He Yiyi stood in place and waited for a moment, and Sui Yi and Yu Xian limped into their sight.

Sui Yi had been injured for a while, and his injury gradually stabilized under the healing of Reiki, and he didn't look so embarrassed at the moment.

But Yu Xian is not so relaxed, his legs are stretched out in a figure of eight, and he walks like a limp.

From time to time, he grinned, and the expression on his face looked sad and confused.

He just laughed at what was wrong with him.

Why should he accompany his senior brother to bloom chrysanthemums together.

Mother, senior brother, your heart is so cold!

"Third Senior Uncle, this is...?" He Yiyi saw Yu Xian's strange posture from a distance, and asked puzzled.

Didn't the little junior brother say that he stabbed the assassin's ass with his sword?

Judging from the look on Master's face, he should be injured.

But why does the third senior uncle seem to be more serious than the master?

"I, that, this, eh..." Yu Xian's resentful eyes peeked at Senior Brother Sui Yi, forced by his lewd power, and said insincerely: "When I just entered the door, I accidentally fell and sat on the sword next to me and scratched it.

He Yiyi obviously didn't believe it, and said suspiciously: "Is it?"

Sui Yi glanced at Yu Xian and replied for him, "Yes, he is too unlucky.

Yu Xian was sad and indignant, and wanted to open his mouth to refute, but was glanced at by Sui Yi, and immediately did not dare to speak.

With his mouth deflated, his legs clamped, his eyes revealed a kind of grievance of 'you can say anything, my opinion doesn't matter at all'.

That look, like a complaining little daughter-in-law whose husband has not cultivated the land for half a month.

Sui Yi ignored this trick, thought about it, forced a light and breezy appearance, looked at He Yiyi and asked lightly: "What about Bai Yi's kid?" I have to say that this stinky boy is lucky, if he hadn't woken up early, I was a little caught off guard, and Master Wei would definitely be able to help you break his leg today. Hearing

this, He Yiyi almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Master thought that Yiyi didn't know the specific situation and wanted to bluff me.

The girl forced a smile, puffed out her cheeks and nodded thoughtfully: "Master is right."

As she spoke, she thought of the four-foot long sword that the little junior brother said was not in the middle of the half, and then looked at the appearance of the master now looking back to make up for face.

It was very uncomfortable to hold back a smile, and his little hands desperately pinched the soft flesh around his waist, forcing himself not to laugh.

Master's ass is already very humiliating, if she laughs again, it will be too faceless for Master.

But...... Laughing in the heart is something that no one can care about.

Four-foot long sword, caught off guard - poofhahaha

Master is so miserable.

Sui Yi always felt that He Yiyi didn't seem to believe it, plus he himself was a little weak-hearted, so he went back to make

up for it, "Cough, speaking of Bai Yi, this stinky boy is also very good, that pair of iron legs, I don't know how to practice, even if it is for the master, it will take me a little time to break the protection, of course, it will only take a little time, if he does not wake up early, it will take at most a quarter of an hour, and let his legs be broken for the master."

These words were extremely weak-hearted, and even Sui Yi himself unconsciously lowered his voice when he said it.

It's not to blame him for his weakness, it's really that Bai Yi's leg is too strange, mother, don't say give him another quarter of an hour, even if he gives him a month, he has no confidence to interrupt!

But in order to pick up the face that fell on the ground, Sui Yi could only brag hard.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Bai Yi would tell He Yi about today's events, and then wouldn't he, the master, be completely unable to raise his head in front of his apprentices?

Therefore, Sui Yi wanted to bite Bai Yi's legs with a strange point, and although he was extraordinary, it only took more time for him, not helpless, and the reason for the loss was just that Bai Yi suddenly woke up and there was not enough time.

Although this is also a bit humiliating, at least there is not much to lose, and the loss is limited....

"Yes, yes, Senior Brother Bai not only has a pair of iron legs, but also makes a good sword technique!" Yu Xian echoed the yin and yang strange qi next to him.

I don't like the senior brother pretending.

The back door of the house was stolen by the family, and it was still blown away.

I used to call me a waste, but now I change myself, and it has become all for nothing.

Oh, mouth!

Disgusting heart !!

Sui Yi could not hear Yu Xian's sneer, he glanced at Yu Xian with slanted eyes, and said lightly with a hidden murderous intent: "Go and lay out the corpse of that 'assassin', and when the meeting comes over, take him to see him, and after everything is handled, come to my residence to find me, and explain something to you." "

After the calf, it will be cut again.

Yu Xian lowered his face and nodded reluctantly.

Mother, Lao Tzu is really cheap, why should I force more.

Well, it has to be cleaned up again!

"Okay, Yiyi, you and the third senior uncle deal with the follow-up, and the master will go back first." Sui Yi turned his head to look at He Yiyi, he was afraid to stay any longer, in case He Yiyi came to say, 'I didn't succeed this time, find a chance to start again'.

Then his old face is really going to be lost.

If people drink water and know themselves, Sui Yi is very clear, even if he comes ten more times, he will continue to beat the leg of that kid!

It's the same as arable land.

This time, I didn't plow a few times, but my back was sore and I couldn't hold on.

So can the next time you plow the hour at once, and there is still enough sweat to spare?

Sui Yi has cultivated the land for hundreds of years and knows the truth that if it can't be done, it can't be done.

"Oh, okay, Master go back first, here is handed over to Yiyi and Third Senior Uncle." He Yiyi was understanding and did not mention the matter of continuing to find an opportunity to do it, although he couldn't help but want to laugh, but the master was really miserable, and he couldn't embarrass him anymore.

After looking at Sui Yi's back and leaving far away, the girl laughed very figuratively, and tears came out.

Damn it! It was clear that Yiyi's plan had completely failed, but why couldn't he stop laughing.

Well, it must be because Iichi is too sad, definitely not because of Master.

It's true.

As the leader of the Demon Dao in the world, Qiong Yu Demon Sect must be difficult for everyone to find a good boy with a kind heart.

But to say that creating perjury, creating a reasonable murder scene, and concealing the sky and the sea, that one is an expert.

However, in a moment, a scene of the Supreme Realm assassin being beaten to death by the elders was staged in front of the Kunxu Hall.

The surrounding area is a huge area of land and ravines, ancient trees are uprooted, palace buildings collapse, and all kinds of chaotic qi machines linger, as if the end of the world has come.

It was very lively for a while.

Bai Yi finished changing his clothes, recuperated a little, and when he returned to the outside of the Kunxu Hall, the battle was over.

A blurry body of flesh and blood, not to mention his own mother, even Meng Po may not recognize the body of the person he has received lying in a big pit, looking extremely miserable.

Bai Yi stepped forward to check it, whether it was his body shape or breath, it was similar to the dog pervert who attacked him before.

When he got up and was about to leave, he suddenly thought of the sword he had pierced before, and beckoned to the black-clothed disciple standing on the side: "Please help me turn his face over, expose his back, and see if there is any injury in his butt." Hearing

this, He Yi was stunned suddenly, and his little white hand suddenly squeezed the corners of his clothes.

She had just picked up the little junior disciple and forgot to let the disciples mend this vital injury!

Seeing the black-clothed disciple step forward, he turned the body and began to examine.

The girl bit her lips nervously, and wisps of sweat began to ooze unconsciously from her forehead.

Originally, as long as he cooked mature rice with the little junior disciple tonight, he could use the method of 'exhaustion' to eliminate the fox essence seduction.

But if the little junior brother found out that this corpse was not the same person who assassinated him before.

Everything was exposed.

What to do....



(I'm late, I'm guilty T^T)

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