The black-clothed disciple gradually approached, but it was a long distance, and he arrived in the blink of an eye.

But this short period of time is undoubtedly a huge ordeal for He Yiyi.

Various pictures appeared in his mind, and after the little junior brother learned the truth, he asked himself angrily why he deceived him.

Or maybe the little junior brother resolutely left, leaving only a back that gradually disappeared into the distance...

Along the way, a person who died directly or indirectly at his own hands, one face after another, crossed in front of his eyes one by one.

A great panic rose in the girl's heart.

Somehow, He Yiyi seemed to hear an unidentified whisper ringing in his ears.

"This blood all the way, all the way treacherous, all the way to deceit, during which you even gamble with your life, just in exchange for the possibility of being by his side... He Yiyi, do you regret it?

"You're worried, you're distressed, you're panicking all day, lest he be snatched away by some woman who suddenly appears."

"You pretend, you hide, you pull a big lie, and have you ever thought that there will always be a day when paper can't contain the fire? And when that day comes, when he learns everything, when everything is revealed to the world.

"How are you going to deal with yourself?"

The world is fair, and with the proud qualification to ride the dust on the road of cultivation, you have lost the opportunity to work hard in the long years of cultivation.

There are gains and losses, and He Yiyi quietly broke through the supreme at an age that could not stand up, which is naturally a blessing.

But the most important thing is a solid foundation, even if there are a number of top bigwigs including Yanyue's former sect master, as well as Qiong Yu Sui Yi, who carefully pave the way for her and shovel the bumps, the speed of He Yiyi's realm climbing is still too terrifying, too fast.

So much so that no matter how careful, even if she is careful, she misses a lot of things that must be experienced.

And now, not long after she broke through the Supreme Realm, she had not fully digested the Stable Realm, and it happened that her mood fluctuated violently.

Her obsession with Bai Yi, which could be said to be almost terrifying, and the fear of unacceptable loss caused her to lose her mind.

As a result, he was taken advantage of by the heart demon and fell into a strange state similar to going crazy.

At this moment, everything in front of him seemed to become dull.

The surrounding noise, noise, and everyone's movements show a strange sense of stuttering.

Time is like a long river rushing, slowing down in this instant.

The maiden stood in the shadows cast by the palace next to her, silent like a stupid rabbit with broken limbs but no whimpering.

It is born with a strong ability to endure pain, will not cry or scream, even if it breaks its legs and breaks its bones, it is just quiet, silently looking for a corner to squat.

The biggest hope may not be that this suffering will pass soon, but that it can be discovered by a certain guy by accident.

It turned out that there was such a poor stupid guy here.

Regard him as more important than his own life.

Inside the Heart Lake.

The girl felt like she was plunged into an endless darkness, and there seemed to be something around her, carrying her to the depths with a deathly depression.

She tried her best to open her eyes, but she couldn't see a ray of light.

The whisper in his ear continued, "Listen to me, you don't deserve it, how good can he be?" It's nothing more than a long and passable man, the world is so big, with your strength, you can attract countless handsome young men in an instant, why torture yourself like this.

"I know, you're tired, you're tired."

"Obedient, pick up the knife that belongs to you at the waist, and step forward..."

"Kill him, end everything that makes you suffer, from now on, the Tao heart is clear, the heaven and the earth are clear, and there is no restraint!"

In a daze, the girl muttered, "Kill him... Yes, Iichi is going to kill him... However, Iichi doesn't remember who he is.

The voice sneered and laughed heartily: "Who? Of course, it's a white game, who else can there be. "

Bai Yi

In the darkness, the girl's tendency to fall suddenly stopped, and she opened her eyes again, far, far away.

A ray of light came in.

In a flash.

The whispers in his ears disappeared without a trace, the boundless darkness around him shattered instantly, and the world of Karton returned to normal.

He Yi let out a long breath and gently wiped away the fine sweat strands on his forehead.

It's like a world away.

The little junior brother never asked Yiyi how much he liked him.

In fact, Iichi himself did not know.

But Iichi knew.

Even if it is the boundless darkness in the depths, even if it is about to fall into the depths of the unknown, even if you forget everything, just hearing your name, just your name, is enough to let that light in.

Flowers bloom everywhere and are born to death.

He Yiyi stood in place, calmly watching the black-clothed disciple turn the body over, slowly clenched the narrow knife at his waist, and waited for the final verdict.

In those touching eyes, there is a magnificent paranoia that can shock people's hearts.

No matter what Dao heart is clear, no matter how unrestrained, it is not comparable to the little junior brother who can always accompany Yiyi.

I don't regret it.

The little junior brother has always been Yiyi's biggest demons.



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