As the seal was made, I only saw these six elixirs, which gradually began to turn yellow, and after a short while, I only saw the elixirs slowly turn into dust and scatter in the air.

A dark green vitality force directly poured into Li Ang’s hands, and then ran along the meridians and poured into the pseudo-godhead, and the power of the law of life within the pseudo-godhead began to continuously eat away at the power of vitality, and then strengthened itself.

Slowly, the power of the law of life, which originally had only a small part, gradually grew to several times the original one.

Feeling the change in his own strength, Li Ang said lightly: “Although the degree of improvement is not particularly obvious, I can still feel the change in myself, and it has indeed become much stronger.” ”

Just when Li Ang was about to continue cultivating, the flying boat suddenly stopped, and Yun Xi’s voice came into the cabin very softly, and said: “It’s almost to reach the Ao Kun God Sect, let’s fly directly over, if we take the flying boat, it is estimated that we will be directly discovered, and then there will be no sudden attack effect.” ”

Hearing this, Li Ang directly appeared beside Yun Xi and chuckled, “Well, in that case, then, I’ll fly over with you.” ”

“Hmm.” Yun Xi nodded, then turned around and began to fly in the direction of the Ao Kun God Sect below.

After a short while, the two of them had already arrived in the Ao Kun God Sect, and when they came here, they could clearly see that almost two-thirds of the territory in this sect were all kinds of elixirs and spiritual herbs planted.

And the grade of these things is not low, of course, these things together, it is estimated that there is no pseudo-emperor.

It seems that it is estimated that Ao Kun did not pass on all the secret methods in the Ao Mu God Technique, which is why this situation happened.

When Li Ang and Yun Xi fell into the sect, they only saw several cultivators with the realm of True Emperor flying over, looking at the two, and said with a shallow smile: “Who are the two?” What’s the matter with coming to my Okun God Sect? Is it about a deal or? ”

“The two of us, are here to kill Okun.” Li Ang smiled lightly, and then these seven cultivators of the True Emperor realm were directly angry, and the momentum on their bodies directly bloomed, and they instantly pressed in the direction of Li Ang.

At the same time they hissed and said: “Enemy attack! Everyone is ready to fight! ”

Seeing their performance, Li Ang nodded, did not say anything, just waved his hand, and only saw that the waists of these seven True Emperor realm cultivators were directly split in two by an invisible blade, and then the boundless vitality instantly began to drain and gather in Li Ang’s hands.

Then Li Ang absorbed all their vitality into his pseudo-godhead to fill his consumption, while Yun Xi on the side did not move, just stood quietly with Li Ang.

Li Ang glanced at the people who were coming back to his side, and grinned: “There are really many people in the Ao Kun God Sect, there are ten cultivators in the Heavenly Emperor realm, and two in the pseudo-god realm, which is really surprising enough.” ”

A voice came from the sky, “Damn fellow, he dares to kill the seven True Emperor Realm cultivators of our Ao Kun God Sect!” ”

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