"He's looking at me..."

felt Bai Yi's gaze.

Liu Ziru's heart fluttered and jumped, with obvious panic in her eyes, and her heart was too weak.

Xiao Baiyi won't find anything, right?

But there is still a while before the effect of the dragon whip occurs.

What to do!

Just when Liu Ziru was almost sure that Bai Yi had discovered his intentions.

When I couldn't help but admit it.

Bai Yi finally withdrew his gaze and made a decision.


He was decisive....

Mentally crossed out option one.

Leng snorted, "Cunning system, you still want to trip me up!" "

Don't think that he doesn't understand girls in vain, Shi Niang's reaction obviously doesn't have the conditions to complete option one!"

What does the flustered eye say?

It shows that Shi Niang was scared by herself!

What does it mean not to overdo it?

On behalf of the senior lady, she is tactfully warning herself not to have any crooked thoughts!

The dog system, still want to hurt me!

Impossible, impossible to hurt me!

Thinking of this, Bai Yi did not drag the mud and water at all, and immediately stood up and took his leave:

"Senior lady, I'm so sorry, I suddenly remembered that there was an important matter that I didn't do, and now I have to go back quickly."

Why did Xiao Baiyi suddenly want to leave?

Is something wrong and discovered?

Hear Bai Yi's words.

Liu Ziru was flustered in her heart, but she couldn't think of a reason.

He gritted his teeth and raised his gaze to look at Bai Yi.

He said bluntly: "Your master is not here these days!" "


Bai Yi pondered the meaning of these words for a long time.

Got it.


The master is not there, and the master is afraid of being alone!

Look at the sky, it's already evening.

So he said to Liu Ziru: "I will accompany you at night!" "

At night..."

Liu Ziru's ears suddenly flushed.

I only feel that my heart is beating fast as if it is going to come out of my chest.

Don't look too far at it, she doesn't dare to look at Bai Yi again.

It took a long time before he bit his lip and snorted lowly.


Liu Ziru set her eyes on the bowl of aphrodisiac soup with precious dragon whip on the table.

I'll have to make a new copy later!

The sun sets on the western mountains and the sky is getting late.

Bai Yi returned home and closed the door.

The system was called out at the first time: "Claim the task reward." "

[The mission has been completed immediately, and the reward: 'Never be able to break your leg' attribute, one hundred spirit stones, and the ultimate magic weapon concealed mask. ]

"Sure enough, I guessed right!"

I heard that there is actually a superb magic weapon in the mission reward.

Bai Yi became more and more determined in his choice.


I also want to fool me into being cleaned up by my master.

System, you're still too tender!

It's obviously a sub-topic.

"But what is this attribute and the concealment mask for?" Bai Yi touched his chin and opened the personal panel.

[Name: Bai Yi

] [Age: 20] [Height: 185

] [Appearance: 100

] [Realm: Middle Innate Realm

] [Skill: Listen to the Voice Lv.1, Straight Male LV.3] [

Item: Hidden Mask (A proud work of a great alchemist with voyeurism, after wearing it, you can get a concealment effect.

[Other: 'Never Break Your Leg' attribute (a special attribute possessed by the God of Wife and Strictness, the host cannot break his legs by any form of injury or attack!)

[System assessment: A straight man of steel who is blind to the sky, fighting five scum.


Yi found the point in a second, and his face was black: "I recognize the five scumbags of war, but how can I be a straight man!" System, you will change it back to me right now! "

[Detected that the host has objections to the evaluation results, and the re-evaluation is initiated.] 【

Ask the host to answer the following three questions carefully, and answering two questions correctly is to pass the assessment.】

"You just come." Bai Yi firmly believes that he is definitely not a straight man.

[Q: My girlfriend has a stomachache during her menstrual period, I said drink more hot water, what does she mean by returning a 6? ] 1. Praise 2. Get angry 3. Be speechless 4. Admire.

Bai Yi thought carefully for a long time.

Seriously: "System, you have a problem with this question!" "

[Does the host mean can't you drink more hot water?]

"It's not."

Bai Yi shook his head without hesitation, frowning, and his eyes firm.

"I mean, why didn't you say the option of drinking more hot water 6 times?"

[End of evaluation.] 】

“?" Bai Yi was not convinced: "Isn't it a trick!" "

Where is the problem with my answer!

You say drink more hot water, people go back 6, doesn't that make you say 6 more times?

What else could it be!

The system is silent.

"Okay, even if you don't agree with my answer, then there are two more questions, how come it's over?"

The system remains silent.

"Bah, can't afford to play!"

Bai Yi took a sip unconvinced.

I got up and walked out of the room.

Ignore it, ignore it.

Do you say that a straight man and I am a straight man?

Let's ride a donkey and read the record book - walk and see!

"First go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to find the book "The Admonition of Shi Niang", find out Shi Niang's thoughts, and then go to her."

Look, the sky hasn't completely darkened yet.

Bai Yi made a decision.


"Uncle Miki, are you on duty today?"

At the door of the Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

Bai Yi took out the jade card of his own disciple and handed it to Wang Sanmu, the elder of the town guard, with a smile.

"Hmm." Wang Sanmu smiled and nodded, "Do you want martial arts or body skills?" Uncle help you find it. "

Wang Sanmu and Bai Yi's parents had a good relationship in their early years.

They have been taking good care of Bai Yi since they died in battle.

"No need, I'll find some novels to pass the time."

Bai Yi waved his hand with a smile, chatted a few words together and walked into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Busy for half an hour.

Finally found his goal in the third floor Shizi bookcase.

However, there are actually two books of "The Admonition of the Master" and "The Admonition of the Master".

"This is the words of the widow of the eighth generation ancestor admonishing all the disciples."

"The rest of this one... Groove! "

Little Uncle Huang?"

"How can this thing also mix with the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion."

Bai Yi each opened it and looked at it.

Soon the second little imperial uncle was casually thrown back on the bookshelf.

Don't even think about it.

Shi Niang is such a serious person.

How could it be a little imperial uncle revealed in her eyes.

"After the death of the eighth generation of the ancestor, the disciples were busy with the affairs of the Holy Land and neglected to fulfill their filial piety to the widow of the ancestor, she personally cooked a banquet and invited the disciples to come..."

Bai Yi took a quarter of an hour.

I read the admonitions of the widow of the eight generations of ancestors in rough terms.

Slowly closing the page, a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

I am usually busy with practice, and I really don't go to see my master often....

Thinking of this, a thought flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, and he gradually had an idea.

He immediately got up and walked towards the outside of the Tibetan scripture pavilion.


After Bai Yi left, the little imperial uncle, also named "The Admonition of the Master Lady", accidentally fell off the bookshelf.

A fresh breeze blew and the pages turned.

There is a chapter titled: Coax the disciples to take the aphrodisiac, and after a quarter of an hour, they are refreshed!

Moon Temple.

After Bai Yi left, Liu Ziru hid and quietly followed behind for a while.

Seeing that the medicinal power of the dragon whip seemed to have no signs of seizure for the time being, he returned to the Moon Hall.

Remake an aphrodisiac soup.

Patiently instructed the maid to watch the fire in the kitchen.

Liu Ziru returned to the room, bathed and changed.

The white mist transpires.

Yanagi brushed up her wet hair and got up from the bath.

The candle flame hit a hazy shadow against the wall.

Sketch a beautiful picture that will make any man's heart shake.

"These scars have to be covered up so that Xiao Baiyi can't see them."

While dressing, Liu Ziru frowned slightly as she stared at the bruises and scars on her body.

He was about to raise his hand to heal with Reiki, but suddenly stopped moving.

He can't see these "medals" after he gets out of customs, and he has to torture himself again....

Maybe it's some horrible scene in mind.

Liu Ziru's body trembled uncontrollably, her face turned pale, and she gasped like she was drowning.

It's been a long time.

She finally forced herself to calm down.

Controlling his trembling hands, he slowly but firmly wiped them over the bruises.

Look at those shocking disgusting scars, disappearing little by little under the action of Reiki.

Liu Ziru's heart wrapped in old dogma, cowardly, and resigned.

A surge of excitement like never before!

She stroked her white and tender skin, looked at the aphrodisiac soup on the table, licked her lips, and looked expectant:

"Xiaobaiyi is coming."

"Right away, apprentice and senior lady... A touch of seductive green..."



(Ask for a bookshelf, than heart)

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