flesh Qi.’ ’

‘They will cut you by a thousand cuts, refine your flesh, and make you into a corpse.’ Put in my Immortal Sect eternal torture!! ’

Just as the blood floater roared in his heart.

Li Ang, who was above the void, frowned.


“Li has always said that he will kill if he says it. Do you think I’m kidding you? ”


I saw Li Ang wave his hand and swallow all the origin blood qi of the blood floating Daoist into the blood gourd without the slightest hesitation!

“End… Oh!!! ”

“My Origin Flesh Qi… Collected!!! ”

“I… Finish… Finish!! ”

Seeing this, the blood floater opened his mouth.

The pupils are shrunk and bloodshot!

His voice was getting more and more hoarse.

His body gradually became shriveled and old.

All over the face, all wrinkled!



Then the crowd saw it. The blood floating Daoist, in an instant, seemed to be millions of times older, and fell on the Sendai, his body curled up and twisted.

After a while, only a shriveled human skin remained!

Blood Floater!


Heaven and earth are silent!

This is the moment.

Countless people in the sect couldn’t help but enlarge their eyes.

Like a lightning strike!

Countless people stared blankly at the bloody floating people in the distance who had become a shriveled human skin.

The eyeballs seem to be glaring out!!

“Blood Float Daoist…”

“Death… He’s dead?? ”

“Just died??”

I don’t know how long it took, the audience finally erupted into a burst of shock!

To know.

That blood floater has been crisscrossing the border for many years and is invincible.

It is Na Luo Zhentian, Ethereal Fairy and other celestial beings.

All can only make him three points, do not dare to offend!

Didn’t expect it!

After only less than two rounds of fighting with that Leon, he died directly?

Even, even a lifetime of cultivation.

They were all taken away by Leon!!


“Great Sect Master!!”


Around Sendai, there are countless disciples of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect. Continuous wailing!

The remaining two giants of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect and the Blood Dragon Daoist!

Blood Seado!

The two looked at each other!

On his forehead, sweat flowed out.


“This son is powerful, far from what you and I imagined, the Blood Floating Sect Master is too underestimating the enemy, and he was tragically displayed before Li Shangxian…”

Right now, the two sect masters, the Blood Dragon Daoist, also spoke in a deep tone.


After all, the two are a generation of grandmasters. Affordable to pick up and put down.

Seeing that Li Ang has many means now. The two hardly hesitated.

One turns. Turn into a ray of blood and urge the earth-shattering magic gate.

It is to shoot directly into the sky, not knowing where to fly.

“Can you run?”

Leon hummed softly.

The figure moves in the air, and the divine body is completed.

Directly exploded millions of miles, like a cosmic power, descending on heaven and earth.

Once the power of the body is revealed.

Heaven and earth are trembling violently.

In the void around Li Ang, there was a black crack. Constantly emerging.

The next moment!

It is to see Li Ang with two feet and step directly down!



Two feet out, carrying a powerful force enough to oppress the space. Everyone could see that around the void of thousands of miles, a huge footprint of space was forced out of a huge space of millions of feet.

The Void Collapses!

The two sect masters of the distant shield were sweating profusely!

Snap back!

Whirling around, two huge footprints that oppress the space tear the void.

Coming here!


The Blood Dragon Daoist and the Blood Sea Daoist agreed and wailed!

Seeing the footprints coming, the two knew that they would definitely fall here this time.

I can’t help but throw my head back and howl!

“Blood Floating Sect Master. You are confused, my Immortal Sect occupies his territory, and the compensation is! ”

“Now my Immortal Sect has disappeared for thousands of years!”

“It’s the two of us, and because you died here!!”



The two sect masters, accompanied by two deafening explosions, were actually stomped on by Li Ang!

Flesh, to nothingness!

Genshin is destroyed!

So far.

Heaven and earth are silent!

Only Luo Zhentian in the distance, and the ethereal fairy.

Look at each other.

Cold sweat broke out all over his head.

I don’t know how long it took, that ethereal fairy.

Only then did he react and dry laugh twice.

“Huh… Huh..”

“Li Shangxian’s means are extraordinary…”

Li Ang frowned and turned back.

“You’re going to avenge him?”

Hearing this, the ethereal fairy hurriedly shook his head.

Beautiful eyes. Full of fear: “Little sister don’t dare!” ”

“The three major sect masters of the Yuan Immortal Sect that day didn’t know Li Shangxian Divine Ability. Hence the fall. ”

“I’ll know… Surely surrender! ”

“From now on… The border domain and Li Shangxian are respected!! ”

The ethereal fairy knows it in his heart!

Now Li Ang and Ke Ke have destroyed the Tianyuan Immortal Sect and formed a sweeping trend in a snap of their fingers!

I am afraid that it is her Taoist partner, Elder Taishang of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.

None of them are far from Leon’s opponents!

‘Too strong…’

‘It’s horrible…’


One by one figures around, they also hurriedly got up.

Bow down!

“From now on: The border region is headed by Li Shangxian and the Hall of Eternal Life. ”

“I’ll wait… Served!! ”

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