"It turns out that... This is the Millennium Kill. At

the door of the room, after being stunned for a long time, Yu Xian swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and he suddenly understood what the thousand-year killing in Bai Yi's mouth meant.

Yu Xian's eyelids trembled unconsciously, and he subconsciously raised his buttocks.

Na Teniang is not a magic at all!

Brother Bai, are you ruthless enough!!

At this moment, Sui Yi was standing in the room with a bare half-ass, and Yu Xian was standing outside the room with a dull face.

There was a faint sadness in the air, and unspeakable embarrassment.

After being silent for a long time, seeing that a group of men in black were also approaching, Sui Yi finally couldn't bear it.

He trembled and raised his finger to point at Yu Xian, his lips were white, his face was abnormally red, and he said angrily: "Stand there waiting for death, bring the door, get in!"


Seeing that Senior Brother was angry, Yu Xian hurriedly stopped everyone behind him, blocked everyone's sight with his body, and carefully walked into the room.

After closing the door, Yu Xian looked at Sui Yi's current miserable appearance, snickered in his heart, but said with fake concern on his mouth: "Senior brother, you... Are you okay?

"The corners of your mouth are upturned." Sui Yi squinted at him and said coldly.

Yu Xian was suddenly startled, immediately adjusted his expression, and said embarrassed: "Ahem, isn't Junior Brother worried about you?"

Sui Yi was unmoved, still glancing at him coldly.

Yu Xian scratched his head, the secret path was going to be bad, he took a deep breath, replaced it with a pained expression, and said angrily:

"Brother Bai is true, it is not a serious attack, the senior brother who hurt you suffered such a laugh to death... Blah blah, such a serious injury. Yu

Xian observed Sui Yi's face, murderous!

He rolled his eyes and said sadly in a righteous and awe-inspiring tone: "Senior brother has been so badly injured, it really hurts you, and it hurts my heart!" If it weren't for the irreparable nature of the matter, Junior Brother would have hurt me. "

Oh yes?" Sui Yi's eyes were faint, and he couldn't see the slightest mood swing, and asked coldly.

Yu Xian dared to hesitate at this time, his chest slapped into the sky, and he said seriously: "Sure, senior brother does not dare to have half a lie in front of him!"

"Well, Senior Brother believes you."

Sui Yi nodded and beckoned to Yu Xian, "You come forward, Senior Brother has some things to explain to you."

Yu Xian swallowed his saliva, and stepped forward little by little, ready to let the senior brother beat him up.

Who told themselves that they couldn't control their laughter?

"Senior Brother, I'm that..... I really didn't mean to laugh at you. Yu Xian came to Sui Yi and explained with a sad face.

The words did not fall.

Yu Xian felt that something suddenly clicked on the dantian.

Immediately afterwards, he found that his cultivation body was sealed in the blink of an eye, and he couldn't use it in the slightest.

Yu Xian suddenly raised his head to look at Sui Yi, and the words begging for mercy had not yet been spoken.

The vision turned sharply and hit the ground head-down.

Sui Yi blackened his face, didn't say a word, picked up the bloody long sword and plunged towards the same position as himself.

"Didn't you say that it was you who wanted to be hurt, Senior Brother to fulfill your wish."


" Yu Xian's eyes suddenly bulged: "(o ゚▽ ゚)o☆

" "Wow!!"


So the little junior brother plunged a long sword of more than four feet into it... Inside that assassin's ass? After listening to Bai Yi's story, He Yiyi opened his mouth in a daze.

Bai Yi said strangely: "It happened suddenly, it is one of the weakest places there, is there something wrong with Za there?"

He Yiyi silently felt sorry for the master for a ten-thousandth of a second, and then said: "Dang, of course, there is no problem, the little junior brother did the right thing, and he should deal with the assassin... It should be so merciless.

Bai Yi snorted coldly, "If it weren't for the fear that his cultivation was too high, I wouldn't be able to beat him, how could I let him go so easily." The

weak-hearted girl did not dare to continue the conversation on this topic, and took the initiative to diverge: "By the way, since the little junior brother said that the assassin is at least the supreme realm, Yi Yi looked at the degree of damage to your pants, he should want to break your legs, and then hold you away..."

He Yi turned around and asked the doubts in his heart quietly: "Yi Yi checked, your leg doesn't seem to show any signs of injury, how did the little junior brother do it, this is also too powerful." "

For two consecutive times, Bai Yi's legs were unharmed.

And it was all when he was defenseless, but in the end he didn't succeed.

Once was an accident, what about two?

What's more, the Third Senior Uncle and Master are already the top peak cultivators in the world, and their missed hand can really be explained by just an accident?

The girl is already extremely smart, how can she not understand that the problem lies with her little junior brother.

Senior Sister's question actually asked Bai Yi, 'can never be broken leg' attribute such a thing, he can't explain it to Senior Sister at all.

But the senior sister has asked here, and it is impossible for him to cover up the past.

Bai Yi thought for a while, and said half-truthfully: "The exercises I practice have a special ability, that is, hard.

"With the improvement of the realm, my body has become more and more tenacious everywhere, gold and iron are difficult to hurt, this effect is most obvious in the leg, before in the dark horse pass near the sneak attack, the assassin slashed at my leg with all his strength, the knife was broken at that time, but afterwards I checked and found that he could not even leave a little redness and swelling."

Bai Yi paused and added, "At that time, it happened suddenly, and I didn't have time to fuse combat power... It's just a Divine Hidden Realm cultivation.

He Yiyi's mouth opened into a big O, and his bright black eyes were full of surprise.

She also thought that the third junior uncle had not cut the junior brother before.

Now it seems....

The third senior uncle said that the broadsword made of precious Xuan Iron broke immediately, saying that the little junior brother was unharmed, but his arms were both fractured.

All true?

That little junior brother is also too powerful!

As for how it would be like for the third senior uncle to be injured and wrongly lied.

Well, that's not important.

"Such a powerful technique, sure enough, the man Yiyi likes is powerful."

The girl was shocked in her heart, and she did not hide this surprise, and immediately looked at Bai Yi with cautious and adoring eyes and praised.

What Bai Yi couldn't stand the most was the cute and humble appearance of his senior sister, and he scratched his head a little embarrassed.

The smelly fart on his mouth said: "It's generally powerful, but it's true that Senior Sister's vision is good." "

Little junior brother is cheeky." The girl hummed.

They took over the assassin's affairs, and the two of them couldn't help standing here anymore.

Today's Kyoto can be said to be the hinterland of the Qiongyu Demon Sect, with many peak cultivators, and the assassin has no possibility of escape.

Bai Yi listened to his senior sister's words and went to a side hall to change clothes.

After watching Bai Yi leave, He Yiyi put away his innocent and cute smile.

Beckoning the black-clothed man who was on duty in the distance, he ordered with an expressionless face:

"There are three female cultivators among the people who have just passed, find them and blind them."

The man in black led the way to leave.

He Yiyi stood in place, waiting for the results of the assassin's 'treatment' to come out.

The fact that the little junior brother had such a technique was an accident she had never expected.

The Master of the Seventh Heaven of the Supreme Realm failed to break his leg, which meant that her plan was completely shattered.

Breaking his leg and putting the little junior brother under house arrest became impossible.

He Yiyi was very unhappy.

But she already has a new approach.

Just tonight - raw rice cooked mature rice, completely sleepwear little junior brother.

Yi Yi wanted to see if the little junior brother was so every leg... Hard!




(Everyone's good year, hehe, start to update steadily, in addition... Reply unified, it's not dead, don't spread it around, ahhhh T^T)

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