The elder of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate looked admiring and said, “Young Master’s words are reasonable. ”

Then the elder of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate continued to ponder Ao Kun’s thoughts: “If we can abolish him in the free challenge, I will find some hands behind my back to get rid of him.” ”

Speaking of this, the elder paused, glanced at Ao Kun beside him, and saw that his expression had not changed, before he continued to speak: “In this way, we not only solved a calamity for the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, but also can improve our Ao Mu Immortal Gate, and the position in the eyes of these people is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone.” ”

“Well, but this matter is not publicized, so as not to spoil things.” Ao Kun said with a shallow smile.

The elder stood very respectfully behind Ao Kun and lowered his head in agreement, “Understood.” ”


Ao Kun responded, stood with his hands in his hands, and walked forward lightly, surrounded by everyone, looking very free and happy.

The crowd in the distance, seeing Ao Kun and the others who came slowly, were a little panicked, because the domineering style of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate form was almost well known, so that this small group of cultivators, one by one, showed a look of panic on their faces, hurriedly left this place and went to stand somewhere else.

Li Ang, who was standing quietly in the distance, also noticed the arrival of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate at this moment, but did not say anything, looking at the crowd of beings in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Young Master Yun Xi’s posture is extraordinary, and his temperament is dusty. In his eyes, he glanced at Li Ang with a lazy and elegant glance, and said in a slightly soft voice:

“Huh, see? This is Protoss Square, big enough, right? Here in a while, you can gather almost all the genius disciples of the entire Tai Void Immortal Realm, and now when you compare them, have you discovered your own insignificance? ”

Li Ang nodded noncommittally and said lightly: “Compared with so many people, I do seem a little small, but in the future, I will be above all of them, and I believe that this day will not be too far away.” ”

“Hehe, you’re confident in yourself?” Yun Xi glanced at him with some surprise, and said in his heart: “Could it be that he can’t hear the meaning of his words?” Or pretend to be confused? ”

“That’s right, to be a person is to have a certain amount of confidence, after all, on the road of cultivation, if you don’t even have confidence, then how can you talk about the path of the strong?” Li Ang glanced at Young Master Yun Xi with a very flat gaze, although her posture was extraordinary, but for herself, there was no absolute attraction.

“Well, I have to admit that what you said is great.”

Elder Taishang, who was not far away, looked at Young Master Yun Xi not far away with some surprise, shrugged his shoulders, and secretly said in his heart: “Young Master Yun Xi would agree with what a person said. ”

After waiting for a while, Li Ang asked hesitantly, “What are we going to do in a while?” ”

Yun Xi glanced at him: “Wait for the arrival of the strongest person in the Tai Void Immortal Realm.” ”

When she said this, Li Ang could see the trace of adoration in her eyes, although he didn’t quite understand why she was like this, but he didn’t say it.

Li Ang nodded indifferently and replied, “Okay.” ”

At this moment, in the sky, a blue light suddenly flashed, and then I saw a cyan flying boat directly across the sky, like a meteor fleeting.

Seeing this scene, many disciples and elders of the Immortal Sect below were all amazed.

“It turned out to be someone from the Qingguang Immortal Gate who came!”

“I didn’t expect that they would come to this place so quickly.”

“This time with the addition of the Qingguang Immortal Gate, everything has become interesting.”


There was a lot of chaotic discussion.

Li Ang frowned and said in his heart: “I haven’t heard of this Blue Light Immortal Gate, is it very powerful?” ”

“This Blue Light Immortal Gate, the distance from our Firmament Immortal Gate is equivalent to the distance from the easternmost part of the Tai Void Immortal World to the westernmost part, with your cultivation if you fly desperately, it is estimated that you will not be able to reach them in the next life.”

Young Master Yun Xi said in a calm tone, glanced at him, and saw that Li Ang was also listening, so he continued:

“In the Qingguang Immortal Gate, it is said that there are many Heavenly Vertical Wizards this time, and there are more than a thousand people who are equivalent to your cultivation, and there are more than a hundred people who cultivate at the peak of the Heavenly Emperor, and there are dozens of people in the pseudo-god realm, it is estimated that the people who came to participate in this Divine Race lecture this time are these dozens of people.”

“It is precisely because of this that the people here will be very surprised by the arrival of the Qingguang Immortal Gate, because they are indeed far away, but they can come, which means that this time the Divine Race explanation may not be simple.”

Listening to the young master of Yun Xi beside him, Li Ang nodded lightly, and said very honestly: “It turned out to be like this, it’s really a long insight.” ”

Yun Xi saw that he was indeed taught, and there was an inexplicable pleasure in his heart, he raised his snow-white neck and said proudly: “Where is this, there are many things you don’t know above this immortal land, and you will learn it in the future.” ”

“Well, that’s exactly what it looks like.” Li Ang agreed with what she said, although he had reached the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor’s realm cultivation, but for the future road, it was still far away.

Just when Li Ang sighed a little, in the sky, he only saw flowers everywhere, and the smell of flowers filled the air, but for a moment, the sky seemed to turn pink.

At this time, a huge and incomparable flying boat slowly came into view, and on it stood all women, each of whom was amazing-looking and a top beauty.

“Sh~ what kind of fairy gate is this, why are they all women? It looks like it’s strong. Li Ang said with some shock.

“Hehe, this is the existence of the top ten in the immortal gate, called the Hundred Flowers Immortal Gate, even our Firmament Immortal Gate cannot be compared with it, so if there is anything this time, avoid them if you can avoid them, don’t cause more trouble.”

Yun Xi glanced at Li Ang, who was standing beside him, and said, “Besides, with your cultivation, if you go to find things, it is estimated that you will find your own death.” ”

“Don’t worry, I can still tell which is lighter and which is more important.” Li Ang nodded, stood in place, secretly measured his current cultivation strength in his heart, it is estimated that he can kill ordinary false gods, so he will not be afraid of them.

When I only saw the Hundred Flowers Immortal Gate flying over, countless people were looking up to them, because they were so beautiful that people couldn’t help themselves at a glance.

Even the people of Ao Mu Immortal Gate were looking at them with a soulless look at this moment.

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