Looking at the changes in the spirit fruit tree in his storage space, Li Ang said with a faint smile: “The degree of improvement of the spirit fruit tree now is almost to the bottleneck, even if there are so many heaven and earth aura, there are not many branches and buds to let it grow, and the effect of this spirit fruit seems to be fixed at the middle of the True Emperor realm, without the slightest improvement. ”

However, thinking about it, after all, it is very difficult for a true True Emperor realm cultivator to improve his first-order cultivation.

What’s more, this is originally a mortal spirit fruit tree, thinking of this, Li Ang calmed down his mood, reached out and took two spirit fruits and ate them directly, and then saw that the very majestic immortal energy began to scatter.

Li Ang activated the Omu Divine Technique and began to absorb the surrounding heaven and earth aura, but in just a short time, the power consumed during the previous battle had already recovered.

The most important thing for cultivators in the pseudo-god realm is not to cultivate the quantity of immortal qi, but to improve the quality of immortal qi, and completely fuse it with the power of the laws they comprehend to form real mana.

In this way, it is a normal way of cultivation.

Li Ang squinted his eyes, looked inwardly at himself, and looked at the fusion of his immortal energy and the power of the law, the speed was very slow, mainly because the power of his law was relatively small, although the law of life had reached perfection, but the cultivation method of this law needed to absorb the force of life and then transform.

So at this point, there are a lot of restrictions.

It’s just that because of the Omu Divine Technique, it is completely possible to cultivate the things of flowers and trees, and then absorb the vitality on the flowers and trees, and then convert them, but this is just a bit of effort.

“Phew! ~”

With a long breath, Leon laughed.

“If I can, I’d better find a way to increase the amount of law power, after all, immortal qi is such a thing, I am not lacking now, after all, there are still so many spirit fruits that can be consumed by me, in this case, then, I will start to do it.”

Thinking so, Li Ang took out a few elixirs from the storage space.

Among the resources I obtained before, there are countless spiritual herbs and elixirs, and if these things are cultivated, they can provide more vitality and strength for themselves at that time.

Li Ang waved his hand, only to see these six elixirs, which began to grow frantically, and at the same time, Li Ang’s hands condensed a stream of Ao Mu Immortal Qi, and then all poured into these six elixirs, and then these six were originally just ordinary five-rank elixirs, and with the urging of Ao Mu Divine Technique, their quality was gradually improved layer by layer.

After a long time, Li Ang had consumed one percent of his immortal qi, plus countless heaven and earth aura, plus more than ten years to raise these six elixirs to the level of the pseudo-emperor realm.

Seeing the brilliance fluctuations on these six elixirs, Li Ang said lightly: “It is estimated that these six elixirs can make my life law get a strong improvement, right?” In that case, I won’t waste any more time and just absorb it! ”

As he spoke, he saw Li Ang’s hands move, and directly pinched a seal out.

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