"Little junior brother and brother personally enlightened."

"Oh, you read that right, this is a secret letter from Senior Sister Yiyi, the girl who likes the little junior brother the most in the whole world..."

An elegant small building next to the main peak palace complex.

A young man with a jade-like face, outstanding temperament, and handsome immortal like a fairy sat in front of the window.

Holding a freshly opened secret letter in his hand.

His name is Bai Yi.

Twenty years ago, he traveled to this fantasy world and became a newborn baby.

Because both of his parents, who were elders in this life, died fighting for the Holy Land of Yanyue, and made outstanding achievements.

Therefore, in recognition of their dedication to the Holy Land, Sect Master Gong Tianming accepted Bai Yi as a closed disciple.

Said to be a closed disciple.

In fact, Gong Tianming only accepted two disciples.

Bai Yi, and Senior Sister He Yiyi, who defected from the sect two years ago.

Although there were only two disciples, although he also betrayed one....


When the master said to close the door, that is to close the door....

Is there a problem? No problem.

"Well, I want to think... In fact, there is nothing to say, just to let the little junior brother know that the senior sister is still alive, and there is no embarrassing death and falling outside..."

Look at the familiar handwriting on the letter paper like seven or eight crooked ants crawling.

The corner of Bai Yi's mouth twitched.

Who says that about themselves.

Continue reading, "Also, well..."

"Senior sister misses you, the super super thinking kind."

"Okay, there's nothing more to say."

"Oh, by the way, wait a minute!"

"This girl stargazed at night, calculated that the little junior brother did not mess with flowers and grass during my absence, so I sent a little reward with the letter, well, you should also be at this age..."

Isn't this just an envelope? What else.

Bai Yi put down the letter paper in confusion.

Picked up the envelope and poured it down.

Then, a small piece of neatly stacked soft cloth slipped out.

Bai Yi picked it up and took a look.

Oh, triangular....

It also has a faint fragrance that seems to be absent.

The two generations of children and boys, who didn't even know what their hands rushed, thought for a long time.

Furious: "He Yiyi! After such a long time, I knew that it was okay to send a letter, you actually sent this thing over and asked me to wash it for you! How is it not lazy to kill you! "

A sneeze~" Thousands of miles away, a certain girl who liked long skirts and wearing a narrow knife sneezed.


That afternoon, Bai Yi packed the reply letter and a small triangle cloth that had been washed and dried.

Together they were handed over to the vegetable delivery woman passing by the door.

Back in the room, just sat down for a while.

A maid's voice came from outside the courtyard: "Bai Gongzi, Vice Sect Master Liu has called you to the Moon Hall." "

Senior Lady?" Bai Yi muttered and left with the maid.

A moment later.

Moon Temple.

"Why did Shi Niang make so many dishes again."

Bai Yi walked in through the door and found that the round table in the hall was full of dazzling dishes.

For the past two years, as long as the master is not there or in retreat.

Liu Ziru must have called him to come to the Moon Hall to eat.

Bai Yi is used to it.

"Xiao Baiyi is here, come and taste Shi Niang's craft."

Liu Ziru, a rich and elegant teacher, sat at the round table.

The trembling chest rested on the table.

A gentle and delicate pretty face is absolutely beautiful.

"Well, it's so fragrant."

Bai Yi sat down in the seat opposite Liu Ziru, and the tempting aroma of food suddenly came to his face.

"Eat more fragrant, and, what are you doing so far away?" Do you dislike Shi Niang?

Liu Ziru gave him a strange look.

Pointing to the seat next to him, he said

, "Sit closer, and the senior lady will not eat you."


Bai Yi was stunned, didn't he sit like this before?

But he didn't think much about it either.

Stand up and change to sit next to Liu Ziru.

"Eat more, look at your skinny."

As soon as she sat down, Liu Ziru continued to pinch the dishes into the Baiyi bowl.

It wasn't until a hill was piled up in the jade bowl that the chopsticks were temporarily put down.

As the old saying goes, the elders give, don't dare to resign.

Bai Yi can only bury his head and work hard.

Liu Ziru was watching from the side, her white and tender little hand holding her cheeks.

There are seven points of smile between the eyebrows, two points of satisfaction, and a trace of hidden deep throbbing.

How can there be such a good-looking teenager as Xiao Baiyi under the sky....

Bai Yi naturally didn't know what Liu Ziru thought.

At the moment, he only had dry rice in his eyes.

Eating and eating, Bai Yi suddenly stopped moving.

Frowning slightly, he tentatively bit the unfamiliar food in his mouth:

"Crunchy, bounchy..."

I don't seem to have eaten it before.

Liu Ziru's eyes were flustered for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

Brushed the ends of his hair and avoided Bai Yi's gaze.

Naturally, he said: "Oh, nothing, a tonic medicine, eating it helps to practice." "

Can it help with practice?

Hearing Liu Ziru's words, Bai Yi's eyes lit up.

Without hesitation, he pulled several pieces into the bowl.

His cultivation qualifications can only be regarded as average.

Until now, it is also the middle of the innate realm.

My parents died early in battle, and I couldn't wait for Goldfinger.


Looking at Bai Yi's gobbling appearance, Liu Ziru's expression was slightly unnatural.

How could the aphrodisiac holy relic dragon whip eat it so fiercely....

Hurriedly stretched out his little white hand and gently pressed his wrist, whispering: "Okay, I can't stand eating anymore."

"It's okay, I'm measured." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"I didn't mean you~"

Liu Ziru's ear pinna was slightly red, and her expression was even more unnatural.


Bai Yi looked left and right.

Is there anyone else in the house?

【Ding! Detecting that the host is about to face a major choice in life, the omnipotent decision system has been activated, is it bound? 【

All-round decision system: Whenever the host is faced with a choice, daily tasks will be activated, and you can get rich rewards after completion! 】


Twenty years .

. Why are you here!

Binding !!

[Binding successful, removing toxins from the host's body.] 】

【Clear successfully, skill eye literal translation is ready.】 【

Eye literal translation will start on its own in three seconds.】

A series of prompts made Bai Yi a little confused, and he could only pick the key and ask: "Wait a minute, what does this skill do?" [

Literal Translation: Launching at a designated target can read the thoughts contained in the opponent's current gaze towards the host, limited to once a day.] 】

【3,2,1。 When

the countdown ended, Bai Yi found that Liu Ziru's voice sounded in his head: "According to what is said in "Shi Niang's Admonition", the next thing is to wait. "

This is... Shi Niang's thoughts hidden in her eyes now?!

"The Admonition of the Master and the Lady", what is that?

Bai Yi was confused.

Without waiting for him to ask the doubts in his heart, the system spoke again:

[Daily task activation, the host has the following two choices, and you can get a reward after completion. ] [

One, step forward and put your arm around Liu Ziru and say I like you. [

Second, take your leave immediately.

"Hold Shi Niang and say I like you?"

Finish listening to the task options.

Bai Yi raised his head and slowly looked at Liu Ziru on the side...



Little carp's words: After many years, how are you guys doing lately? Well, I'm also very good (laughing at the sky), as you can see, the new book is open, this time it will be a completely different new story, so little introduction, the little carp departs, tick, everyone support and do a good job, get on the car in an orderly manner!

Cultivation realm: Qi Attraction Realm, Houtian Realm, Innate Realm, Foundation Building Realm, Shenzang Realm, Zifu Realm, Yuan God Realm, Cave Market Realm, Du Tribulation Realm, Dao Slashing Realm, Supreme Realm, Mixed Yuan Realm, and you guess the rest (. ・ω・。

(Curious about what kind of baby looks like a crowned jade, has an excellent temperament, and looks as handsome as an immortal - you can see it by extinguishing the phone screen.) )

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