The long sword instantly cut the old man’s lower abdomen, and with a successful blow, Li Ang did not dare to advance, but took a few steps back with a solemn face, carefully observing the old man’s situation, and then, before he could react, Li Ang waved his hand again, withdrew a lot of his vitality, and merged into the dragon head behind him, and the next moment, the dragon head roared out again.

“Roar! ~”

This blow condensed the power of all the immortal qi in Li Ang’s body, and the virtual shadow of the dragon head was almost comparable to the existence of the entity, and it hit the old man’s body without pause.

And at this time, the old man who was already about to run out of oil and ran out of oil and ran out of Shouyuan roared weakly.

“Ah! I didn’t expect the old man to fall here today! When the old man’s voice fell, the next moment, Li Ang’s figure moved, and the Cangyun Sword directly pierced the old man’s chest.

And because the old man’s divine body was extremely strong, so that after the Cangyun Sword pierced in, it broke on the spot in an instant.

“Phew! ~”

Li Ang swallowed a spiritual fruit, recovered a lot of immortal energy, and then began to continuously withdraw the old man’s vitality, and at the same time forcibly opened his storage space, in the blink of an eye, all the things that the old man collected in the storage space all his life were taken away by Li Ang, and at the same time, Li Ang’s big hand directly penetrated into his body, grabbed his godhead, and pulled it out directly.

When his vitality completely dissipated, all the immortal gates, all the small worlds, and all the Nether universes in the Tai Void Immortal Realm suddenly rained blood, as if they were lamenting the fall of a True God Realm cultivator.

At this time, Li Ang took a few steps back, gasping for breath, and the shadow of the dragon head behind him also became a little weaker.

The Snake Demon King in the distance flew over, looked at Li Ang with a shocked face and said, “You actually directly killed a cultivator of the True God realm? How did you do it? ”

“Hehe, do your best.” Li Ang is very weak at the moment, after all, you must know that he is directly equivalent to jumping a big realm to win the battle.

If the matter here is spread out, it is estimated that everyone will be shocked, because the gap between the realm of true gods and the realm of pseudo-gods is not just a word, but is far away than the distance between heaven and earth.

And at this time, Li Ang swallowed the old man’s godhead in one gulp, and instantly integrated it into his pseudo-godhead.

Due to the godhead, the pseudo-godhead that had been condensed in an instant gradually broke and slowly expanded, as if it was about to explode.

Seeing this, Li Ang looked at his dantian very solemnly.

Nearly half an hour later, Li Ang’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light inexplicably.

“Boom! ~”

A stronger force bloomed directly on Li Ang’s body. This is a completely different momentum from the previous one.

The closest snake demon king, when he felt this breath, was also stunned, and said in disbelief: “How did you directly get the wood mystery of the old man just now?” This is his realization, how can you get it? ”

“Hehe, nothing is impossible, after all, the facts are in front of your eyes now, aren’t they?” Li Ang glanced at him with a shallow smile and said lightly.

“Shhh! ~” The Snake Demon King gasped, his eyes full of disbelieving horror.

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