“The fairies of the Hundred Flowers Fairy Gate are so beautiful!” Many people sighed.

Young Master Yun Xi glanced at Li Ang, who was still in a daze, and sneered: “Okay, look at the eyes are straight, we are going to the designated location of the Firmament Immortal Gate, you hurry up, don’t lose it, if you can’t find the forces you belong to, you will be in danger if you can’t find the forces you belong to.” ”

Hearing this, Li Ang nodded, didn’t say much, turned his head, followed Young Master Yun Xi, and a group of Taishang elders left this place and walked towards the location designated by the Firmament Immortal Gate.

But after a while, everyone stood in the designated position, the place was small, only a small area, almost crowded.

“Why is the place of our Firmament Immortal Gate so small?” Leon was a little puzzled.

“Because the place here is divided according to the strength of each immortal gate, the firmament immortal gate is such a big place, if you are too small, you can also go to other places.” As he spoke, Yun Xi’s face was a little cold.

“Okay, I see.” Li Ang nodded, didn’t say much, and stood quietly in place and waited.

Three days have passed in a flash, and the originally somewhat empty venue for the Divine Race teachings is already overcrowded at the moment, and there are many people in each Immortal Gate, so that the local division is not sufficient.

While everyone was talking chaotically in a nest, in the sky, suddenly the brilliance flickered, and an incomparably strong momentum suddenly dispersed.

I only saw a figure, the footsteps were coming, and the surrounding was constantly turbulent, and the momentum was so strong that people could not look directly.

The moment they saw this person appear, everyone in the venue stopped talking and became quiet, and the changes around them also reminded Li Ang that this person may be a more important person.

“Hehe, it is an honor for all the Daoists of the Divine Race to come to the scene.”

In an instant, Li Ang understood the identity of this person, the strongest person in the Tai Void Immortal World, the only true god! The Lord of the Void is also the patriarch of the God Clan.

The Lord of the Void stood in the void, overlooking all sentient beings, and said slowly: “This time the God Race lectured, summoning the major immortal gates here, is mainly to inform you of the location of a secret realm that has just appeared in my God Domain. ”

After a long time, the Lord of the Void continued: “I will explain in detail the location of this secret realm, and others, at that time, among the disciples sent by the major immortal gates, the lowest cultivation will require pseudo-emperor cultivation to start in the later stage, if it is lower than this realm, do not send it to the secret realm to take risks.” ”

When the Lord of the Tai Void said the location of the secret realm, all the people of the Immortal Gate below had a feeling of wanting to move, but no one left directly, because the Lord of the Tai Void had not finished speaking, if he left at this time, it would be equivalent to not giving him face.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and said secretly in his heart: “This secret realm, at least, requires the pseudo-emperor to cultivate to the later realm, which means that the things inside will not be too bad.” ”

The Divine Race Lecture has been going on for half a month, and on this day, the Lord of the Void calmly glanced at the many immortal gates below, and said with a shallow smile: “Well, next, it is the final link in the Divine Race’s teaching, and the people of the various immortal gates can challenge at will.” ”

After hearing this, there was no movement between the various immortal gates, but at this moment, a figure walked out among the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.

“Ao Mu Xianmen Ao Kun, I have heard that Li Tianxuan in the Firmament Immortal Gate is famous recently, and he has the idea of wanting to ask for advice, now is a good opportunity, I think with Your Excellency’s recent limelight, you will not refuse my challenge, right?”

Ao Kun glanced in the direction of the Firmament Immortal Gate as usual, but when his gaze fell on Li Ang, there was a trace of chill.

The Lord of the Tai Void, who was standing in the sky, waved his hand, and suddenly saw an incomparably huge ring appear in the air.

When everyone saw this scene, they flew back and stood around the ring.

“No, Li Ang, you can’t go up, if you lose, you will embarrass the Firmament Immortal Gate!” Young Master Yun Xi’s complexion sank directly, and he glanced at Li Ang, who was standing beside him.

As if he hadn’t seen her gaze, Li Ang nodded and said, “I agree to the challenge!” ”

“Whoosh! ~”

“I didn’t expect that a guy in the early stage of Heavenly Emperor cultivation would dare to fight with a person who has cultivated for hundreds of years into the pseudo-god realm?”

“I’m afraid this Li Ang will be scrapped today.”

Listening to the discussion of these people, Li Ang did not say anything, but flew up faintly, and was the first to land on the ring.

Stretching out his hand and pointing at Ao Kun of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, he sneered: “Ao Kun still doesn’t hurry up to the stage to fight?” ”

Seeing that he dared to provoke himself when he came to this, Ao Kun sneered in his heart: “Look how I will abolish you in a while!” ”

Then the figure moved, and appeared directly in the ring.

And at this moment, the ring was shrouded in a luster, and then the Lord of the Void waved his hand: “Let’s start.” ”

“Whoosh! ~”

Just for a moment, Li Ang’s side was full of momentum, all the laws and all the avenues and all the powers he comprehended instantly condensed on a sword, and suddenly, the sword broke the void in an instant.

“Shaft Erdare! Look how I suppressed you with one palm! ”

Ao Kun, who was taken aback by Li Ang’s methods, suddenly burst into tears, not only daring to provoke himself, but also daring to make a sneak attack on himself in advance?

Between them, Ao Kun’s hands shook, and suddenly the surrounding space collapsed and a palm leaned out towards Li Ang extremely domineeringly.

“Boom! ~”

The moment they collided, everyone seemed to have a momentary sense of deafness.

The eyes also can’t look directly into the center of the ring.

Because that domineering sword aura directly cut off everyone’s sight.

Li Ang’s eyes were calm with a trace of fierceness, and a sword directly broke through Ao Kun’s countless magic methods, and piled up directly with his pair of palm prints.

However, in an instant, a trace of surprise flashed under Li Ang’s eyes, and he only saw that the sword in his hand that had been fighting with him for countless years began to crack piece by piece, gradually crumbling.

At this moment, Ao Kun’s voice came out, and Sen Ran smiled and said, “Shu Qi, my broken sword palm has shattered your sword, I see how you still use your sword technique!” ”

“Hmph, you underestimate me too much!”

Li Ang snorted coldly, and saw that the sword fragments had been on the verge of scattering, and they flew around him in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, the sword fragments directly pierced his body through the energy surrounding Ao Kun.

“Ah! – Damn guys! Dare to hurt me! I want you to die! Covered in blood, Ao Kun was directly furious, and his footsteps quickly killed Li Ang, and at this moment, a trace of killing intent flashed in Li Ang’s eyes.

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