For the Ao Void suitcase, Li Ang just nodded symbolically, a true god realm is simply not enough for Li Ang to pay attention, when he was in the Tai Void Immortal World, were there still a few true gods who died in his hands?

However, Li Ang still carefully looked at the white-robed figure, it was an old man, the face of the old man who appeared above the Juxian Pavilion before was exactly the same, it should be the master of the Juxian Pavilion in Taia City mentioned by Ao Xu.

While Li Ang looked each other up and down, the white-robed old man and Jiang Tianming were also looking at Li Ang.

A light cyan robe, long black hair casually draped over his shoulders, calm eyes like an ancient well without waves, can not set off the slightest wave, even in the face of the white robe old man, the true god, Li Ang still looks very flat.

Suddenly, Jiang Tianming’s eyes froze, staring at Li Ang’s face, as if he had found something incredible.

“City Lord Jiang, what’s wrong? What did you find? ”

The white-robed old man asked strangely.

Jiang Tianming laughed inexplicably; “Hahaha, Gu Pavilion Master, congratulations here next.”

“Huh? What does Lord Jiang mean? The white-robed old man became more and more puzzled.

“Didn’t the Ancient Pavilion Lord find out that this person is exactly the same as Li Angchang, who has been wantonly wanted by the Ao Shen Clan recently? If I’m not mistaken, he is the Leon wanted by the Ao Shen Clan! If you catch him and hand him over to the Ao Shen Clan, you can get a reward of a superb spirit fruit. ”

After listening to Jiang Tianming’s words, the white-robed old man suddenly came to his senses, and only then did he see that Li Ang was the same as the person wanted by the Ao God Clan, and there was an unconcealable ecstasy in his eyes, he had been stuck at the peak of the true god for countless years, and he had never been able to find a suitable high-grade spiritual fruit to help him break through the shackles.

And the Ao God Clan said clearly in the wanted warrant that anyone who captures Li Ang can propose a high-quality spiritual fruit of an attribute to the Ao God Clan at will, and the Ao God Clan will definitely cash in.

As one of the eight divine races of the Tianyuan Immortal World, the Ao God Clan naturally would not do anything that did not keep its promises.

“Jiang City Lord said and laughed, even if he really captures Li Ang, it is a common merit of you and me, and it should be divided equally with remuneration.” The white-robed old man said to Jiang Tianming with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Tianming also replied with a smile; “The ancient pavilion master is too polite, the pavilion master has the cultivation of the peak of the true god, if he gets the help of the right high-grade spiritual fruit, he will be able to break through the shackles and enter the realm of the heavenly gods, how can he win people’s love in the future?” I just hope that after the Guge major is a big advance, don’t forget to be next. ”

Jiang Tianming said this on his mouth, but he had other thoughts in his heart, “Hmph, what an old immortal guy, he obviously wants to take the credit very much in his heart, but he also has to be polite, if it weren’t for Li Ang’s strength that I can’t deal with, how can I give you a shameless reward!” ”

The two have their own ghost fetus, but they have a common goal, that is, to capture Leon so that he can go to the Ao Shen Clan to receive the reward, but who is the prey and who is the hunter is unknown.

Li Ang looked at you and me, as if he regarded himself as the meat on the board, and couldn’t help but interject and laugh; “I said two, you are so sure, you will be my opponent? I don’t know who the deer will die! ”

Jiang Tianming took the lead; “Guy who doesn’t know the height of the sky, do you think you can escape from the hands of the ancient pavilion master? Dare to kill the servants of the lord of this city, you will pay for it! ”

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