"Why is the little junior brother shouting pervert?"

He Yiyi was a little puzzled when he heard the voice coming from outside, shouldn't the little junior brother shout that there was an assassin when he found out that someone had assassinated him?

Why is it said that there is a Supreme Realm pervert?

So, what exactly did Master do to Yiyi's little junior disciple!

"I don't know, could it be that Senior Brother scared Senior Brother Bai? So he had a misunderstanding? Yu Xian was also puzzled, and said after thinking seriously.

"Anyway, let's deal with things first."

He Yi moved and walked towards the outside of the hall, and said at the same time:

"Take that person with you, avoid the sight of the little junior brother, make a little movement, don't be too nervous, just go according to the plan."


Yu Xian nodded, waved at the group of black-clothed men waiting outside the hall to follow, and then stomped his feet on the ground and took off towards the Kunxu Hall.

At the same time, he shouted with a serious mouth, "Which dog day dares to assassinate my old brother Bai!" In

the blink of an eye, Yu Xian had already arrived in front of Bai Yi.

"Brother Bai, are you okay... Right? The

moment he saw Bai Yi, Yu Xian was dumbfounded.

Bai Yi's state looks a little embarrassed, and at the moment he is only standing not far away wearing a pair of boxer pants.

But that's all that's it.

Yu Xian's gaze swept over his knees silently, except for a few leg hairs that were not very long and swaying slightly shyly against the breeze, there was nothing unusual at all.

This is different from what is written in the script!

Shouldn't Bai Yi be broken leg now, lying pitifully on the ground waiting for his rescue?

So who is this who is standing in front of him now?

"Big Brother Yu is here, quick, that dog pervert is inside!"

Bai Yi saw Yu Xian appear, and immediately pointed to Kun Xudian and said quickly:

"He ate my thousand-year kill, and his state is not very good, and you can still catch up with it in the past eighty percent."

"Pervert? Millennium kill? "

What and what is this?

Yu Xian blinked his ignorant little eyes.

I feel that his head can't turn a little, and the original plan has changed unexpectedly.

Bai Yi stood in front of him well, and listening to his tone, Senior Brother not only did not succeed, but also hit Bai Yi's technique called 'Millennium Kill'?

In addition, according to Yu Xian's observation, Bai Yi's face did not seem to be fake.

So what is the perversion in his mouth?

Various unplanned changes followed, almost burning out the remaining brain.

For a long time, he nodded in confusion, and oh, "Then Brother Bai, you take care of yourself, I'll go catch that... Perverted. Saying

that, Yu Xian rushed to the Kun Xu Hall with a stomach full of doubts and the many black-clothed people who rushed in.

Until the moment before rushing into the room, he was still thinking.

What kind of technique is this thousand-year kill? It sounds unclear....


“(。 ・)ノ"

As soon as He Yi arrived at the scene, he immediately saw the little junior brother of 'Spring Light', and immediately stayed in place.

In fact, for Bai Yi, the current dress is nothing.

The profane pants in this world are very large, even if they are not as good as the shorts of the previous life, but they are not much worse.

So that it took him a long time to gradually adapt to this feeling of being wild and windswept by the meadow.

But for He Yiyi, the appearance of the little junior brother at this moment is absolutely not allowed to appear!

Didn't you see that the fox spirits passing by began to have Mars seeds in their eyes!!

"Don't look, you are not allowed to look, all turn around and !! Yiyi"

The anxious girl had a cold face and shouted in a tone full of sorrow and indignation at the people in black, especially the girls among them.

Woo! What to do.

Yiyi's little junior brother is not clean.

The vinegar jar, no, the girl who was knocked over by the vinegar sea immediately reprimanded those who took advantage of the little junior brother's eyes.

Then he couldn't even care why the little junior brother was standing decently.

Without hesitation, she took out one of her long black dresses from the storage ring, tore it open, and wrapped Bai Yi's lower body tightly.

It wasn't until the inner three layers and the outer three layers wrapped the little junior brother all over and the girl who felt that she had suffered a great loss did she breathe a sigh of relief.

Viciously, fiercely, milky stared at Bai Yi's little face, crossed his waist and muttered: "Little junior brother doesn't know that boys have to protect themselves when they go out!" You dress like this to come out, you want to be immersed in a pig cage, do you know! "

Huh?" Bai Yi scratched his head, "Can men still be immersed in pig cages?" How come I haven't heard, is this a special custom of that place?

He Yiyi hugged his arm, don't go over his head and hummed softly: "This is Yiyi's own custom." "

Haha." Bai Yi couldn't help laughing, raised his hand and pinched the tip of his senior sister's crystalline pen, and almost dissipated a lot by the bad mood of the dog perverted into the soul.

Bai Yi grabbed the breathless girl's shoulders, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Since it is the unique custom of senior sister, then I naturally support it unconditionally, and I must be careful not to be immersed in the pig cage in the future." "

I'm all seen by others." He Yiyi pouted aggrievedly.

Without waiting for Bai Yi to speak, she sniffed her nose and raised a green onion white finger to look at Bai Yi: "It's urgent to follow the power, only this once, there can be no next time."

Bai Yi was dumbfounded, which was one of the many reasons why he liked Senior Sister.

He Yiyi will spontaneously adjust her emotions, even if there are occasional girls' little tsundere, they will be controlled within an excessively boundary.

To put it simply, she is able and willing to understand people, which is rare.

In addition, He Yiyi has many things that Bai Yi likes, such as flexibility.

When the hands are tired, there is no need to say, they are very good at changing their feet....

After adjusting, or thinking about how to deal with the female black-clothed men who had just passed by, He Yiyi pretended not to mention this stubble very much, and instead cared about Bai Yi's situation.

It was also at this time that she was surprised to find out.

Ah, how fat.

Why hasn't the little junior brother's leg been broken yet?

Of course, she is not stupid, so she will not just say what she thinks in her heart, He Yi thought about it, and asked Huhu: "Little junior brother is fine, quickly tell Yi Yi what is going on?" Yiyi will definitely not let go of those bad guys who beat the idea of the little junior brother. "

Well, when she said this, the weak-hearted girl gently pinched the soft flesh of her waist as punishment for her 'bad guy'.

Bai Yi organized some language and told what happened with a look of indignation.

“...... When I opened my eyes and found that the pervert was also a man, who was facing me with his ass, I didn't know what to do, I was a big man, how could I stand this insult, I took out a dagger on the spot, thought about it, and took it back and replaced it with a long sword with more than four feet..." At the

same time.

Yu Xian also brought a group of black-clothed people to the outside of the Kunxu Hall.

Because Bai Yi was watching from not far away, Yu Xian did not dare to drag, and went up and kicked open the door of the temple.

Inside the temple.

Sui Yi, who was wrapped in spiritual energy and carefully pulled out the long sword, was bare with his half-pulled blood-dripping ass, and he was stunned when he heard the movement.

Bai Yi's smelly boy should not dare to come back.

Immediately after, he reacted.

It's leisure!

Sui Yi was about to move immediately, but it was too late.

With a 'bang', Sui Yi's eyes looked at the entrance of the hall with a slightly dull gaze.

Finished calving.



(To borrow words from a book that I like very much, the New Year is approaching, and the sword cultivators in the countryside will go home early~

If there is something that can't go home temporarily, it's okay, I share the moon with my hometown, just move forward.) )

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