Thousands of miles away from the Yanyue Holy Land.

A secret place.

"Kill her first! Otherwise, no one will have a chance. "

A certain girl who likes long skirts and a narrow knife stands in the center.

More than a dozen girls holding various powerful spirit soldiers, their eyes were fierce and murderous, and wolves came from all directions like hunting.

"Hey, He Yiyi, you seem to be in trouble, do you want my brother to help?"

Not far away, a young man stood among the many imposing youths, wrapped his arms around and watched the play.

The smile is flirtatious and playful.

His father is the deputy sect master of the real power of the Demon Sect, and he has long decided on the position of the Holy Son, and this trip is just to go through the motions.

The girl didn't even look at him.

Silently, he removed the message jade card that vibrated at his waist.

Enter a wisp of Reiki and gently hang it back.

"Number zero one three." A woman's voice came from inside the jade tablet.


Almost at the moment when the sound sounded.

The girl disappeared in place, and the knife was unsheathed....

The cold light is up!

"This evening, Sect Master Liu Ziru once again called him to the Heavenly Temple."

"If I'm not mistaken, this month is the fifth time..." The girl's

voice could not hear any emotion.

It's just that the screams and wails that came into the jade card rose and fell one after another.

"Yes, it was all chosen at the time when the sect master was away."

"Oh, what about the rest of the women who have touched him?"

"In addition to Liu Ziru, he has been in contact with a total of the past few days... They are..."

After a long while, the person on the other side of the jade card finished speaking.

The girl also stopped moving.

She stood among the stump and severed arms all over the ground.

Quietly wiped the blood stains on the narrow knife.

"Yiyi, I really didn't misread you."

The young man hugged up to the girl, frowning and kicking away a head at his feet:

"In the future, I will be the Holy Son, you are the Holy Daughter, and in the future we will ..." "I

don't like the names Holy Son and Holy Daughter."

"If the little junior brother hears it, he will definitely think that Yiyi has someone else."

He Yiyi suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with a morbid smile.

"So, you all die, okay?"


The narrow knife plunged into the man's heart without warning!

Night falls.

He Yiyi walked towards the exit alone.

Apart from her, no one left the Great Secret Realm.

"Little Junior Brother, and... Shi Niang, Yiyi is coming to find you. "

...... ......

"Senior Lady will definitely be very happy tonight!"

Bai Yi came to the door of the Moon Hall.

Find out that the person he arranged has arrived.

After walking around, I didn't find any problems.

Only then did he nodded in satisfaction and walked into the Moon Hall.

Inside the temple.

"What's going on out there? It's very noisy. Liu

Ziru was wearing a nightdress woven with thousand-year-old ice silk.

Reclining lazily on the bed, Dai's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"I'll check it out." The maid standing outside the door immediately replied.

"Well, just let them disperse, no need to scold."

After the maid left, Liu Ziru squeezed her slightly sweaty palm.

"Why hasn't Xiao Baiyi come yet."

After thinking about it, she blushed slightly and pulled the skirt that had been raised near her knees up again.

A pair of white lotus-like pink legs loomed.

Too many beautiful things.

"Senior Lady, I'm coming."

Knocked on Shi Niang's door in the evening.

Bai Yi always feels weird.

It's like.

I didn't say that I was here.


Master Niang opened the door, it was Master Li....

"Blah blah,

Bai Yi felt that he might have been poisoned by the little imperial uncle in the afternoon.

"The door is unlocked, you come in."

The gentle voice of Liu Ziru came out of the room.

Big night, what am I doing in there.

Bai Yi stopped without hesitation and shouted inside: "Senior Lady, you come out first, I have prepared a surprise for you." "


Liu Ziru was surprised.

But looking at what she was wearing now, she hesitated and said,

"You come first."

"Senior lady, you go with me first, I have been preparing for the afternoon." Bai Yi stood in place without moving, and said with confidence.

"That... All right. Liu

Ziru couldn't help him, so she had to change her clothes again.

Gently pushed the door open.

She did not go out at the first time, but held the door frame with her small white hand.

Raising Qiu Bo's wandering gaze, he bit his lip and looked out the door.

The beauty reclines against the door frame, and the softness and seduction in her eyes coexist.

But obviously, this is a flattering look for the blind.

After seeing the door open, Bai Yi turned around and walked directly towards the outside of the hall.

As he walked, he said brokenly: "Senior lady, I bet that you are happy." Liu

Ziru looked at him and only had a back left in the blink of an eye, crying and laughing.

However, thinking that tonight was still very long, and I was also curious about the surprise that Bai Yi said, I was not angry.

"Hey, Shi Niang, why are you still there? What do you do holding the door? Do you have foot cramps?

As soon as Bai Yi turned around, he found Liu Ziru standing at the door without moving, and he was about to walk out of the hall.

"I... It's okay, let's go, Shi Niang also wants to see the surprise you prepared. Liu

Ziru was angry and funny.

Angry that he was like a pimple of wood.

It's good to laugh at wood bumps, and don't attract small wave hooves.

The two walked out of the hall, and on the way they met the maid that Liu Ziru had just sent out to drive away the noise.

"Master, slave..."

"Senior Lady, I stopped her." Bai Yi helped explain.

Liu Ziru subconsciously looked at the maid's face.

Well, the appearance is mediocre.

Only then nodded and said, "I know, you go to rest, you don't need to guard at night."


"Hurry up and take you to see the surprise." Bai Yi urged.

"Hmm." Liu Ziru agreed gently.

The curious worm in my heart was also hooked.

What will it be?

Flowers everywhere or brilliant fireworks?

Wouldn't it be a little swaggering....

This is both tangled and looking forward to all the way.

Out of the main hall.

Liu Ziru finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and looked forward...



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