Li Ang took advantage of the fact that the other party had not yet recovered from the state of shock, and casually threw two spirit fruits into his mouth to constantly restore his state, although he said that he won the battle just now and obtained the meaning of wood, but this could not restore his state, but his consumption was still very large, and there were some internal injuries in his body.

After eating two spirit fruits, Li Ang said with a shallow smile: “If you want to do it, you can do a big one, you go up with me and kill all the remaining five of them, how about it?” Do you dare? ”

Hearing these arrogant words, the snake demon king also grinned and said.

“Hehe, since the sect master has spoken, how can I retreat as a mid-stage existence of the True God realm? You know, in the Tai Void Immortal Realm, except for the Lord of the Too Void, that is, I am the strongest, so it’s just such a group of stinky fish and shrimp, and it can’t pose any threat to me at all. ”

“In that case, then let’s go up and hit them by surprise, after all, they will think that I am not in state, and then take me lightly, the other four you help me resist first, leave one for me, after I kill the one I left out, I will turn my head to help you.” Leon said with a grin.

“Good!” The snake demon king smiled, and then a pair of snake eyes instantly turned into a blood-red color, and suddenly a blood-red beam of light was stimulated, and the terrifying aura of killing mystical righteousness instantly permeated the surroundings.

Only after seeing this beam attack out, the five cultivators of the True God Realm on the opposite side all froze and stepped forward to help resist the power of this attack.

“Hula-la! ~”I only saw the flowers and trees in the Ao Mu Immortal Gate instantly as if they had eaten hormones, and they directly soared into the sky, rising millions of feet high, waving their branches and buds to attack the snake demon king.

At this time, Li Ang saw it, and his face was a little strange and thought: “If their wood mystery is just to urge flowers and trees to attack, then it is estimated that I can have more advantages, right?” After all, my law of life is the life that can extract all things! ”

Thinking of this, Li Ang waved his hand, only to see the flowers and trees they spawned, which were directly extracted by Li Ang and turned into flying ash in the sky.

“Ah! Damn, he actually has the power of the life law of the Great Sect Master, no wonder he was attacked by Elder Wang for so long just now and still looks like he has nothing to do! ”

Only to see one of the True God Realm beings recognize Li Ang’s attack methods, his face instantly changed drastically, and he roared: “Everyone in the Ao Mu Immortal Gate has prepared me for battle!” If you can’t beat them today, everyone will die! ”

After hearing this, all kinds of cultivators of the pseudo-god realm in the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, as well as the cultivators of the Emperor realm, plus some immortals, rushed up and killed in the direction of Li Ang.

And at this time, the snake demon king grinned and sneered: “You guys don’t put me in your eyes too much, is it really when I am vegetarian?” ”

After the snake demon king sneered, he opened his huge mouth, and instantly the poisonous mist in the sky spewed out, directly filling the void, and the terrifying toxicity even corroded the void.

I only saw that those little immortals who rushed over turned into a puddle of poisonous water, and the power of immortal treasures all turned into poisonous water and merged into the poison, and continued to kill the people behind them.

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