Li Ang only smiled slightly in the face of Jiang Tianming’s ridicule, sometimes, no matter how much nonsense he said, it was not the power of a sword!

He doesn’t like to talk to others, and all doubts will be silent under his incomparable strength!

Immediately, I saw Li Ang’s hands on his chest, and a mysterious sword mark changed and formed, and the sword pressure like a mountain swept in like a wave.

Under the pressure of this sword, the surrounding space trembled one after another, as if it was about to collapse.

Li Wen, who still had blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, stood behind, staring at Li Ang with a pair of dead eyes, muttering to himself; “The door master is really angry!”

Xu Qian nodded with the same feeling; “Anyone who provokes the true anger of the master, the current grave grass is afraid that it is a few feet high, this so-called Taia City Lord and Juxian Pavilion Pavilion Lord, today is dead!”

Ao Yu whispered a little suspiciously, “Although the strength displayed by Li Ang is really amazing, but the Juxian Pavilion Master and Jiang Tianming are both veteran God Realm powerhouses after all, and the Juxian Pavilion Master is a top true god, even if Li Ang can defeat these two, he will kill them in ten thousand ways.” ”

However, just like Li Ang’s thoughts, all doubts will tremble and be silent under his incomparable strength.

However, the ancient pavilion master and Jiang Tianming are not at the mercy of others, seeing Li Ang go all out, the two no longer have reservations, their own momentum has reached the peak, and they are all ready to go!

Because Li Ang had forcibly broken through the Golden Elephant Driving Heaven Array of Juxian Pavilion before, even if the Ancient Pavilion Master had true god cultivation, he did not despise Li Ang in the slightest.

As soon as he started, the Ancient Pavilion Lord unleashed his strongest blow!

“Golden Flame Emperor Thunder!”

Jiang Tianming naturally followed the ancient pavilion master to move his hand, his body shook, and he had instantly moved behind Li Ang, raising his hand was a killing move, and the surging immortal power surged!

“Xuan Hades Holy Solution!”

With the move of the two, the originally clear sky, suddenly cloudy, rumbling thunder, golden thunder mixed in.

Behind Li Ang, Jiang Tianming’s hands turned purple jade, a thick cold aura permeated, and a strange yin and yang fish phantom quickly hit Li Ang!

The yin and yang fish are black and white, but the strange thing is that the two fish have no body, only the bones are exposed, giving people an incomparably cold feeling, which is by no means the right way!

“Door master be careful!”

“Master beware!”

Li Wen and Xu Qianyan also noticed that Jiang Tianming and the Ancient Pavilion Master were extraordinary, and hurriedly reminded him, and Li Wen did not forget to ask Ao Xu; “As a member of the Ao God Clan, you should have some understanding of some divine powers in the Tianyuan Immortal World, what kind of means are these two using, and what do you need to pay attention to?”

Ao Xuan didn’t dare to hide it, so he had to give it all out, “The magical ability exerted by the master of the Juxian Pavilion should be a unique technique, I can’t understand it, but the Xuanxian Holy Solution used by Jiang Tianming is the method of Xuanxian Immortal Gate’s fame.” ”

“Xuanxi Holy Solution, the moves are vicious and vicious, once hit by that bodyless yin and yang fish, it will be immediately attacked by the power of Xuanxi, and the skin and flesh of the whole body will be corroded, and in the end, only a pair of bones remains, which is an extremely vicious side door technique!”

“The way to crack!” Xu Lianqian spoke coldly.

Ao Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, “There is no way to solve this method, only to be careful to avoid being hit.” ”

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